HomeMy WebLinkAbout912827 :"'j~¡"!I'; !¡:', ~I"."'::.:;' - ~. :1:', :: i.. :' _ ,;.. '~'. >."".-1.:,.:".... "'. '.: ",".+. >:. " " . ,'.!.~.'.'.! '...~.'¡ -; , ".' :;':_::_;'.-;'·+~·1'::'¿";':. .'>;J:;',,",~,,-. . +, ¡11;-;'.');· ,. "';"'.'.-:':' ..,. '-,''', "":':':'.~. ',",',' ~ 0:: W ~ 0:: a.. UJ o en ~ ':'I:",--I.t)o::~ oq- I~ M UJ UJ _N..Z~ meoUJ " LONC9C9~ O'l"'"«~o:: Ocna..>UJ ~ ...J oq--. UJü ..... - Z 0<9 z~ .....Z «Z C2:§~;:) WUJ 0 >Ü~ Ü -UJO Z WO::o ...J U (D 0 W Ü ~ Z ...J INGRESS / EGRESS EASEMENT August 22, 2005 C00359 Mill Creek Grazing, their heirs or assigns, hereby grant to the CA Price Family Revocable Trust, their heirs and assigns, for. valuable consideration hereby recognized, a thirty foot (30 ft) perpetual easement thru Lot 2, located in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, T26N, Rl18W, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. This easement shall be for the purpose of ingress and egress for the 600+ acres located in Sections 13, 14,23 and 24 located in T26N, Rl19W, 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. It is agreed that the CA Price Family Revocable Trust, their heirs or assigns, have the right to construct and maintain a roadway within the thirty foot (30 ft) easement described above. 7 ! -2 -'\ " / ;:.; ~ 8. ~ M~lf~ Mill Creek Grazing ~~4<0~ .~ eA Price amily Revocable Trust ~ State of ) County of . ) . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ~ ð. ~ representing Mill Creek Grazing, this ~ ~ day of August, 2005. Witness my hand and official seaL ~u¡ r :J-2, (#ð";- Date \.,t ~ -7,.Z,lZt?¿;!J Dhte 1~~ ~ ---~-- My Commission Expires: 7/1 ð .;¿ 0" ~~~ 9 NaDene Dana - Notary Public County Of. State Of UnçoIn Wyoming State of 2dº ) My Commi88ion ExpIres May 20. 2009 County of' ) The for going instrument was acknowledged before me bye. ú. if~ .~ representing the CA Price Family Revocable Trust, this ~fJ- ~ day of August, 2005. Witness my hand and official seal. ~ ~ ~ L Notary Public My Commission Expires: "Tn d/ ;;1...{) / .;J..oô '1 fili]i~!~~lli~ NaDene Dana - Notary Public County Of. State Of Uncoln . ~.: Wyoming My Commission Expires