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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Letha Mae Brown, a single person,
grantor, of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00)
and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is acknowledged, convey and
quitclaim unto Peggy Irene Erickson and Pamela Sue Lish, as joint tenants with full rights of
survivorship, grantees, of c/o Letha Mae Brown, 4091 Highway 241, Afton, WY 83110, all right,
title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand in or to all the following described premises,
A parcel of real property located in the NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 12, T31 N, R119W
of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, as more particularly desèribed on
Exhibit A attached and incorporated herein by this reference.
EXCEPTING and RESERVING unto the Grantor, Letha Mae Brown, for her life, all
rights concerning the above-described property, including without limitation, the
sole use, control, benefit, and right to possession and all rents and profits from the
described real property. Upon the death of the Grantor, Grantees shall take title to
the described real property in fee simple absolute.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption
) I laws of the State of Wyoming.
WITNESS my hand as of this 10th day of October, 2005.
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, . ~ .- Letha~~n
The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by Letha Mae Brown, a single
person, this ItJAA day of October, 2005.
Witness my hand and official seal.
county of~' State of
Uncoln 'W Wyoming
My Commissi0n Expires May 2, 2007 ~
My commission expires: May 2,2007.
RECEIVED 10/12/2005 at 10:55 AM
RECEIVING # 912682
BOOK: 600 PAGE: 842
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Beginning at a point which is 28 rexis South from the Northeast Corner of Sect ion 12,
Township 31 North, RanÇ.W3 119 West of the 6th P ,M" Wyoming and running thence
South 29 rexis; thence running West 44 reds; thence running North 41 rods; thence
running East 26 reds; thence running South 2 reds; thence running East 2 reds;
thence runn1ng South 10 rods; thence running East 16 rods to the point of beginning,
t()Jether with all improvements, water rights, pipeline stock and other appurtenances
thereto pertaining.
ALSO: Beginning at 8 point which is 70 rexis South from the Northeast Corner of
Section 12, Township 31 North. Ran(;€ 119 West of the 6th P,M., Wyoming and
running thence West 32 rods; thence running South 10 rods; thence running West 48
rOOs; thence running North 40 rOOs; thence running West 80 rexis; thence running
North 40 rc:ds; thence running East 118 rods; thence running South 57 rods; thence
running East 42 rOOs; thence running South 13 rOOs to the point of beginning.
ALSO: Beginning ðt ð point which is 16 rods West from the Northeast Corner of
Section 12, Township 31"North, Rang3 119 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming and
running thence West 6 ~00s; thence running South 16 rOOs; thence running East 6
rOOs; thence running.No~th 16 rOOs to the point of beginning.
SUBJECT TO all easements, exceptions, restrictions. reservations and rights of wf!ý of
sight or record, '
EXCEPTING from the ðbove œscribed real property the following: Commencing at the
Northeast Corner of Section 12, Township 31 North Rang3 119 West, 6th Principal
Meridian, Lincoln County. Wyoming; thence South 00·00' East along the East line of
soid Section 12 a distance of 667,28 feet; thence North 90·00' Wesl 0 dislonce of
726.00 feet; thence North 00·00' East a distance of 403.28 feel; thence North
90·00' East a distance of 429.00 feet; thence South 00·00' East a distance of 33.00
feet; thence North 90·00' E8St a distance of 33.00 foot; thence South 00·00' East a
distance of 165,00 feet; thence North 90·00' East a distance of 264.00 feet; thence
South 00·00' East a distance of 205.28 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 5.50
acres. Subject to all existing rœj right of Wft'/S.
ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at 0 point 667.28 feet South from the Northeast Corner
of Section 12, Township 31 N., R 119 West, 6th P.M.. Wyoming, and running thence
South 110 feet, thence West 396 feet. thence North 110 feet. thence East 396 feet to
the p1aca of beginning. Containing one ( 1) acre more Dr less.
ALSO EXCEPTI NG: Beginning at a point which is sixtoon ( 16) rexis West from the
Northeast (NE) Corner of Section Twelve ( 12) Township Thirty-one (31) North,
Rançe 119 West Df the 6th P,M., Wyoming. And running thence South sixteen ( 16)
rOOs, thence West six (6) rOOs, thence North sixtoon ( 16) rOOs, thence East six (6)
rods to the ploce of beginning, tcçether with appurtenances thereunto.
ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at a point which is 42 rcrls West from the Northeast
corner of Section 12, Township 31 North, Rançe 119 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming
and running thenœ South 70 rOOs, thence East 10 rOOs, thence South 10 rOOst thence
West 48 rOOs, thence NDrth 80 reds. thence East 38 reds. to the point of beginning,
tcçether with improvements and water rights; also. ð perpelual easement for ingress
and egress to stock water described 8S follows: Beginning at a point which is 42 rexis
West and 16 rOOs South of the Northeast Corner of Section 12, Township 31 North,
Range 119 West of the 6th P.M" Wyoming and running thence East 20 rods, thence
South 1 roo, thence West 20 rods, thence North 1 red to the point of beginning.
ALSO EXCEPTING: Beginning at 8 point which is 80 rOOs West from the NE Corner of
Sec. 12. twp. 31 North, Ran(;€ 119 West of the 6th P.M. Wyoming and running thence
~~:~:jL.] 40 r~,.the~ce We:>t 80 rods, th~n:;::ili~@¡¡¡~¡;;~ 40 rods. thence East 80 reds to the
nmnt n( hFnlnnlnn tn~lrltnn 1'111 wRIAr rUth1', ~'1" 1rnnrnvAmAnf~ .