HomeMy WebLinkAbout912666 f.~i~~r:~i:~r~~;W!f~ .',..'.....,......."..', .:(',;!:,'",.,.,'...... 51017 (01) nO{177° ' -- U .t:" , AFFIDA VIr I, Rolf A. Funk RECEIVED 10/12/2005 at 9:52 AM RECEIVING # 912666 BOOK: 600 PAGE: 772 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY · being first duly SWorn on oath, depose and STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF Teton say: That I am a citizen of the United States of America over the age of21 years, and a resident of Lincoln County, Wyoming That I was well and personally aCQuaint~d with Nora M. Funk certain Wan-anty Deed recorded November 12, 1996 , Book 390 PR 387 ÌI1 the office of the Recorder of Un coIn County, Wyoming. in that at Page That I know of my own knowledge that deed and Nora Marie FUnk Certificate of Death was one and the same person. Nora M. Funk in the said mentioned in the attached Certified Copy of This Affidavit is intended to terminate the joint tenancy (the life estate) of Nora M. Funk in the following described property; ! / Lot 3 of Lonesome Dove Ranch Subdivision, Second Filing, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that plat filed August 14, 2003 in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk as Plat No. 251-C. State of Wyoming, .~ ~/ Teton County ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of September ,2005 Nod),~(Øt¿ 'd' , Jackson Resl ~g .In: . 9/12/2007 Commlss1or¡ expires: LAURIE CaE - NOTARY PUBLIC State of County of Wyoming Teton My Commission Expires 9/12/2007 TYPE OR PRINT IN PERMANENT BLACK INK HEAT1f OCCURRED IN INST!IUTlON SEE HAN0600K REGARDING COMPlETION Of RESIDENCE IItMS . . . CONDITIONS IF ANY WHICH GAVE RISE TO IMMEDIATE CAUSE STATING THE UNDERLYING CAUSE LAST 4 ,,'/Î!Ù:,/;: ': .~~:¡~~:.:;~.::': ' ,',:,;.: I:,. "-' 'r"-;¡; ". ". .STAT,E,Of NEVADA - DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES \0 ~ '~;,,:,: ìßlbh>N OF HEALTH - SECTION OF VITAL STATISTICS, .:] 0 0 77 3 0 Or 6 r: I CERTIFICATE OF DEATH I" " 2 J I 1 Ü91086? LOCAL FILE NUMBER DECEASED-NAME Arst Middle Last DATE OF DEATH (Month, Day, Year) 3b. Las Vegas RACE-(e.~" White, Black, American Indian, etc.) (Specify) 5. White STATE OF BIRTH (It not U.S,A., name counlry) 9a. ant ana SOCIAL SECURITY NUM8ER 3c. 3017 Childress Drive Was Decedenl of Hispanic Origin? Specify 0 yes G no If yes, specify Mexican, Cuban. Puerto Rican, etc. A 6, CITIZEN OF WHAT COUN- Oecedenl's Education. TRY grade compleled. 9b. U. S. A. 10. 12 USUAL OCCUPATION (Give Kind of Work Done During Most 01 Working Life, Even If Retired) 14a, MAIDEN NAME (Street or R.F.D, No., City or Town, Stale, Zip) 83'28 Slate DDRESS OF FACILITY Pall ftortuary - Cbeyenne A.M. PRONOUNCED OEAD (Hour) 8:20 A.M. 22e. AT LICENSE NUMBER MPH, Medical Exam., 1704 Pinto Lane, Las Vegas, NY 23b. 880 DATE RECEIVED BY REGISTRAR (Mo" Day, Yr,) DEATH DUE TO COMMUNICAlILE DISEASE 4b, [APR 3 0 2004 24c, NO~ YESO PART I Ca) Arteriosclerotic cardiovascul DUE TO, OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF: ).) disease Interval between onset and death Interval betwcen onset and death (b) DUE TO, OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF: In(erval between onset and death PART II (c) OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDlTlor~S-Condillons contribuling 10 dealh but nol resulting in the underlying cause given in Part 1. AUTOPSY ACC., SUICIDE, HOM., UNDET., OR PENDING INVEST. ;Specily) 28a. INJURY AT WORK (Specify Yes or No) 28e. 26, (Specify WAS CASE REoFERRED TO Yes or No) CORONER./~pecify Yes or No) No 27, xes DATE OF INJURY (Mo" Day, Yr.) HOUR OF INJURY DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCUR REO 28b. 2ee, M 26d, LOCATION. STATE PLACE OF INJURY AI home, farm, street, factory, office building, etc. (Specify) STREET OR R.F.D. No. CITY OR TOWN 281. 28g, ST'\TE'lEGISTR.l\R No. 265567 "CERTIFIED TO BE A TRUE AND CORRECT COpy OF THE DOCUMENT ON FILE WITH THE REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS, STATE OF NEVADA." This copy was issued by the Clark County Health District from State certified documents as authorized by the State Board of Health pursuant to NRS 440.175. NOT VALID RAISED SEAL OF COUNry-· 'HEALTH WITHOUT THE THE CLARK DISTRICT By: (V DONALD S. KWALICK, MD, M.P.H. Registrar of Vital Statistics .-) c.; 'f f I -: I . C '''', \ \ ¡ . E AL"'(- ,~,!#J'iIt':t""..', t. ,.- .'<' - "'(. CLARK COUNTY HEALTH DISTRICT 625 Shadow Lane P.O. Box 3902 Las Vegas, Nevada 89127 702-383-1223 Tax ID# 8.8..;.,(.)),51573 :~r;~~i:~:;f~:f:~il Date Issued: / f· ~)\r MAY 0 3 2004 'CVA\)· .,