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Affidavit Of Survivor Trustee
I, Gary 0, Hokanson, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to
law, upon my oath. depose and state:
That under the date June 10, 2002. Gary 0, Hokanson and Carole W,
Hokanson. by deed of that date. which deed was duly filed of record in the Office
of the Lincoln County Clerk, on June 13, 2002. in Book 491 of Photostatic
Records on Page 718, conveyed to Gary 0, Hokanson and Carole W, Hokanson,
Trustee, under the Gary 0, Hokanson and Carole W. Hokanson Joint Living
Trust. dated June 10, 2002, the following described property situate in Lincoln
County, Wyoming. to-wit:
Lot 95in Star Valley Ranch Plat 18. Lincoln County. Wyoming as described on
the official plat thereof
That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid. Gary 0, Hokanson and
Carole W, Hokanson. Trustee, under the Gary 0, Hokanson and Carole W.
Hokanson Joint Living Trust, dated June 10, 2002. became the owner of the
above described land, and title thereto vested continuously in the trustees from
the date of conveyance described in said deed to the date of death of Carole W.
Hokanson. on the 30th day of January. 2004. That by reason of and upon the
death of Carole W. Hokanson and pursuant to terms of the trust, title to the
above described real property vested absolutely in Gary 0. Hokanson, as
Affiant avers and certifies that Carole W, Hokanson, also known as Carole
Ann W, Hokanson, is the identical party named in the aforementioned deed
whose death terminated her interest, title and estate in said real property; and
Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit. a copy of the Official
Certificate of Death of said decedent. duly certified by the public authority in
which said death certificate is a matter of record,
Dated this ""3 Ó day of -::: (¿fJi
14 RECEIVED 10/6/2005 at 2:47 PM
RECEIVING # 912542
BOOK: 600 PAGE: 463
State of W (/ D J'n't V) q_)
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County of Lt~.r ,0 \ I\. )
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/ Gary O. Hokanson ~.
Subscribed and sworn to before me. a notary public in and for said. County
and State. by Gary 0. Hokanson, this 3 n day of c5e_~\-en(11){J r . 2005.
WITNESS my h'and and official seal.
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LIncoln county
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