HomeMy WebLinkAbout912871 11 pi} ~ as- ~~ ~~~ A(1Q ..o~~ (I)';:/~ .=~ ð ~t;>. ?ì. G.) ;~. . F:1i:>~ ~ ',S ~ -ð .r;:¡ ~ Çi~ ..~ [7it * Yr.e."J ~Joj, I.A ¥.:::. '.....; ~~~j; !r ¡;~::~;m~~~;~illI ,'...."\.~..w,', (7 C00426 EASEMENT Kevan C. Larsen and Patrica B. Larsen husband and wife, grantors, of P.O. Box Thayne Wyoming 83127, for and in consideration often dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is acknowledged, grant and convey to Cindy Dawn Winchester and Darrel Eugene Winchester wife and husband by the entireties of P.O. Box 611 Thayne, Wyoming and Machelle C. Wright and Dan Wright, by the entireties of P.O. Box 13 84 Thayne, Wyoming 83127. 1. Purpose of Easement. This easement is for the purpose of providing a perpetual right-of-way easement for ingress and egres to the property described in paragraph 3 from U.S. Highway 89, including the right for grantors and grantee to construct and maintain a roadway to provide that ingress and egres and underground utilities. 2. Conditions of Easement: The condition of this easement is that it is a common easement and for the mutual benefit of the grantors and the grantees. 3. Property Benefited by Easement: This easement is for the benefit of the following described real property of the grantees in Lincoln County, Wyoming: All ofthe Tracts E, F, and G as depicted on that plat No. 308- D of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County as prepared by Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd, and titled, "CINDY DAWN WINCHESTER¡ AND DARREL EUGENE WINCHETER PLAT OF BOUNDARY I ADJUSTMENT AND PARCEL DIVISION WITHIN NW1/4NE 1/4 SECTION 23 T34N Rl19W PARTLY WITHIN THE INCORPORTED LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF THAYNE LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" L/ 4. Description of Easement. The easement is described as follows: A Strip ofland sixty (60) feet in width in the NW1/4 NE1/4 of section 23, T34N, Rl19W, within the Incorporated Limits of the Town Of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming as more particularly described on Exhibit D attached, being a legal description prepared by Surveyor Scherbel, LTD., and signed by Marlowe A. Scherbel, PLS #5368, on August 29, 1989 5. Binding Effect. The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors in interest and assigns of the parties named in this instrument. 6. Wavier of Homestead Rights. The grantors hereby waive and releases all rights to the described easement under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming to the extent that such rights may interfere with the purpose of this easement. RECEIVED 10/17/2005 at 3:31 PM RECEIVING # 912871 BOOK: 601 PAGE: 426 JEANNE WAGNER . LlNCQ,LNCOUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY :'~!'6~i!i~~ì'f': '-\I¿-\1 "-",Ç.:)7~ \l." J ~,-~ c::9 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN , ..·'.·.·.·.·.·¡·.:£'c·.· ) ) SS. ) \ : .,.' . - ".:. ·._·-"l~ ::-,,2~"::::~'~~::!'·J~"".:-'~?:: :~,~'i'2':-·.' : ": !;;.':¡,·;·,~~;":;:¡:Jw.:;;' C00427 . ¡(e¡)Q y\C L4-YS S\1..- ttYl d ß.. -/Y' J C J ~ß, ¿CLY s e.. Y\... - 1-I&3'tÌ I 'c) ~ Úi~ <:~-J !ß The fore.going instrument wi: acknowledged before me by '<CùtYI this .7 day of :;; ':Å7Lhpy, 2005. ~4,4' A./~ otary Public LUANN BRUHNSeNOTARY PUBLIC County of. State of Lincoln Wyoming My CommisSi?" Expires March 25, 2007 Commission Expires: '0/..:< éf/ó;/ ru~:::::.t,~;J ~~j!iillj!¡!jmjmml: , I I J J ~a 3xclft 3 ~.f:!mf*~*mi; ·.;.:.~.:I~Ø~"I~. ..,', . ....:.;.:.;0;.:.;.;.:.,. . ". ',';',·01._",~ ' ,~- ,. "'->, ç.;¡t--:!4 _ u~2~6'.&í r'r'í~4f)8 ~·~uu ~. ~~~ Odh~(!J~~ ~. ~tVU2f/?C Patricia B. Larsen i , I J P4) ~J / \ - ""''''~'''''''''''>--'"'-'-''--''''~''','''<=''-''L-,_",...."",,~......'-,~,=_,._, ", _..._.~ .._.........__.., ~._.,.<. ~~ 0>_' "","".',"'''''-L. ,",-,:. .C'", ._'_''''''' .~..'- ,.....'~,.."";"..<:; . '., . . "iI·":':' ...;, .r,"Ð711 ~,~. . '-.;..i ......:....,I-:.~ (:) .. EXHIBIT D rAt'¡ ,-,uu429 DESCRIPTION FOR COMER C. CHAP~AN AND 8A~aAR^ CH~PM~ "CCE~S EASEfU:NT TO CHRISTINE VAN NOV XOfJERTS ESTATE L I,ND~' I. to witt-~ A 8~rlp' of land øixty (60) feet in width 1n the mi~NE, of section 23, T3(N, Rl19W, within the inoorpotctedliroite of th~ Town of Thayne, . Linooln Counl:y, Io yolning, w!\:h the south Un. Cles'~db&d all follows, COMMENCING at a 3/8n It 12" atee1 spike on the Welit Hn~ of the'. iIIl(1 N\i~Ne:1¡, SOOA-O).3tH, 359.00 feet. h,om Uil.'hQrthwnt"(iorner i of the said ml\NE\, . founð as described in that 'Cettified.'iiLè.nð '. Corner P.ecorðation Cerifical:e rUed in the said OHice, .. '·1 . ,;.: thence N891-3B.9tE, 60.0~ feet to ,n inte1:secl:1on withtÞe ".~ast right-of-way line ot u.s. ~i9hway 8~, thu POINT OP ~2QINNINdl: thence continuing N09t-38.9'E" 219.5p leet to a point on the sout.herly IXtenHori Or the east line 'ot thllt tract of rlcôrå, in ~he .aid Office in Book 152 of PhotostAtro'Records on pag. 5251 I I . - .' wifh the north line of said ¡trip bein~ lengthenod or shorhen~d .as neees.ary to intersect the said Galt ri9ht-~f-W8r line and the uið southerly exhntionl ' v ¡~ . , eaoh "poin~1 and Wintersêct:ion" marked with A 5/8" x 24"· steel reinforoing roO with a 2" aluminum SurvKap inscribed "Surveyor SoheIbel, Ltd. Bl9 Piney Wyo PLS S36B", , I the b~., bearinø tor thin burvcy is the north line ot the NE~ ~ ot . nlð Section 23, beln9 8891..£1.3 lEI '",' ¡ j , J all in acoordance with the· plat prepared to bi tiled in the Office of the Clerk Of Lincoln county titled,·CH~IS~I~E VAN NOï R08tRTS ESTATE PLA1' OF TRACTS HI'1'IiIN THEN\¡NE~ SECTION 23 T34N R119W PARTLY ~lI'l'Hnl ?'HE INCORPORATED LIMITS 0.' 'l'HE TOWN OF THAYNr; LINCOLn COUtITY, ¡nOMING", dateð 29 August 1989. :. IIA IcItofMl ........ wno -,.. No I" I" II .......... ........ ~ ,",,"If'''' ... ......" ........ ....... L,allll! "".'Ì'I' NltsM \lll1I..OMCtll....1, LIO ..,...,., W¡ooooo.. nlll ........ w,oo... 11001 464. ....,.,..,.11 AS'" I. ':MOllrtiCdliollln JnV WIV of .Ih' lOltoo/nQ d.lcriplfon ItrmlnJIU IIlbllil\, 01 rhu"rv'~I" f¡::':¡i:;:¡::::*¡::1::: L:.~::~tm~·:·