HomeMy WebLinkAbout912647 :)00686 Affidavit of Successor Trustee I, Fred A. Crook, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: That under the date of October 24, 1990, for valuable consideration, Newell Crook and Mary Crook, by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on October 25, 1990, in Book 291 of Photostatic Records on Page 173, conveyed to Newell H. Crook Revocable Trust, dated the 6th day of August, 1990, Newell H. Crook and Mary E. Crook, Trustees, the following described property to-wit: Plat 21 Lot 64 in Star Valley Ranch as platted and recorded in the official records of Lincoln County, Wyoming That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, the said Newell H. Crook Revocable Trust, became the owner of the above described land, and title thereto vested in Newell H. Crook and Mary E. Crook, Trustees, continuously from the date of conveyance described in said deed to the date of death of Newell H. Crook, on the 20th day of May, 1995. That by reason of and upon the death of Newell H. Crook, title to the above described real property vested in Mary E. Crook, as the trustee. That Mary E. Crook is unable to act as the trustee. Pursuant to sections XII and XVII (4) under said trust agreement, Fred A. Crook is the successor trustee. Affiant avers and certifies that Newell H. Crook is the identical party in the aforementioned deed whose death terminated his interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. Dated this 4- day of D~'r ,2005. y~A td Crook I q. Stateof~ )ss. County of :;q It LOt ~e. ) Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Fred A. Crook, this L day of --'kd::nJ2r/.... , 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. NOTARY PUBLIC SCOTT LARSEN 3505 South 8400 West Magna, Utah 84044 My Commission Expires May 8, 2008 STATE OF UTAH ~4~ . otary Public My Commission Expires: ---lli (A'I 8' I ?Df> (0 RECEIVED 10/11/2005 at 3:45 PM RECEIVING # 912647 BOOK: 600 PAGE: 686 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY . ~ :1:;~1:i:i:::::::::;; : i~¿~~;:~:;:;: ~ t f t f o l t l . t t f t -0 Aca.. tit IN,,,,,,'tion on lhíllOlIlt. Mlil~ I.Indel 1M Y"I' 8"'_la Ad .I'\d Rule.. DECEDENT PAr.~tITS INFORMANT DISPOSITION CERTIFIER REGISTRAR CAUSE OF DEATH I ~ j ì 't t ". ~ "i. j J j ~ , ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ 1r¡011j¡"'~ ~)-.tu,""~ J ~oxo'i~~.<o'f~~~~~~,~ LOCAL FILE NUMBER 18-1981 STATE OF UTAH - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH --- ~ ------------- ----.---- STATE FILE NUMBER I. UAME OF DECEDENT FIRST MIDDLE LAST CROOK b.l1ME OF DEATH f24h1, ClOd<) 0545 7. SOCIAL SeCI.:'RITY NUMBER Freedom, Wyoming 520-09-7451 Bb. NAME OF HOSPITAL. NURSING HOME OR OTHER FACILITY (If outside _ f.cility, give s1'6el _dd'8SS of location} Se t. 17, 1914 I AL: o Inpllienl 0 ER'OuIPllienl 0 DOA 8c. CITY. TOWN OR LOCATION OF DEATH ŒI Nursin Home 0 Resldene. ed. COUNTY OF OEA TH o O"or South Valley Care Center 9. SURVIVING SPOUSE (if w;f., øivenniden nøme) West Jordan 10. WAS DECEDENT 11. MARITAL STATUS ~VR~~I~ ~Ò~CES? 0 Never Maflied ¡j Vo. 0 No 0 Di"",cod Salt Lake Mary Ellen Matthews 120. DECEDENrs USUAl OCCUPATION (Give kind 01 work done 12b. KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRV during moSI of working lite. 00 NOT use rei ired) lID Married o Widowed Rancher 13b. CITV. TOWN. OR COMMUNITY Dairy 13.. RESIDENCE· STREET AND NUMBER 13c. COUNTV 13d. STATE Wyoming 16. EDUCATION (Specilyonlyhighesl grad completed) E$ementary or Secondary (0·'2)·CoIlege (13·16 or 11 +) RFD 130. INSIDE CITY 131. ZIP CODE LIMITS? . Etna 14. WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN1 0 Yes (II yes. specify) Lincoln o Ves IXI No o MI.ican 0 Cuban 0 Puerto Rican 0 O1her (SpBcjr~" Whi t e 18. MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER (Flr¡t. Middle. Lastl 83118 14 17. FATHER'S NAME (Fils!. Mlddl'. Last) William Henr Crook 19. NAME. RELATIONSHIP AND MAiliNG ADDRESS OF INFORMANT Fred A. Crook, Son, 9340 Betty Drive, West Jordan, Utah 84088 20. METHOD OF DISPOSITION 21a. DATE OF DISPOSITION 21b. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (Name of cemele 21C. LOCATION. City ollown, SIal8 o Entombment' DDonalion 0 Oth.r cremalory. or other plac'J Annie Evelyn Haderlie 1995 Freedom Cemetery Freedom, Wyoming 23. LICENSEE NUMBER 24. FUNERAL HOME (Name. address .I"Id license number) 115349 Goff Mortuary, Inc. 0101222 8090 South State Street Midvale. Utah 84047 26. If not cenified by medical examiner. was dea1h reponed to M.E.? 0 Yes II ye5. enter the date .I"Id hour reponed: M.E. Clse No 5-/5"-;h 21a. C R I Ui CERTIFVING PHYSICIAN To rhe besl ot my knowledge. dealh occurred althellme. dale. and place. and due 10 Ihe c8usefs) and manner as staled. T Ii and/or investi alion in m HO. ... OAY v A. 31. IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Fmal disease or condition resulting In death) Appro_.male InleNal Salween Onsel And I Dealh. I 4()ð:1h.- I I I ---1 I Sequentlatly lisl condilions. . ~a~~~.I~~~~~~6~~ê~:~~ CAUSE. (disease or injury . thai ",¡I,ated eO'er.:s reSu/1ing in d8e/h) lAST --oÜËTQloRÃiAëõÑseouENCE OF): DuE TO lOR AS .. CONSEOUENCE OF,: ------ PART II. ~her Slgniflcanl COndn'ons conlributlng to dUlh but nor ,.sulling In the underlying c.aaSf 9''''" in Pan 1 -~-ic...he.tE5____________ 32. IN VOUR OPI"'ON. TOBACCO USE BY THE DECEDENT 330. WAS AN 33b. WERE AUTOPSY o Probably contributed 10 Ihe cause of death ~~~~6~~ED? þ~g~¥g ~~~t~~~ON o Was 1he underlying cause of dealh OF CAUSE OF DEATH? o ~i~~:~::~I;~b~~~:~~h,: ~~~::~:::~I:ealh 0 NON.USER ~ VltS 0 No Yes 0 No 3Sb TIME OF INJURY 3Sc. INJURY AT WORK' 35d. PLACE OF INJURY-AI home. farm. slreet. factory. 2.J HOllr Cloc/d offIce, building. elc. (Specify' 3~. MANNER OF DEATH (gI Nalural 0 AweSe"1 3S. DATE OF INJURY (MonJh. D~y. Year) o Suicide 35e.lOCATION (SI,ee, or rura' rou'e number. CI'Y or '0",1"1, coun,y and state) 350· II mOlor vehicle accident SPðCify it decedenl WIS driver. passenger or pedeslrian. o Homrcide o Undelerm.ned II Injured Purposely 01 Acctdenlally o Pend'ng Jrw.st'Q.lion This is to certify that this is a true copy of 'the information on file in this office. This èertified copy is issued under authority 9tSection 26-15-26 of the Utah Code Annotated,1953 as amended. Date Issued ~~~~~~..R~o-. . , " ~