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That the undersigned DICK R. LUTHI and REBA S. LUTHI, HUSBAND AND WIFE, for
valuable consideratiòn, does hereby declare and create an easement for roadway, construction of a bridge,
ingress, egress and utility purposes, over, above, below and across certain real property located in the
County of Lincoln , State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows:
See attached Luthi-Schenk Easement with Luthi Deed recorded in Book 88PR, on Page l13, with
the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, ~nd made a part hereof.
The undersigned further declares that said easement is created for the benefit of all present and
future owners of certain real property, or any portion thereof, in perpetuity, with said parcels being more
particularly described as follows, to wit:
See attached Brog to Schenk Family Deed (BkS07PR pg 887), and Luthi to C. Leroy Schenk Deed
(Bk507PR pg891), and Brog to C. Leroy Schenk Deed (Bk507PR pg889), and Brog to Eileen
Schenk Deed (Bk508PR pg 177), and Eggleston to C. Leroy and Eileen Schenk Deed (Bk508PR pg
744) and made a part hereof.
/' /
This easement is intended to be a covenant running with the land and shall inure to the use, benefit
and enjoyment of each owner of any portion of said real estate. There shall be no obligation on the part of
the Grantor to assume any responsibility or cost for the construction, maintenance or repair of any roadway
or utility installation or construction.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed on this
/ day of
, 2004.
Æ «<:.1' ,10 Jf:~-d;
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I. . S.
On this day personally appeared before me DlC~LUTHI and REB~LUTHI, HUSBAND AND
WIFE, to me know to be the individuals described in and who executed this within and foregoing
instrument, and acknowledged that each signed the same as their 1Ì'ee and voluntary act and deed, for the
uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument.
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NþT AR Y. Pl!BLlC .for the State of Wyoming.
My commIssIon expIres: /) ~ J L;/-¡Y;:;':J
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~~ECEIVED 10/4/2005 at 12:18 PM
RECEIVING # 912475
BOOK: 600 PAGE: 247
10/25/2004 12:20 PM FROM: 3078834194 Lloyd B. Baker _A~~ociate~ TO: 883-2194 PAGE: a02 OF 002
~~~~r I OO~48
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Description: Luthi - Schenk Easement
A portion of the Luthi property, as referred to
in the Deed recorded In Book 88PR, on Page 113,
with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County,
Wyoming, within the SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 22,
T3SN, Rl19W, ofthe 6th P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, being 20 feet on both sides of the (ollowing
describeâ Center line:
BËGINNING at a Point in the North line of the
NW1/4NW1/4 of Section 27, of said T3SN, R119W,
said Point of Beginning, being 416.80 feet S89°24'4S"E,
along said North line from the ß.L.M. type Monument
Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1967 location for the
Northwest Comer of said Section 27;
thence N6003S'1S"E, 23.92 feet to the beginning
of a 60.00 feet Radius Curve to the Right;
thence Northeasterly, along said Curve through
a central angle of 30°, an arc length of 31.42
feet, and a cnord of N7 S03S'1S"C31.06 feet;
thence S89°24'4S"E, pa,rallfJI with said North line,
67 .18± feet to a point irrthe West line of the
Schenk property, as referred 10 in the Deed recorded
in Book S07PR, on Page 891, with said Office.
BLM type Monument found
Section Corner found
o 30' Luthi - Schenk Easement CL
N 9°24'45"W 1309.06'
~ 113.12'
10 0
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. OCT. 19.2004:'. 8: 54At1 LINCOLN CO CLERK ',T':
NO.641 ··P.6
State of W-¡o~"'j
County of Lt¡"'L~11I\.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and
for said County and State, by Fred D. Brag and Annie C. Brag, husband and
wife. this -LL. day of Ð~~ . 2002. .
Witness my hand and official se~L
My Commission Expires: lOr '¿'flot(
ft" 4_4L
¡ Notary Public
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OCT. 19.2004 8:53AM LINCOLN CO CLER~
~OOK 507pRPAOE ~B 1 886470
Warranty De&d
LI"r¡;",O' ~,No.641¡:1J P.3
11 ... J ¡,lp,U··'T,¡, {'L::"~I'
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Fred D. Brog and Ar.r¡fe C. Brog
Husband and Wife
Grantors, for and In consjderaUon of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other Good
and Valuable ConsideratIons In hand paid. receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT lG~
Schenk Family Limlt~d r;ßrtnershrp
Grantee, whose mailing address is 1529N. Si^'eetwater Lane, Farmington, UT
84025, the fo!1owlng described real estate sitl~ê.te in Uncoln County and State of
Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving alf rights under and by virtue of the
homestead exemption laws of the State to-wit:
A portion oithe North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N112 NE ~) of Section 28 and the
Northwest Quarter ofllie Northwest Quarter (NWl/4NWi/4) of Section 27, Township 35
North, Range] 19 West. 6l/¡ P.M., located North of Freedom, Lincoln County, Wyoming
and being mOre ;ì3tticularly described as follows:
Beginning at a Brass Cap monument marking the COmmon comer of Sections 21, 22, 27
and 28. Township 35 North, Range 119 West, 6tb P.M. and running approximately North
89°48'24" East, along the North line of said Section 27, 538.88 feet to the approx:hnate
center line of Salt River¡ thence Southerly, along the approximate center line of Salt
River the following courses and distances: South 9°07' IS" West 113.40 feet, South
20°43'28" Ellst 17l.S I feet, South 2°52'37" West 87.22 feet, South 71°57'55" West
J86.00 feet, South 67°17'47" Wesr 186.76 feet and South IlD57'43" West 185.27 feeti
thence,leaving said ~alt River, running North 89°51 '28" West 187.42 feet to an iron pipe
set; thence c(ontinuín~ North 89'51'28" West 2510.26 feet, more or less, to an iron pipe
set; thence N 0°00'24" West 321.14 feet to the Easterly prolongation of the South line of
Grant Clark Court, County R¿ad No. 12-184; thence West, along said Easterly
prolongation, 62.12 feet to a point in the Easterly end of the Cul-De-Sac of said Road;
thence North 78G27'47" West 50 feet to the center of said Cul~Dc-Sao; thence North
50.00 feet to the North tangent point of said Road; thence East, ~gent to said CuI-De.
Sac and along the Easterly prolongation of the North line of said road, 121.76 feet; thence
North 10°04'28" Eåst 74.57 feet; thence North 89°~4'S3" East 353.39 feet; thence North
0042'SI" West 202.15 feet, more or less. tq the North line of said Section 28; thence
North 89°59'07" East along last said North line, 2133.50 feet, more or Jess. to the point
Together with all buiJdìngs, improvements and appurtenances thereon sitw¡te or in
anywise ap~ertainjng theceto.
Subject to any easements, reservations, restrictions or right-of-ways of record, of sight or
in usa.
, QCT.19',20Ø4' 8'53AM
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(see additional page for acknowledgment)
State of _ W"'ð\o\()~
Counl;y ~f /...tl\Le(..
The foret\,~!ng Instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and
for said County and S~te. by Fred D. Brag and Annie C. Brag, husband and
wife. this -LL day of ~Lcr . 2002.
Witness my hand and official seal.
- r d ..I1i-
Notary Public
My Commission Expires: 10 fi..JzðÞ4
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BOO1L---,.....PR PAOE
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8861.;07 I
Warranty Dead
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Fred D. Brog and Annie C. Brag
Husband and Wife
Grantors, for and In consideration of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other Good
and Valuable Considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO:
C. Leroy Schenk
A married man
Grantee. whose mailing address is 1529 N. Sweetwater Lane, Farmington, UT
84025, the following described real estate 6ftuate In Lincoln County and State of
Wyoming. hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the
homestead exemption laws of the State tooWi't:
Beginning í\t a point 80 rods Weat of the N ortheest Comer of the Northeast Quarter of the
Northwest ¡Quarter (NEl/4NW1I4) of Section 21, Township 35 North, lUnge 119 West
of the 6111 P.M., Wyoming and running thence SmtJ1231 feet, thence West approximately
754 feet to the now existing centerline of the Salt River, thence northeaster)y along the
now existi!ig centerline of the Salt River approximately 231 feet to the north line of said
Section 27, thence East 754 feet to the point of beginning
Together with a nonexclusive, perpetual easement for ingress and egress ftom U.S.
Highway 89 to the above described lands in favol- of said grantee, their heirs, successors
and assigns in interest, fifty (SO) feet in width. described as follows:
The north 5.fty feet of the SEl/4NE1I4; the North fifty feet of the SW1I4NE1I4;
begiDning at the Northeast corner of the SE1J4NWl/4, thence west fifty feet, thence
south 50 feet, thence east 50 feet, thence north 50 feet; the east fifty feet and the north
fifty feet Qfthe SI/2NEIJ4NWl/4; and the east fifty feet of the NlI2NW1/4NWl/4, all in
Section 27, Township 35 North, Range 119 West of the 6111 P.M., Lincoln County,
Together with all buildings, improvements and appUrtenances thereon situate or in
anywise appertaining theret'o.
Subject to any ¢asements, reservations, restrictions or right-of-ways of record, of sight or
in use.
WITNESS our hand this ~ day of _~A~ ~~, 2002.
k..L .f2 ~
F . 'Og
~;.,j!. A~~
Annie C. Sr:
(see additional page for acknowledgment)
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OCT. 19.2004 8:54~1
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NO. 641
- 00253
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8 8 c c; ~ 0 __..I ,02 ~f.C 26 AN g! 3 G
flclr ri. !'rug ~... Annllì Co, Drall
Husband BndWlt.l dEANNF. WAGNER
..: ·.~.~";,r::rì;':l'i. ':;ï;'J\JI;l~~
Grantors, (orand in coOllldaraUon of TEN ($10.00) DolLARS and other Good
IIIIcI V~luabli Con.ldal1iltlana In hInd paId, I8eðlpt Vl'lIerflOf 1& t'lwøþy
acllnoWledgld, CONVEY AND WARRANT to,
FiIMn 8tharll:
A ITlamed WO/'N n
. .' J
Gmntee, whale mailing addreu i$1.S29N. SWfetwðter L'lne, FalYnington. UT
84025, the following deacribBd real e.l;!¡e 511uala in Uncoln Counl)l and Slate of
Wyoming, /'Iereby r.'lIlIalng I!IOO waiving. all rights under end by virtue of !he
homestead IIJ(Dmp~Dn I~& of the; State 1Q-wk:
SC1,'¡lIlIior at. point 1~20.feet weatl'fthc Nortbea" COl'J1lll'of'lIIc Nort/¡wlOlrt Q..m.r of
Sacl/(ln 27, TownslUp 3' :!\In, R&n¡)t 119 Wè;t of IJ1t 61ft P.M., W)'OmIn¡¡ and tuMin8
thctîI:" South 231 feet It! the point ofbesinnilJS; tII~1!t. runn;n¡¡ Sciuth 4:19 fed; tltenœ
nlMilla NØ9·42'U"'W ! 133.66 I'tet 10 1M aillin!: C"ntcr line ~f Slit Ri'lCr, Ihc~c:e
NJ J"S7'4)ß Bas1tlS.27 feet.¡ Ù\~ runnina: N67"1"47"S 1116.76 fm¡ :;blllcC iU!1IIiIIJ¡
N71°57'5S"£ tillS fcae: tbcnøc runninll N1'S2'J'r'E 87~ fM; IhIllC/t 11I2!ning
N20"43'2S·'W,26.94 feet; th!lllee tIIImin, EI5! 7SI.2S feer to the poinr orbrsinnioll
Teptller wlrlt I JIOI1C>1:ch~jYc, p.trpctuaJ &l$c:ment ~ in¡r1:l4 and ear~' ~ U.S.
HiahwlY 119 to the above dl:$C11'bc:d Ilndllln favor of ~ùd ¡BillIe. Ih'¡r hCi", aUçÇ~n~
alld usi!l1' ill ¡"t!mt, fifty (SO) feet in width, dcsa'ibcd *" fo/IO\v1l:
T~G north fifty fed of the ::IF.1/4NF.1/4; tho North fifty fest of the SWI/4NF.1I4;
be~l)lljnB al Ihe NOI1hcut œma- elf 1M 8E1/4NW1/4, theoCII W~ tifr). &cr, &.c1ICe
.0IIIIt ~O feet, Ihenu out SO feet, !hence IIOlÙI .5ð f'a:t; the cast tifcy ft« and !he nonh
11ft)' feel ofrholStI2NEII4NW!14; an<! 1IIe_1 lift)' kr.ofthe NI/2NW1l4NWI/4, ~11 io
Sec:~1III Z7. TOWI'Iðt¡ip 3~ North, RiIlJ:C II ~ West of the 6'" Þ.M.. Linco]n Cou:uy,
T~ther wIth all bul1dÏIIp. illlfllt>WIIOQþ and 'lII'(rtcn&tu:~ ¡henan siiJ.\W: 1)1 in
8II)'WiJC appenaininS Ih.:rcto.
Subject t~ any easømenra,l'I!ia1Iation.. r$lrictions or rigl¡t.of-WIIW ofrocord. rrf s/snt Of
io 111e.
WI~SS OUr hand this..2.!¿ day Of~...200'J..
(see Iddlijanal p.U- for Icbulwl"dflrnant)
OCT. 19.2004 8:54AM
NO. 541
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Stateof~ )
, )118.
County 0 ) 1 ? 8
Th!I foreg(]/~ Instrur'n8r1t waa acknowtedged ba!'ore me, a note/'y public in IInd
for raid Cg,u9'¥ and ~e. by FI'Bd D. Brog at>d Annie C. Brog, hl¡boind ¡¡nd
Wife. thi~d.y at 4h.U~2002. ,
Witness ITIY hand end offlcbll Seal. ~;J{j¡l
COUt4TYOP . STATE or ~~_ . ~
U'/CQUj WYOMIt40 Nota'Y Public
My CommJsslon Expires: ~.t"..I /..:15.;:';416
'OCT.2Ø.Z0Ø4 1. B:18~~ l..INCOLN N) CLERK
. ~~~.,...¿4ttPAOØ_ ~ t'l r h12
:.-' (J IJ ['j .
õSJji~¿:4 75 Warranty Deed
Dick R. LuthI anå Reba S. Luthi
Husband and Wife
Grantors, for and In consideration of TEN ($10.00) DOLLA.RS and ather Good
and Valuable Consld~ratlons In hand paid, receipt wtlereof is hereby
acl<nowledged,.CONVEY ~ND WARRANT TO:
uct:. c:;:) u"t U.:J:u~p
c. Leroy Schenk
A married man
f'KJ. 66~ P. 2
02 n:-::' ;~'I ~ ! f}
,J;/'::EI;.:':' .'. ,:;.:~.:Í':
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Grantee, whose mailing address Is 1529 N. SWeetwa~r Lane, Farmington, UT
84025. the following described real estate situate In Linooln County and StatB of
wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all I1gh1s under and by virtue of the
homestead exemption .Iaws of the State to·wJt:
Beginning at the Southeast Comer pi the Southwest Quarter Ö~ the Southwest Quarter
(SWI/4SWlf4) of Sec\irol 22. Tovroship 35 North, Rmge 11.9 West. of the 6111 P.M.,
Wyoming; thence nmnÚlg ß.S.9D4~'49"W. 779.15 feet to a point being located in. the
center of the noW existing Salt River¡ thence -~hcastcr1J a10ng 'the nOW existing
ccnterHne of the Salt JUver the following co\U'$es: )H3° 17'14"'E 71.52 feet, thence
N4603!'20"E 143.55 feet., thence N55D30'OS"E 636.42 feet, thence N3so49'l6"E 217.&1
feet; thence running Soo12'22"W 696.23 feet to the point ofbegi.tínin.g
Together with aU buildings, improvements and s.ppurtenances thereon situr.te or in
an)'\óise Ilpperìaining thereto.
Rese.rvïng unto said grantors, their heirs 8I1d furore purclulieJ'S, fOreYer, accW of said
premises to the extent of maintaining Stnlctures of their irrig9tion water diversion, i.e.;
diversion roilY be roai~tained by using tractors, logs. rocks or as scen fit by grantors.
Subject to any ease¡nents. reservations, restrictions or right-of-ways ofrecord, of sight or
in use.
WITNESS cur hand this l!J.-day of ,/Ì/ A!V. , 2~a2.
;" ~ ~ f!. (; ~~J_.
~ . 25í~~Luthi
RÐba S. Luthi
state of W\(O~
County of UILlO('"
The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public In and
for said Co~nty and State, bV DIe( R. Luthi and Reba S. Luthi, husband and wife,
this ..J1- day of ~øa- I 2002.
Witness my hand and official seal.
. t
. ,
JAßfÐ 8.GL .
My Commission ExpIres: [ () l"l..!f(o~
-(ffll.J Lift-
Notary Public
p. .1
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"), OI~55
{) <iC:¡4' ,r~; (],7 C;
U'-'.......HU... ....., ~Eileen Sc}¡enk
OCT. 19.21304.::.1 8:55Arl'~IN~OLN co CLERK::r~løstC'n
do._ hereby ReM'Se, RELEASE, and FOREVER QUITCLAIM to
NO. 541 P.9
c: 0025 6
C~ ~erov Schen~ anð
the lollowing described re(ll þroperty in the State of Wyoming, COLlnty of Lincoln:
The Nort~ tifty feet and the East fifty feet of the Sl/2NEl/4NW1/4
of section 27, Township 35N, Range 119 West, 6th P.M. County of
Lincoln, State of Wyoming.
The propç~ty runs 1327 feet plus or'minus from east, tOwest, and
is 5D faat wide, totalling 1.52 acres plus or minus.
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Togeth.r wIth all and' .fRglllerr the t.n'lI'I.nll, her.dllament. and appurtellllllQM th.,.ullta "fOlIOing or In a"y wI..
appenalnl".. ~ ~
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