HomeMy WebLinkAbout912402 I _ ! j' /; ,0 L·r .<' ~' '.I;·¡'~ ~!i,¡t;,¡,;, j;; -.',' , ;,",,';" '!.: ~ ;.'<:':'. ;"','";':;. i~" _: ;::.:¡,'¡¡" r: ~ ".';",!.".O.',,!.¡' '.:." '-'_"~M' '''',,',''Jit.i';· ',".:..'_J\.:'~;:" '·-';i';":'''·~'. -"'c' .. '1'.'\,.' ! ~ ...,L. ",,,,,,,",',' .__~"..." " ',.-' . ~:00866 GRANT OF USE RESTRICTION KNOW ALL ME~'¡ BY THESE PRESENTS: . , I .A. THAT ROCKET FUELS, INC., the owner of the property described on the attached Exhibit A (the "Property"), which is incorporated herein by reference, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollar~ ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the purchase of the undersigned's business pursuant to an Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Assets of even date herewith (the "Purchase Agreement"), does hereby restrict the use of the Property (as described herein) for a period of ten (10) years trom the date hereof, and grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto HERITAGE OPERATING, L.P., a Delaware ---. limited partnership ("Heritage"), and to its successu.s and assigns, the right to restrict the use of the Property such that no use will be made of the PrJperty for the storage, sale or dispensing of liquefied petroleum gas, propane, butane, or simila.f petroleum products (the "Restriction"). This Restriction shall be in effect for a period often (10) years trom and after the date hereof. The undersigned agrees that the covenants contained in this document, relate to matters which are of special and unique character which give Heritage peculiar value impossible of replacement, and for the lack of which Heritage can.:lOt be reasonably or adequately compensated in damages. Heritage would not enter into the Pur phase Agreement except for the covenant of the undersigned as contained herein, and if any of the undersigned should breach this document, Heritage's damages will be difficult to determine, i[not impossible to determine. Therefore, the undersigned expressly agrees that, in addition to the right to recover damages, Heritage shall be ,.( entitled to injunctive, and/or equitable r~lief to prevent a breach hereof, and to secure the enforcement hereo;f. The undersigned acknowledge that the covenants contained in this document are reasonably necessary for the protection of Heritage's business acquired pursuant to the Purchase Agree!!lent. DATED this 15th day of September, 2005. RECEIVED 10/3/2005 at 11 :45 AM RECEIVING # 912402 BOOK: 599 PAGE: 866 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 296789 ~ii¡~~\'2__" ~~:~¡~:~;~:;,::'-;: ~; ~~ ~T@¡¡~~:¡a f.i.l,,1'~n.!¡f.J..¡t¡'.~\ ) . . -r.!~;'j;'c I';:, ",.<...,,~ "":"_'~ô-,-'¡':!,"'J:;"::;;¡:'''''];''''¡''':.'.~.' .~'- ,~_~,".""~_", ",.' '.',~. :-;·.'.·.:~',"'__J,i.-,__";f_'~_"'~"".~·' ~:-U",!,.,'."V>"...'.'.'.' , . ·'''''·''·''!''''~.~'ë.';!J.:W:-'' ~ '~-"..:~·;¡',ji_'_"~'i·_ ·"-·",_",,·.,·-.·,~-,,¡..,,..,L·,<"'" '.".1: ,'" ;~".'<''''<1'''''.I~·:o~;'':;·.''''",""i;:'';'.)-~~...~;:, " '''''C'''_''',' Or'. ,4;1. 9, ~02 ~ ¿He;,. '"1: ";00867 State of WYOMING ) ) :ss County of LINCOLN ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this 15th day of September, 2005, personally appeared ROMAN C. PIERNICK, to me known to be the identical person who subscribed the name of Rocket Fuels, Inc. to the foregoing instrument as its President, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and seal of office the day and year last above written. My co:;:. ission E'. xpires: 05/D9 I =(-~ 7~'k N a Pub!"c _-nn- nn... C .. N b . KAY LYNN PICERNO - NOTARY PUBlIC omrnrSStOn urn er COUNT'! OF STfi SUBLE.TTE 'NY MING o 296789 I' ~' '."''''I!~Ò:_'!;:' ..". "',·,·,',w.·,',.·. ..<. <-.' :"~.r-_ '-'^':'." ~,"'> ,."", ·":.·~'.:>"·_'¡;~J'I;'~¡''''''.;'''l''£!:~1!\·:....:r:..Jo)~_;;''''':':.:....r..:I"!"':i:.ò.. q._,I."I'" "".' .... I -. OC "r¡ "')·'40"'2> ..-.iJ~¡'..-.a.; _;. 00868 EXHIBIT A A parcel ofland within the SÉ1/4 SWll4 of Section 14, T26N, R113W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County~ Wyoming, and also being part of that particular parcel of land conveyed by warranty deed ITom P.S.F. Limited Liability Company to Dennis Hacklin and J. W. Haney as recorded in Book 398PR on page 276 on file in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office in Kemmerer, Wyoming, and being more particularly descried as follows: Commencing at the center _ comer of Section 14, T26N, Rl13W, 6th P.M., where is found a reddish stone approximately 19 inches longny 8 inches wide by 6-1/2 inches protruding ITom the ground with SS chiseled on the east face a.j an "X" chiseled on the top face; Thence S 0° 01 '00" W, along the north line of the SE1/4 SWll4 of said Section 14, a distance of 138.45 feet to a point, said point is at the centerline of Lincoln County Road 12-315 and is the point of beginning of this description; Thence continuing along the north line of sE1/4 SWII4 of said Section 14, a distance of 190.12 feet to a 1-1/2 inch aluminum cap stamped CCl PELS-574, with a punch mark near its center, said point being on the right of way line of Lincoln County Road 12-315; Thence S89° 54'27" W, continuing along the north line of the SE1/4 SW1/4, a distance of 487.69 feet to a rebar with an aluminum cap stamped CCl, PELS 5465; Thence S 0° 20'39" W, a distance of 326.89 feet.to appoint on the northerly right of way line of Lincoln County Road 12-315; Thence continuing S 0° 20'39" W, a distance of 60.43 feet to the centerline of Lincoln County Road 12-315; Thence N 56° 12'31" E, along centerline of Lincoln County Road 12-315, a distance of 698.10 feet to the point of beginning. 296789