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HomeMy WebLinkAbout912563 .......-.....-........-.--.---' 09/21/2005 15.05 FAX 307 885 5787 LOWEH VALLEI' ENEHGY ~003 MEMBER # 1310685 WORK ORDER 1161756 SEC17,T37N,RI18W (i 0, n r:" ~ lJ ,-) 8 DlSTIlDJUnON ILASEMILNT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PIŒSENT: Thallhe 1I11<Iersigned, WJW HOLDINGS, LLLP, a NUTth D:lkota limited liability limited "arlllc.shil', \Villlarn J. \Vielllnnll, l'n,sidcnt, :("Granlor") for a good and vaJuabJc consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do herehy grant, convey and walTant unto Lower Valley Energy, a Cooperative Corporation, of Afton and Jack$oni Wymning and to its successors and assigns, ("Grantees"), a perpefml easement and right of way fnr ;Ihe eonstl1Jction and continued maintenance, repair, alteration an:l replacement of Ihe electric distribution circuits, lines and equipment of the Granlee to be consfrlleted an:J mainlained linder, upon and across the premiscs of Grantor in LIncoln Counly, Statc of \VY0Il)iJlg, along a line described as foJ]ows, to wit: BEING a portion of lols 89 & 90 !uf Alpinc Village Number I, PIal 3 Amended Fifth Filing, Section I", TJ7N, R 118W, in Lincoll! County ,Wyoming morc particularly described as follows: COl\IMENCrNG al a point being the SW comcr of said lot 90; thence N 18° E, 350 feet; U1ence N 31° 1\, 100 fcet; Ihcnce N 61 "E, 224 feet; .Ihence S 46°E, 32 feel to [rue point of beginmng. 'Il1encc N S8" E, 66 feet; thence S 52° E, 46 feet to a Inlrlsfonner location. EASI~MENT to include 10 feet on each side of described line, together with all necessary and reasonable rights of ingress and egress and to excavale and refill ditches and h'cnehes for the location and repair of said faeilil ¡C6 and to cut, trim, spray herbicides, or remove trees, shrubbery, undergrowth or other obstmetiOls interfering with Ihe repair and maintenance of the facilities. . (', \' WITNESS the Hand of the Grantor, this lltz. day of ~'F-~ W~"~~'rl~_ ~ William J. cn;;;'J;¡/l'res dent ~ a: w :2 a: « w r- eo :2 C0 ..- a: :2 0 M II) W W <D wZ '::s::: êïJ Ii) N (j(j '::s::: lfl r- «« a: 0 C]) fl.:; W 0 01 W ....J ¡:::: : :j; Z 0 -- (j Z ~ 0 Z « 0 w Z 0 > 0 J ::J W W <.0 0 > 0 ~ 0 W 0 w a: Z Ü 0 ....J Q) 0 W 0 c:r Z ....J The Grantor acknowledges that Electric and Magnetic Fields (EM1') are nat11rally occulling in Ü e transmission or distribution of elee:lJ-icily, and that the Grantee has here notified Grantor that EMF test1lJg and information is available upon: request from the Gnmtee, This Easement by Granlor is inTendcd 10 1IIclude so much space as is neccssaty or approprinle 10 the presence of EM}' and reasonahle operation Iff thc Grantee's distribution lines. . 7 ~ '-.... Grantor agrces that all polcs, wires and olher facilities, installed on or under the described lands shall remain the property of the Grantee removable in the sole discretion of the Grantee at the Grantee's ex:pens~. The rights, conditions Bnd provisions of this easement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon l1\e paTties, their heirs, executors, administrat.ors, suecessors and assigns. Grantor shall compensale Grantee fm any damages to Grantee's facilities caused by Chantor, including payment of CTranlee's attorney fees if action is undertaken by Grantee to, enforce Ihe commitments described in this easement. Grantor reserv"s the right to improve, occupy and \Jse this easement for all purposes not inconsistent with the easement gralt. Each party shall have the remedy of speci.flc performance regarding this easement. The righls aul obligations described in this easement shall run wiU) the land. 'Illis easement is not exclusive, and Grant"r relains all rights not speeitically granted by this easement. 'Illis is the entire agreement of the parti,~s regarding this easement, except as may be set forlh in writing after thc dale of ti,is easemcnt and signed hy the parties. Grantor hereby releases and waIves all rights by vÌJiue of the Homestead Exemption Laws ,)f Wyoming. STATE OF (J.J¡jó'~'~") COUNTY OF l ì~c. . \ "'- 11,e foregoing instrument was acknowlcdgcd before me by IA.J ~ \ \ t ~ ""- =s.~ Vv ~-L~-0~ Aflinning proper authority as President of W JW Holdings, ILLI' a North Dakota limited liability limib:d partnership this ~?::~þ +1..... _ day of"S-~~b"L-_' 20 i!Y (SeaJ) ]'lless n 'Y hand and OffiC¡L'aJ ea1, ~ ,I C.., _ ~"- -,..~- ' ----- Notary Public SETH C. JE~PUBlIC COUNTY OF ~ STATE OF LINCOLN ~ WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 17 2009 My commission expilCs: ~1\llêOOI