HomeMy WebLinkAbout912619 _ ':~·~ri~.;¡:(; ::-;,~;' ~ ': - :~: " .:....-..':,:,;.;_.;';1:-;.:.:._.;' ;'~',ii ';.':;:"l-:':':jr:~f¡;':·~;:;' --. . : . ,; ~¡·I"~"-;"· -:~:nt')6"' 9 . ; . 1 ;, ¡ ~ .. 1_ "-.' I: Recording Requested By: North American Deed Company 2700 East Sunset Road, Suite 5 Las Vegas, NV 89120 Phone: 702-736-6400 After Recording Mail To: North American Deed Company 2700 East Sunset Road, Suite 5 Las Vegas, NV 89120 . Mail Tax Statements To: Stan Petrovitch 239 Coneflower Street Encinitas, CA 92024 RECEIVED 10/10/2005 at 11 :09 AM RECEIVING # 912619 BOOK: 600 PAGE: 619 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Assessor's Parcel No.: 12-3319-33-1-00-055.00 QUITCLAIM DEED TITLE OF DOCUMENT Helen Petrovitch, Trustee of the Vladimir Petrovitch Living Trust dated August 25, 1995, GRANTOR WHOSE ADDRESS is 846 South Hotel Street, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION ofTEN AND NO/lOa DOLLARS ($10.00), in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, conveys and quitclaims to Aleksandar Petrovitch, a single man WHOSE ADDRESS is 1619 48th Avenue, San Francisco, California 94122, and Konstantin Petrovitch, a married man WHOSE ADDRESS ¡tF is 239 Coneflower Street, Encinitas, California 92024, and 4· . Petrovitch, a single man WHOSE ADDRESS is 1851 Autumn Place, Encinitas, Califo 'a 92024, as tenants in common, GRANTEE iJ¡ _ I ' r ni (P THE FOLLOWING described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to wit: '1ff. r!' {~./? Wl/2 SI/2 Nl/2 NE1/4 OF SECTION 33, T33N R119W OF THE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. -( j ¡q TOGETHER WITH A RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS AND ALL UTILITIES TO THE SAID Wl/2 SI/2 Nl/2 NE1;4 DESCRIBED AS THE SOUTH 40 FEET AND THE WEST 40 FEET OF THE Nl/2 Nl/2 NE1/4 AND El/2 S1/2 Nl/2 NE1/4 OF SAID SECTION 33. -2 ,:; ...;..1 PRIOR Recorded Doc. Ref.: Decree Establishing Right & Title to Real Property: Recorded: August 20, 2004, Instrument No. 902159 SUBJECT TO: ANY Restrictions, Conditions, Covenants, Rights, Rights of Way, and Easements now of record When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns, include the plural and the masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter. ~.::! jl¡I~~1~!¡ i~!~ if: . ·'·I:I;~:I:I~t·.· ¡~I (;\'C).t; .·~ÞC'1 G lJ"-'4....:--...<.;O¿~ WITNESS GRANTOR'S hand this 41~ Helen Petrovitch STATE OF HAWAll CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU_) I t.f-I--h '~j¡~;;~~~m~~~~¡m;: , ";'·:.\:'~¡:I:.:t:I~.:<.; . :';\i;<:.,~~;;:,; . :;~!.:'¡i;:.:." 000620 day of ~ ,2005 ) SS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Helen Petrovitch on this 1Lff+-/ day of ~ ,2005. u----¡¡- NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ~\\\"IIIII/'''",," ~~\... II.. M-4 í'111~ ~ ~t:........ "\9...~ s ~ .. ... ~ ~ :::: ~.. OTA'" . V' ~ f¿4ì..~ q~..1)~ :~: ~"'= =:: ~.... : = = 0 0*= ~ *.. ÞlJBL\C,·: ~ -:::;. .n... . ~;::: ~ u~.. ......\~ ~': z·. . ~.... ~ %..,')-~...o.~~ -# '11///, 0 F \\\,.... 11111/1/111111\\\\'\ Witness my hand and official seal ?1~I)~a. ~ Signature of Acknowledging Officer MEUSSA A. MATSUURA Printed Name of Acknowledging Officer Nò+ar~ ¡P",ß /¡¿ Title (Rank) 0 Acknowledging Officer My Commission Expires: ~/13J~o5 , , "!71·,¡\!j~ :IS!:;1';: I'~:'X ,';<.';:'-;''-.:" '~1-::";:;'J:.":t:: ....' 'J' ;.' '~ :;:':I:,;.;.:...\-, "'~';ij¡;¡;~.ç:,.:;,:e:£:'.J, .: ~'i., ' ,-- ,.'.;;;_"". ;~ ~"". .; ~ ' ~:'.+!;";"~¡;:::L:, i:>I:.',;;:', ;-::, 'J',. ' ')"' .f' ·"61· 9· \~. __., I ,-" ....... ~/_--.¡·..;..::- . ¡J00621 WITNESS GRANTEE'S hand this 111'~ day of IN ~cJS-r ,2005 ~fJff=~ Aleksandar pJtrovitch . STATE OF CALIFORNIA C-k ) COUNTY OF Sa.YL çrQn.-C~~Co ) SS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Aleksandar Petrovitch on this /7 ¡-t., day of /JIll c.-I- , 2005. Witness my hand and official seal NOTARY STAMP / SEAL (~-~~--~-~~--~~ CHRISTINE YOUNG .@'-"commISSlon#1419279 , ~. -.; ~ Notary Public - Callfomla ~ ~ ,," . San. Francisco County t ' My Comm. Expires May 20, 2007 ----------......------- diL. %a~ Signature of Ackn'6wledging Officer ¿ h r/t·h tt =<- You 11 fý- Printed Name of Ack:¡{owledging Officer· /Jo ~a¡r./ fuh/ì c- Title (Rank) ~f Acknowledging Officer My Commission Expires: MA.Ý M,,::lo oi- I r::¡;~::1:~:~ï¡::;:::::~ i::¡::;¡i~'jJ.~~I;1Ì ~T¡~~~illi;i~t ,- ~:i!i..:i::~í:i'1~; I':';\.~j'S':' .,','.. '.~,,!,.:;.' "-':"-.,' " . .' ,",',', '14,~, ~j', - , ':'~', . ~ ;~" ::':1.: ,~<¡,~""',, ,:';':'- "'.~' ,,;: _,", " ..¡ .. ':)~'. ~I;; !;!,:~:;.Jl':,'i"'" ¡,";', _ ;.\i-'¡ "_ ,-~'.;, -;' n:::::o: "0 61.9 i~ 00· 6 r;., 0 - , f... t... WITNESS GRANTEE'S hand this .23 day of (()tjY(,~ , 2005 w~ Kmístantin Petrovitch STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ~lUl Otçj 1) ) SS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Konstantin Petrovitch on this . ;r~ day of J1JoJcf1 , 2005. Witness my hand and official seal NOTARY STAMP / SEAL JUOITH A.;JUNGK ~ CommIssIon.t40ttS9 ¡ ~ Notary PublIc: . Calfomla o San Otego County . .. M\<Çomìi>.E_!e6"_ :::Juddh J4 ;fu~ Printed Name of Acknowledging . cer Title (~t ~knOWledging Officer My Commission Expires: ~ -I ð -;)005 _·:'1·:£~1·;I;o.;:':;I'·':':-· '.:.:.:ó~ 1:1:.: '.' . .,' >:...;~,>;'y;:;.;;:-.-!.', ','.;' . ',:',-"'-','-; ~ ··¡·';'!·~'ir.:-,'; u006?3 ,;)<'" ",'§~i; 0, , ---...._.-..;.,"'-"'.LJ WITNESS GRANTEE'S hand this '25 day of /1 f({· ) ,2005 ~~~ - "/ /~r_d.. Phillip Pe ovitch f'\\ \ \.-\ f STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTYOF~n])teðo ) SS " \\ì\L\ P {-À- The fore!jo~. oing instrument was acknowledged before me by Phillip- Petrovitch on this 8 {3 day of ~ r: , , 2005. Witness my hand and official seal NOTARY STAMP / SEAL Ufu)~&r~ Signature of Acknowledging 0 . cer J~ - ~ Î æ ~ ~ - ... - -.., a ~ODIE.~¡~. 34~ J Notary Public . CaltomJa j r SQn DIego County - CoITrn. E~Nov 13. D)J \Dd ~ e L. Printed Name of Acknowledging \~ L- itle (Rank) of Acknowledging Officer My Commission Expires: jJo\J.e\'Y\hey /3 ¡d-Co8 ~~:::~ili~~ili~fm~;