HomeMy WebLinkAbout912529 C¡00448 When Recorded, Mail to: Bank of Star Valley J>() Box 8007 Anon, WY 83110 ¡ t I ¡ ¡ í RECEIVED 10/6/2005 at 10:20 AM RECeiVING # 912529 BOOK: ~oo PAGE: 448 !JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN C1UNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY I ; Attn.: SfIIl'l'ING DEl'T./DOC. CONTnOL Onler No.: II)'''. ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGApE Fon V ALDABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is h¥eby acknowledged, BANK OF STAR VALLEY, hereby assigns to ¡ ACADEMY MORTGAGE CORJ)ORAIrION f. that certain Mortgage, together with the indebtedness secured thereby, whicl~ Mortgage is dated September 20, 2005 , was executed by Brent A. Clawson and Melinda J. Clawson, husband and wife as mortgagors, to The Bank of Star Valley ,as mortgagee, was recordec( on October 3, 2005 , in Book, 600 at Pagel 79 , Instrument Number 9] 2448 ,situated in said courtty described as follows: ~-- --- ¡ SEE A TTACJTED EXHIBIT "A"! , r f I j , ì t VICE PRESIDENT II \ J' \~I Dated __ October!:L1Q~_. STA TE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ¡ On __.~ day of October, 2005 _, personally' appeared befqre me Lance P. Robinson who being by me duly sworn, did say that _.he_ is the Vice President, of THE BAlNK OF STAn VALl.r~Y, and that the foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority qf a resolution of its Board of Directors, and said Vice J)resident acknowledged to me that said corporation execut~d II\(: same., , 0 ~4:" " '7fm£ll~_.__ Notary fublic U~--~ , My Commission Expires: .d-::l~CLll R,'¡ding n' cÂ'~lût1,-vv~ MINDY l.YM N !county of ! Lincoln I MyfcornrniSsion Expires ",' usaassn ;' / EXHIBIT "A" J " (-<")o <) "~1' 'i/....j" ''':1, ",> ',," "'-t J ( ..._.J..¡f--~""" "00449 The land referred to in tJIis commÎtmeo.t is sitllated in the Stare of Wyomjog, County of Lincoln, and Is described a.s foHows; A portion of the E;.m~ of Section 4, T31N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming bein~ more particularly described as fol.lows: BEGINNING at a point in 51~~24 feet S 89°37'21" said Séction 4; thence N 0°56' E, 1686.67 feet thence N 09°37/21" EI 236.Î4 feet; thenoe S 0°56' W, 473.12 feet; thence N 89°37'21" E, 251.26 feet; thence S 0°56' W, 1213.55 feet to a point in said South thence S 89°21' W, 488 feet to the POIN'l' OF BEGINNING. the South line of the NE~SE~, saJ.d point being W, from the Southeast corner of the NE,.,SE?{ of line; r'n....'''n:.~~M.... p,.._'._ ,I.. . Limd TJlle CorjJpr~-c~~ Underwriter· COIL..,,,.. ..c....n Land Title Insurance Company 1',