HomeMy WebLinkAbout912668 f?!læ ,·,·,',·.·..."·0·.··,·,..".· "-C.,.,......".,.,.;..".. ,,~,--.,o"'·~· ';' t, (... u00776 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SSe ) AFFIDA VIT COUNTY OF LINCOLN The undersigned, Stewart H. Thurman, being legally sworn and of legal age, states as follows: 1. That in May, 1985, I was appointed a general partner with my mother, Adell H. Thurman, after the death of my father, in the Adell H. Thurman and Stewart H. Thurman, Partnership Company. As a general partner I had and have full authority to act in behalf of the partnership; 2. The partnership received that certain real property as recorded in Book 517 P.R. on Pages 249 and 250 in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office in Kemmerer, Wyoming, to the Adell H. Thurman, Dated June 27, 1985. 3. I have signed a certain Quit Claim Deed conveying the following more particularly described property to the Adell H. Thurman Living Trust: The SE1I4SE14 of Section 19 and the El/2NE1I4 of Section 30 in T33N, Rl18W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. ALSO THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT: ¡ '../ '. ¡ VI COMMENCING at the South quarter corner of Section 19, T33N, R1l8W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence West 42 rods; thence North 80 rods; thence East 42 rods; thence South 80 rods, to the Place of Beginning. BEING IN ALL a total of 141 acres of land, together with improvements and water rights. ? ,;j 4. The sole beneficiaries of the Partnership and the Adell H. Thurman Trust were to be in distribution to the adult and presently surviving children as follows: a. Stewart H. Thurman; b. Stanley Ray Thurman; c. Janet Swenson; d. Marcia Higa; and. e. Michael H. Thurman. RECEIVED 10/12/2005 at 10:13 AM RECEIVING # 912668 BOOK: 600 PAGE: 776 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Affidavit Stewart H. Thurman Page 10f2 "''-';' ...". . "','.~,";...;.;~....".,.."" . ,'..,J,'.' ,""",'" ,.",'.........'"",.'.. 031.:~668 007'77 5. AFFIANT sayeth not further. DATED this ~ day of October, 2005. ltd 11 ~ STEWART H: THURMAN SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a Notary pu~r the State and County above-mentioned, personally by Stewart H. Thunnan on thi day of October, 2005. -. þ)HARON NIMMo WINES C .Notary Public ,j OUnty of LinCOln State of \}'Yoming j My CommissIon Expires ~/11/) '7 ~~~~ NOTARY PUBLIC d My Commission Expires:v1..J ~ ékJð 7 WITNESS my hand and official seal. Affidavit Stewart H. Thurman Page 2 0(2 :. ":,.;,:;..,,,' ".....".', ", . )i~~¡~~mmj¡j:l~ -~. .. , :< ': : :'!