John Sweeney, a single:.~man, (Mortgagor) to secure the payment
of $20,000.00 due October 1, 2010 with interest from September
10, 2001 "at the rate of 6% per annum payable monthly as evidenced
by a promissory note ~of even date herewith by and between
Mortgagor and Lawrence~ L. Cook and Christy Cook, husband and
wife, whose mailing add~ess is P.O. Box t92, Frontier, WY 83121
((Mortgagees), does hereby mortgage unto Mortgagees, that certain
real estate, situated in'ithe County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming,
described as follows: :
The NE¼NE¼ of Section ~u19, Township 25 North, Range 115 West
of the 6th P.M., Lincol.n County, Wyoming
The Mortgagor agrees ~o pay the indebtedness hereby secured,
and to pay all taxes and assessments on the Premises and in
case the Mortgagor shall fail to pay such taxes and assessments
and as aforesaid, the Mortgagees may pay said taxes and
assessments, and all .sums so paid shall be added to and
considered as a part of the above indebtedness hereby secured,
and shall draw interest at the same rate.
In case default shall be made in the payment of the above sum
hereby secured, or in U:the payment of the interest thereon, or
any part of such prin~iipal and interest, when the same shall
become due, or in case default shall be made in any of the
covenants and agreements hereof, then the whole indebtedness
hereby secured with the interest thereon shall become due and
payable, and the Mortgagees, their legal representatives or
assigns may proceed, pursuant to law, to foreclose on and sell
the Premises, and out of the proceeds of such sale shall~ pay
all sums due hereunderi, together with all costs of sale and
foreclosure, including reasonable attorneys fees.
Mortgagor hereby relinqUishes and waives all rights under and
by virtue of the homestead laws of the State of wyoming
Dated this 10~ · day of 3~-£t~_ , 2001.
State of Wyoming )
) i:ss.
County of Lincoln )
The foregoing instrumer~t was acknowledged before me, a notary
public in and for said County and State, by John Sweeney,
personally known to me,..~this i'~Tx day of .$'.~/~ , 2001.
Witness my hand and off~cial~ seal.