HomeMy WebLinkAbout912531 '··'()n4~ -i ~.~; -.J tJ _ "J J. WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that HOWARD McKIM and MARTHA McKIM, husband and wife, tenants by the entireties, of P,O. Box 277, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, Grantors, for and in consideration ofTEN DOLLAR.S ($10.00) and other good c G\ and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEY AND WARRANT unto PRESTON LANDS,LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company, of 5963 South 101a Way, Englewood, Colorado 80111, Grantee, and Üs successors and assigns, the following described propeliy situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: .3 L¡ That land identifïed as Parcel No, 3 in the Warranty Deed that was filed in the \ 1 land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, on November 23, 2004, in Book 573 at Pages 7J 329 and 330 as Receiving No. 904769, more particularly described as follows: ~ 0::: W ~ 0::: « w -.;t ...... ~ N 'I"'"~O::: ~ 0 w W M..Z ~ cu Ll)w(') ~ N(')« L[) "'-«$ 0::: 0 m(L W 0 -1 N W --- :ti: 0 (!) z --- (') z ç 0 z 0« z 0> oW :J WW (þ' 0 >0 ~ 0 -w 0 z Wo::: Ü 0 -1 m 0 W 0 ~ z :J Parcel No, 3 Beginning at a point which is approximately 114 rods 11 feet West and 73 rods 5 feet North of the East One-Quarter corner of Section 23, Township 34 North, Range 119 West, of the 6th P.M" Wyoming, said beginning point being the Southeast Corner of the Howard V, McKim tract (deed recorded October I, 1956, in Book 18 PR at Page 431), and running thence South approximately 66 feet to the North boundary of land owned by the Lincoln County School District No, 2 (deed recorded February 19, 1962, in Book 53 PR at Page 175, Recording No, 366614), thence West, along said North boundary, approximately 8 rods 1 foot to the Northwest Corner of said School District No, 2 property, thence North approximately 66 feet to the South boundary of the said FIoward V. McKim property, thence East approximately 8 rods I foot to the point of beginning. Excepting and reserving unto the Grantors of that cleed recorded Novernber 12, 1980 in Book 170 PR at Page 174, Recording No, 548404, between Jim W. Stoker and Julie N, Stoker, Grantors, and Howard V, McKinl and Martha V, McKim, Grantees, and their heirs, successors and assigns, a right-of- WARRANTY DEED MeKIM ET UX. TO PRESTON LANDS, LLC PAGE I OF2 ~-.-..------.-....,,~- {)' <t'i1 ·,.H.·- "î1, '~ ..JJL"'",-..j\...)..t;, {ì(14r::::q ,j,,} dt::.. way easement over, across and along the existing roadway through the above- described tract, 12 1/2 feet each side of the centerline of said roadway, for ingress and egress by Grantors, and their heirs, successors and assigns, ÍÌ"om the city street to contiguous property on the East owned by the Grantors, said right-of way to be shared with the Grantees, and their heirs, successors and assigns. Together with all and singular the improvements thereon or thereunto appertaining, Hereby releasing and wai ving any and all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, WITNESS our hands this -i- day of October, 2005. ~~ófr¡~ H 'ARD McKIM ( íJV1/L/ '/J1µXl) [~{J- ~, MA1{':ITIA McKIM STATE OF \VYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by HOWARD McKIM and MARTHA McKIM this' 4-fh day of October, 2005. WITNESS may hand and official seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES· NOTARY PUBLIC C~unty of ¡ftf."\, State of LIncoln ',. , . . Wyoming My CommiS$ion"'i·1i8S July 16,2007 )/~d NOTfRY PUßIift My Commission expires: ~/!. (, /ù 7 WARRANTY DEED McKIM ETUX. TO PRESTON LANDS, LLC PAGE20F2 I I ) U::->ddS.sl1