HomeMy WebLinkAbout875811 .......... '~ .... CLEFTS( QUITC~M DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this 6m day of August, 2001, by and ~n Myrl J. Aullman of PO Box 154, Thayne, Lincoln ~un~, Wysming, hereina~er referred to as the pa~ of the first pa~ and Andrew Hyrl Aullman of PO Box 661, Thayne, kin~ln ~unW, Wyoming, hereinafter referred to as the pa~ of the second pa~, WZTNESS~H, that the said ~,~ ~f the first pa~, for a~ in ~nsideration of Ten Dollars ($~0.00) in hand ~id by the said :~a~ of the s~nd ~, and for other g~ and valuable consideraUon, the receipt whereof;is hereby acknowledge, has remisS, releas~ and quit- daim~ and by these presen~ dries remisa, release and quit-d~im unto the said pa~ of the' second pa~, and i~ haim and assigns, forever, all the right, Utle, interest, claim and demand which the said pa~ of the first pa~ has in and to the following descri~ lot, piece or parcel of land to wit: Lo~ sl~een (~6), sevent~n (~7), eighteen (Z8), and nineteen (~9) of the Van Noy Park in Thayne Town site, in Block four (4.) thar~f. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAi~E, togetharwith all and singular, the appu~enances thereunto ~longing or in an~ise ap~irfing, and all the astra, right, title, interest and claim wha~oevar of the said ~ of the flint pa~, either in law or ~ui~, to the only pro~r usa, ~nafit and ~lief of the said pa~y of the second ~ i~ helm and assigns, forever. ZN W~NESS WHEREOF, the sai~ pa~ of the first pa~ has hereunto set i~ hand and seal the day and year first a~ve wri~en. Signed, seal~ and delivered in the presen~ of: ~ATE OF ~OMING: :COUN~ OF LINCOLN: THE FOREGOING IN~RUMENT was acknowl~g~ ~fore me this 2001, by ~y ~mmission Expires: My Commission ~ir~_~)~ 200~~