HomeMy WebLinkAbout912597 'fl£ <I\.", "~J :~ ':-"'''.1Iï g~ í'!. Ai t'lj a ¡.':: 0 -g U .c IJ) . (.:IJ 7jþ .,., .~. i.,j .....' b-'B r::; "'¡'..I! ~i; '1 j1¡¡." ~' c.~ , =) ~ , r" J' .f.) ...-.~ iI.~'·tj t'¡ ~. ¡i.'. 'f6<1:f\ ::"1 ~" ..... (:~ i/¡;' ~~}~ ø uP;: ~;::~ Ai H ) -¡ 'J CUI" ,~ U00561 e::)D- RECEIVED 10/7/2005 at 4:13 PM RECEIVING # 912597 BOOK: 600 PAGE: 561 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY MORTGAGE Bradley 1. Lowder and Sally F. Lowder, Husband <\rid Wife, eoJlectivcly referred to as "Mortgagor," to Secure the payment of1'wenty five Thousand Six Hundred DoHars ($25,600.00), with il1teres~ e;vÎden(:cd by a Promissory NOte; (hereinafter thc "Note") of eVèn date herewith, and all other ~mounts due thereuf\der and all extensions and renewals thereof, when and as the same. shall become due and paYllblt: h¡;reby mort¡pges and warrants to Kcnneth Eugene Neal, Trusree of thc Kenneth Eugene. Ncal Rcvoeable Tl\Ist dated September 30, 1996 and Rita Mae Neal, TruStcc ofthe Rira Mite Ncal Revocable Trust dated September 30, 1996, co1leclivcly referred to itS "Mortgagee" and Mortgagee's SUece;ssors and a$sigmi, the real estate in Lincoln County, Wyoming described as: Lot 74 of Star Val1ey Ranch Plat 17, Uncoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thetcof Together with all wells, buildings, Structures, Împrovements, fixtures, ¡ nd articles of personal proporty affixed to or used in connection with the real estate, to all of which Mortgagor reprcsents that they have title free and from any prior liens or encumbrances (all of the above bc:ing colJe:c¡jvely referred to as the "Premises"). THE MORTGAGOR HEREBY COVENANTS AND AGREES WITH THE MORTGAGEE AS J<'OLLOWS: I. This Mortgage is ~ivcn to secure p¡¡ymcnt and the Mortgagor promises to pay to Ìvlortg¡¡gcc the amount of Twen(y Fivc Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($25,600.00), with interest, evidenced by a PromissoryNOtc of even date herewiU1, and all o(ht[ IIITlOunts due thereunder and all eXtel1Sionsllnd renewals [hertof, when and as the Same shall becomc due a!'ld payablc. Each such payment shall be appJíed first to the payment of interest and any bataoce remaining after the payment of interest shall be applied to the reduction of the unpaid principal balance. 2. Time is of the essence and if any amoUnt shall not have; been paid when due as provided in this Note, the entire indebtedness may become due: and payable at once at the option of the holder and without notice, and thereafter the unp¡¡id principal shall bear interest at tbe rute of fifteen percent (] 5%) pèr annllm; failure to exercise thi$ option howsoever often shall nOT constitute a waiver of the righl ro exercise: it thereafter. If any other eV¢l1t of defauJt $h~1I occur liS provided in the Notc or this Mortgage, and jf Mortgagor after receiving written notice from Mortga~ce dero¡¡nding cure of SlIeh default fails to cure tl1è Same within J 0 days after such notice, the; entire indebtedncsB mllY become due ¡\lid payable at OnCe; at the opríoo of (he Mortgagee and whhollt notice, and thereafter the unpaid principal shall bear interest at the rate of fifteen perce,nt (15%) per annum; faiJutcto exercise (his option howsoev(;r often shall not constitute II waiver of the right to exercise it thereafter. 3. Mortga.gor wiJl pay (he indebtedness hereby secured promprly and in full complia¡\ce with the terms of said Note and this Mortgage. The time of paymmt of said indebtedness, or any portion thereof, may be extended or renewed, and any portions of dIe premises he.rein. described may, without noticc, be released from the lien hereof, without releasing or affecting rhe liability for the payment of said indebtedncss then remaining unpaid. No change in the ownenhip of said premises shl\ll release, reduce or otherwise affect ~ny sllch liability for the lien hereby created. It is further ¡¡,grecd that the taking of additional security of Ilny nat~)rc shall not impair Or rel~ase thiE Mo.tgagcj and as a further sccurity this Mortgage shall become; duc and payable in fu1l at the optiotì of the Mortgagee if th~ Mortgagor, or Mortgagor's legal representatives, successors or ûssigns shall eoovey the mortgaged property or if legal or equitable title [hereto shall become vested in any other p~rson or personS in any manner whatsoever excepting those conveyances approved in writing by Mortgagee. The ácceptanÅ“ of any payment on the Note by the Mortgagee shall Mortgage Page I of 5 ?1/¡qÇ, )) Ç! ) (/1(" nì ::n I r I I ~~(y)f-j I nnc:: Þ~:~T ~~(/17-(/1~-~lH ,', « 'rl ", [-. 'l1: '~'J \Ij::J: " :'~;;J; J " ;: ì r' r:: f~ I~) :" () ,) ,,) ,) ¡:", nor ccmgrirote a waiver of this option, and consent to "ny onc such COnVcyunt:c shall nor consrirute consent to any substqu~'1Jt conveyan~ or a waiver of this option. 4. Mortgagor shall pay OJ' cause to be paid all tnxes and asse5~lìient!J levied or assessed againsr the premises, and shall comply wîth all recordation alld other laws affecting the security of this Mortgage at the expMSt of Mortgagor. 5. Mort&agorwill keep the premiscs free and clear of all other liens and encumbrances which may bc or become sup.::rior to the lien created hereby. 6. r...fortgagorwîH not commit or permit waste on the prtmises and will kecp and maimâin the premises in good repair. 7. Mortgagor will pay aU eXpenses and att.omey's fees incum;d by the Mortgagee, SllCCeSSOrs or assigns, for the protection oCthe licn of this MOrtgage OJ' tor rhe collection of any amount due on the illstrumem which this Mortgage secures or for thc preservation of ¡he premises mortgaged. 6, Mortgagor wiI1 comply promptly, at the expense of the Mortgagor, with all laws, Stàtutes, ordinances and regulations affecting the premises io any manner whatsoever. 9. MortgagorwiIJ pay to or cause to b~ paid directly to th.; Mortgagee, for application upon rhe indebtedness secured hereby. the full amount of any award or compensation for the taking or damaging by condemnation proceedings under the power of emÎnent domain of an or any part of the mortgaged premises. ] 0, In case of the fatJure of the Mortgagor to do so, the Mortg¡¡gce may makè ¡my payment Or perform any .covenant herein to be made or performed by the Mortgagor, and any payment so made or expense incurred in connection therewÎth by the Mortgagee sh..ll bear imerest at the rate specified in the Note, and shaH be immediately repayable by the Mortgagor, and shall be impressed as an additional lien upon the mrn1gaged premises, and this Mortga¡re shall thereupon Secure the repayrnem of such advances with interest 11. In case un eycntofdefaul! shall ooeur in making payments or performing any other eovenal'lts or agreement required ofMot1gagor as provided in the Note or this Mortgage, tlle Mortgagor hereby authorizes and c:mpowers the Mortgagee, and Mortgagee's succe&Sors and assigns to foreclose this Mortgage by advertisemeo and sale as provided by the statures ofthc State of Wyoming or to foreclose this Mortgage by judicial proceedings and convey the same to the purchaser in accordance with the statutes afthe Stale of Wyoming, and out of the monies arising from Bueh sale to retain all sums secured hcrcbywith interest and aU legal costs and charges of such foreclosure and acrual attorney's rees incurred by Mortgagee (or such mher amount as shall be fixed by thc Court i.n the ev~nt of judicial foreclosure or receivership), which COStS, charges and fees the Mortgagor agrees to pay_ III case of the foreclosure of this Mortgage, the Mortgagor hereby authOlizes atld empowers the Mortgagee, Mortgagee's succesSors and assìgr¡s. to ¢frect insurance upon any buiJdings and fixhlres on the premises for a period covering the time for redemption for the sale of the premises under such foreclosure. and to pay the premÎum therefor and the amoUnt so paid shnll be impressed ¡¡s an additional lien upon the premises Iltld shaH be secured by and be collectible flS a part of this Mortgage and bear interest at the rate specified in the Note, from the date said amount is paid. In the event of a foreeloslirc, Mortgagor hc:reby aUlhorizes and cmpowers Mortgagee, Mortgagee's Successors and assigns, to bring an action against any person \vho claims an adverse estate or imerest therein for the purpose of determil\ing such advers~ estate or interest, aod to pay rosts and expenses thereof together with actual artomey's fees which amoUnt shaH be impressed as an additiooallien upon said premises I\nd shaH be secuted by and collectible as a part ofrhÎs Mortgage. Mortgáge Page:2 of 5 9Ø"d è[/)96 a8 ¿[/)[ OJ ,:nJ I 1 lS3P1HLnOS !7[: [/)T <=C;[/)[/)c-m::-~í\lj Ü~:r2~~G'597 ;~ 00563 12, Upon commencement ofanyforeclosuro, or at any timc thcreaf[tr, ¡lnd prior [0 the t:xpìration of the time for redemption from any sale of the premises 011 foreclosure, any co un of èompctent jurisdiction, Upon application of the; Mortgagcc, or the purchaser at such sale, shalt, at once and without notice to the Mongngor or any other person, appoint'a rccciver for said premises to take possession thereof, to collect reors, issues and profits of said prerniscs during the pendcney of such foreclosure and until die time to redeem the same from the forcclosure sale shall expire, and out ofreots, issues, and profits to keep thc premises in good repair and condition and to pay all taxes, a.8Se9smenrs, and special assessments, and to redeem rrom sale for taxes, assessments, and special asscssmellLS, and tu pay insurance premiums necessary [0 keep the premises insurcd in accordance with the provisions of this Mortgage and to pay the expense of the receivership, and said receiver shall apply the net proceeds to the payment onhc indebtedness secured hereby, and such receiver shall have all the other usual powers of receivers in such cases. ), In considenuion of the sum often dollars ($ I 0) and other val¡labJè consideration, the receipt whereof hereby is IICknowkdged, the Mortgagor hereby assigns, rransfcrs and sers OVer to the MO(lgagec, Mortgagee's SUccessors and assigns, the rent, profits alld iocOme trom the mortgaged property with full and complete authuriry and right in the Mortgagee in case of defaul( as provided for in this Mortgage or the Note to demand, collect, receive and receipt for the same and to tJlke possession ofilw mortgaged property without having a receiver appointed therefor ¡lnd to rent and roanàgo the same trom time to tÎme and apply the net proceeds of Sl.Ich upon the indebtedness. Mortgagor hereby ílSsigns to MorIf,;.J.gc.;c all leases of the mortgaged property or any pan thereof which 3m now or may be in effect hereafter, such assígnmel1l to tllke effect ímmediat¡:!y in case of such default. Mortgagee is hercby authOrized to take charge of the rental of thc above-described property tlnd is hereby authorized to collect rems from said prope,rty, 10 eject tenant~ for br.;¡ach of their JcDSCS and to ènter into lenses with and lease said property or any part thereof to tenants, ro sue for unpaid rents in the name of the legal holder of said indebtedness, and is to receive for sClvices in m¡lnnging said property the usual and customary fees for ~uch selvice in effcct in UncoJn County, Wyoming ¡\t the time said scrvices are perform cd. Without limiting che generality of the forc¥oing, in case of default, (he Mortgagor further agrees as follows: a. Notice to Tl:n:ints. Mortgagee may send notices to any and all tenants of the property advising them ofthi$ Assignment and directing all rents to be paid díreçtly to Mortgagee or Mortgùgec's agent. b, Enter the Premises. Mortgag¡:;e may enter \Ipon and take possession or the Premises; demand. collect and receive trom the tel1aots or from uny othcr persons liable therefor, all of the Rents; institute and carryon all legal proceedings necessary for the protection of the Premises, including such proceedings as may be necessary to recover possession of the Premises; coHect the rents and remove any tr;mmt or tenants or other persons /rom the Premises. c. Maintain the Premises, Mortgngee may cnte!' upon the Premises to maintain the Premises and keep the s£lme in répair; to pay the eosts thereof and of all services of all employee$, including their equipmcnt, and of all continuing costs and expenses of Oîàintaining the Premises in proper repair!lIld cQndilÎon, and also to pay all taxes, assessments, and water Utilities, and the premiums on tlfe and other Î'lsurimce effected by Mortgagor on the Premisc's, d. Compliance with La \'is. MOl1ga¡¡oo muy do any and all things to execute and comply with the laws of the Sh\[e of Wyoming and also all other laws, niles, orders, ordinances and requiroments of all other govemm¢ntal agencies ¡¡frecting the Premises. Mortgage Page 3 of 5 ).I7J . r1 ?Vjg(, !.l.8 )J/j[ :3l j I J J~)3rYU--I1n05 p[ :0T £00?--0[-!JntJ :-'b"r, .{.~ ..r~!. '--·4- ¡~j Ii, J:::),.' >'" ..]) J II e, . Leas(! the Property. Mortgagee may rent or Iea$è the whole or any pan of the Premises for such teOil or tcnns !l.Qd on such condilÏons ¡¡s MOl1gagee may deem appropriate. f. Rmploy Agents. Mortgagèè may engage such agent or agents as Mortgagee may deem appropriate, either in Mortgagee's or MOltgagor's name, to rent and manage the Premises, ineludjng the colle.:;tion IInd application of rents. g. Other acts. Mortgagc~ may do oil such other things and açts with respect lO the Premises as Mortgagee may deem .appropriate and may act exclusively and solely in the place IlIid stcad of Mortgagor a.nd to have all ofIhe powers of Mortgagor for the purposes stated above. h. No Requirement to Act. Mortgagee s.hall not be required to do any of the foregoing lIets or things, and the fact thé Mortgagee shall have performed olle or more ofthe foregoing acts or things shall not require Mortgagee to do any other specific act or thing. 14. Failure to exercise any light, power or options herein granted to the Mongag¡;e, howsoever ofter¡ shall not éonstitute a waiver thereofond shall not estop the Mortgagee from exercising any such right, power or option at aoy time or upon any subsequent defa.ult ofthe Mortgagor. A1J rights and remedies given or reserved to the Mortgagee herein shaH be cumulative and may be exercised conlcmporaneouslybut the exercise ofonc or more Buch rights or remedies shall nor exclude or prevenllhe exercise ofMortgagc:e's othlòr rights or rlòllllòdies. 15. The Mortgagor specifically warrants thot Mortgagor is fully authorized 10 enter into this Mortgage, Qnd that the acquiescence: or approval o(no other person is required for Mortgagor to enter into same on the; temu fOl.lnd herein. 16, Mortgagor agrees that all of the terms and èonditÎons contained in tho Note are incorporated into IlIId made p~lft of this mortgage. ] 7. All warrantIes, covenants, promises, undertakings, agreements, rights, powers, privilcges, bcne:fits, obligations and remcdies irnpose:d upon or granted orreserved umo the said pl\rties by tbis instrument shall survive the e-xee1.ltion and delivery hereof and shall respectively extend to and be bínding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors und assígl1S of 8jlÍd parties. t 8. Mortgagor and MortßIl£ee acknowledge having been given an opportunity to consult legal coun$el ofthcir choosing and represent and warrant that they are not relying and wjll not rely upün any representation ofthe realtor, title company or the preparer of this mortgage or the accompanying promissory note as to any condition which Mortgagor or Mortgagee deems to be material in said documents. TN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties havè signed aod sealed this Mongagc lids '1L day of August, 2005, Mortgage Pllge 4 of 5 00564 >'41/1' r~ ?I/1Q¡::, ) IR )VJç:' OJ 311 11 lS3f'lHLnoS p[:0T £00c-0[-~nd \~, 0 (} 5 6 5 \;]~'~:':53'7 STATE OFCÜ \ ·J~5(\')\CJ..- ) 55. COUNTY OF::nM~J.-.) The foregoit1g mstmment wa~ acknowledged before me by Bmdley 1. Lowd.;r and Sal1y F. Lowder, Husband and Wife, this ~ day of August, 2005 Witness my hand and offieial 5e1\1. My '.",m;..;...xp"'" ðl.r{\I-cn . ~, ~ j()Q SEAL N.~~l.. Q C) Kenneth Eugene Neal, Trustee of the Kenneth Eugene Neal Revocable TlUot dated September 30, 1996 Rita Mae Neal, Trustee of the Rita Mae Neal Revocable Trust datcd September 30, 1996 STATE OF ) ) SS. ) COUNTY OF The foregoing inslrumeot was acknowledged befon~ me by Kenneth Eugene Neal, Trustee ofthe KCn\leth Eugene Neal Revocable Trust dated September 3D, 1996 aod Ritá Mae Neal, Trustee of the Rita Mft(j Neal Revocable Trust dated September 3D, 996, this _ day of August, 2005. Witness my hand und officialsea1. My commission expires; SEAL Notary Public Mortgage Page 5 of 5 ----~'---- 6[j'd c[j% ¿¿B ¿ø[ ÖJ 31111 lS3MHlnOS Þ[:0T S00c-0[-~ntJ