HomeMy WebLinkAbout912681 ,:,'¡ 0 0 8 ::~ 8 (1 STATE OF WYOMING AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP RECEIVED 10/12/2005 at 10:54 AM RECEIVING # 912681 BOOK: 600 PAGE: 838 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN Letha Mae Brown of 4091 Highway 241, Afton, WY 83110, and upon her oath deposes and says: 1. That ORAL GEORGE BROWN aka Oral G. Brown, the decedent mentioned in the attached copy of Certificate of Death, is the same person as ORAL G. BROWN named as one of the grantees in that certain W9rranty Deed dated the 21 st day of October, 1985, executed by Oral G. Brown and Letha Mae Brown, husband and wife, grantors, and recorded October 31, 1985, as Instrument No. 645501 in Book 232 PR, page 532, of the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, covering the following described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to- wit: A parcel of real property located in the NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 12, T31 N, R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, as more particularly described on Exhibit A attached and incorporated herein. by this reference. 2. That the undersigned affiant is the surviving spouse of ORAL G. BROWN and the other grantee on the deed referred and is therefore a "person interested in the affected property or the title thereto" as required by W.S. 2-9-102, and states that ORAL G. BROWN and she were husband and wife at the time of the execution and recording of the Warranty Deed described above, and that as the surviving cotenant and spouse of ORAL G. BROWN, named in said conveyance, she became on August 10, 2005, the date of the death of the aforementioned decedent, the owner of the lands or the owner of any interest of ORAL G. BROWN, in the lands described in the foregoing, subject to any then existing liens and encumbrances. DATED the 10th day of October, 2005. ? I v [; I , " ';"",~-,':~,i..','~j:¡¡'¡J:~".;'!¿.¡'.:. ;, :'.i,.,: 'N", ,,1 :',c,''';;,': ~ :"~,' .' :",,¡ "X'. ""'-"',";.~~'jj'ø;:'~'I.."'~"·':,:,"r" .'..,..'.'...','.'.','.'.".,';' , "-,", ¡', ',,',.~'''',;.;.''''_;y,~'\--...'~.,;-.', ':,"."~';,__ ",. ';"..--- ..:, I'; ·.','Ó'.!:.!.~,;>,. [n~ ':] ~¡:,;[tilliZ:::,:'\':~:1 ~;:;ì'li;;;r,~~;:¡;,'J iji¡l~~~d1:;;:~J " ·1.;:::·¡~;;·"¡¡1!..'\·O:,:,,'·.'·:i; ~ 0912SS1 ,.,~, !..,..,¡.,'.. ,.. " " ·".'>·:";"·"P-..'.',',·,,·;'.", ": t) 0 8 (~ 9 ;'.... .. ...1 . Subscribed and sworn to by ~etha Mae Brown before me this I 0 f"~ day of October, 2005. Witness my hand and official seal. GeRALD l.GOULÐING . NOTAAVPV8L1C County of A State of Ur1coln W WY9ming My Commission Expires May 2, 2007 My commission expires: May 2, 2007. ,',,, ,.,., ;.:,: /..; ,:j: ' , l!~cY~ NOTARY PUBLIC ( 2 ~lU~~~~j~~i~ . ......): :}):~~1iHn~! C,2.] This is a true certification òf the document on file in the office of Vital Records S~lVices, Cheyenne, Wyoming, \ .q~~~ { Luci~da Mcc~Ìfre;I A Deputy State Registrar .', .' '. ,'. . '... . .... .. ., , " .. DATEISSUEP: SEP --+8 \ . ..This c.o:P.r.is no.t.~~id ~pl,ç~,~.prepared on p~¡>er wit~ ~"engra~.~,(t~ord~rßiw!aying t~~_dat.~, seaI}~riA sign~,~~.re 0f..t.~.~peputy State ~egistrar ;·--~--_:--:--~~~MJ~~J;W~L_J.-''--L_l_-,__._l 2[1.11. .... .....JJ !: ;';¡;::¡!j;~~~i¡:¡;J":"'.'_(~-"! ..:'.'...-:;.;,;.Ì"j,'.'¡..., ,.. ::~\' l : '~,-', ·,v,·,·"...·. ~091268~ . Beginning at a point which is 28 rods South from the Northeast Corner of Section 12, TownshIp 31 North, Ran~ 119 West of the 6th P,M., WyomIng and running thenœ South 29 rOOs; thenœ running West 44 ro:is; thenœ running North 41 rods; thenœ running Eest 26 rods; thence running South 2 rods; thence running Eest 2 rOOs; thence runnIng South 10 rOOs; thence running Eest 16 rOOs to the poInt of begInnIng, together with ell improvements, weter rights, pipeline stock and other appurtenances thereto pertaining. -.'. 0 0841 EXHIBIT A ALSO: Beginning at a poInt which is 70 rOOs South from the Northeast Corner of SectIon 12, TownshIp 31 North, Ran~ 119 West of the 6th P.M., WyomIng and running thenœ West 32 rods; thenœ running South 10 rods; thence running West 48 rods; thence running North 40 rods; thence running West 80 rods; thenœ running North 40 rr:xJs; thenœ running EBSt 118 rr:xJs; thenœ running South 57 rr:xJs; thenœ running Eest 42 rods; thenœ running South 13 rods to the point of beginning. ALSO: Beginning at !'J point which is 16 rods West from the Northeast Corner of Section 12, Township 31 "North. Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming and running thenœ West 6 rr:xJs; thenœ runnIng South 16 rOOs; thenœ runnIng East 6 rods; thenœ running Jlo~th 16 rOOs to the point of beginning. SUBJECT TO all easements, exœptlons, restrIctIons, reservatIons and rights of wf!'{ of sight or record. EXCEPT I NG from the above described real property the following: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Section 12, Township 31 North Range 119 West, 6th Principal MerIdian. L1ncoln County, Wyoming; thenœ South 00·00' EBSt along the Eest line of soid Section 12 a distance of 667,28 feet; thence North 90·00' West a distance of 726.00 feet; thenœ North 00·00' Eest a distance of 403.28 feet; thence North 90·00' Eest a dlstanœ of 429.00 feet; thenœ South 00·00' EBSt a distanœ of 33.00 feet; thence North 90·00' Eest a distance of 33.00 feet; thenœ South 00·00' East a distanœ of 165.00 feet; thenœ North 90·00' EBSt 8 distanœ of 264.00 feet; thenœ South 00·00' East a distance of 205,28 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 5.50 ocres. Subject to all existing rüOO right of Wf!ýS. ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at !'J point 667.28 feet South from the Northeast Corner of Section 12, Township 31 N., R. 119 West, 6th P.M., Wyoming, and running thence South 110 feet, thenœ West 396 feet, thenœ North 110 feet, thenœ East 396 feet to the ploce of beginning. Containing one ( 1) ocre more or less. ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at a point which is sixteen ( 16) rOOs West from the Northeast (NO Corner of Section Twelve ( 12) Township Thirty-one (31) North, Range 119 West of the 6th P,M., Wyoming. And running thence South sixteen ( 16) rods, thence West six (6) rods, thenœ North sixteen ( 16) rods, thenœ Eest six (6) rOOs to the ploce of beginning, t~ther with appurtenances thereunto. ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at a point which is 42 rods West from the Northeast corner of Sect10n 12, Township 31 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M" Wyoming and running thenœ South 70 rOOs, thenœ East i 0 rOOs, thenœ South 10 rods, thenœ West 48 rr:xJs. thenœ North 80 rOOs. thence Eest 38 rr:xJs, to the point of beginning, tC1Jether with improvements and woter rights; olso, ð perpetuol easement for ingress and egress to stock water described es follows: Beginning at a point which is 42 rods West and 16 rr:xJs South of the Northeast Corner of Section 12, Township 31 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming and running thenœ E8St 20 rcx.1s, thenœ South 1 roo, thence West 20 rcx.1s, thenœ North 1 roo to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at a point which is 80 rods West from the NE Corner of Sec. 12, twp. 31 North, Ran!J3 119 West of the 6th P.M. Wyoming and running thenœ 40 rods, thenœ West 80 rcx.1s, then?!:¡:~H¡:¡,h 40 rOOs, thence East 80 rcx.1s to the of beginning, including all water righfš"ãñ8' improvements. :C--"-__CL