HomeMy WebLinkAbout913075 ~. ··~!":~".1J.!;!'!;:i:;';'·!·'¡ ) \;' ~ ~ 1 ¡ t.~.' i'.', " " " ~ !~;;,¡ V~~'·."_·: ,~~ '¡ '.' ....,. ',.' C00315 Recording requested by Countrywide Document Custody Services, A Division of Treasury Bank. N.A. When recorded mail to: 1800 Tapo Canyon Road SV-79 Simi Valley, CA 93063 Attn: Document Control -------------------------------------------- CORPORATION ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE Doc. 10# 00812044392005N Commitment# 1111 Jt .-5 ,.I ¡,-t .u ~~ For value received, the undersigned. Countrywide Document Custody Services. A Division of Treasury Bank. N.A.. 1800 Tapo Canyon Rd. Simi Valley. Ca. 93063, hereby grants. assigns ànd transfers to: Countrvwi de Home Loans. Inc. IBUQ=IªQõ-~ªTIYQTI=EQãa~ ~læT-VãTTey=-CA-93Uo3--_=====__=============== A1T-TfS-Tnferesf-Unaer-ffiã~rtãTn_Rorfgage-aafea--Z7Z57U5~-execufea-by: RACHEL WARREN, ~or,tgi}9or as per ,}.10RTGAGE recorded ay I nstrument No. 'IP6!fff-þ on IJ, 1I{10DIf in Book ~tfcr Page fv, of official records in tne County ecorder's Office of LINCOLN County. WYOMING. Tax Parcel = 35181930100700, LINCOLN COUNTY TREASURER Original Mortgage $82,000.00 ~65-6~ffNGLº~-ºßIVE~ti6YNf~~Y 83127_ Together with the Note or Notes therein described or referred to. the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under said Mortgage. <~-7 c¡ ..)! ' 1 t) F -..I Dated: 03/15/2005 Countrywide Document Custody Services. A Division of Treasury Bank, N.A. rTguez~-CÕTTaferaT-processTng-DffTcer--------- ~ State of California \) County of Ventura On 03/15/2005 before me, Jose Juarez. personally appeared Celia Rodriguez, personally known to me Cor-prõvea-fõ-me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the personCs) whose nameCs) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their duly authorized capacityCies). and that by his/her/their signatureCs) on the instrument the personCs), or the entity upon behalf of which the persons acted. executed the instrument. Witness my hand and official seal. /'7 /7 Signature: f£ 12/---··] Jõs e -Jua rez7-ß'¿. -~-./-- Prepared by: Maribel Ledezma 1800 Tapo Canyon Road SV-20 Simi Valley, CA 93063 Phone#: (805) 577-6039 RECEIVED 10/24/2005 at 11 :05 AM RECEIVING # 913075 BOOK: 602 PAGE: 315 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY , , _.', "". ,"'~~' ~.. '""" 4A~..1k..¡!II ~il',~'--::,~,c~;;;~~,-,~:~'" JOSE JUAP.EZ !¡ ( 1,0',;·;,·;" ,..,\, . 5 )J /i~.~,,:1;:'S~ Commission # 147.358 Ž ~ i, ..",~,.".0..,.".'..",..)D,,;ì: Notary Public· California ?~ :¿ \(;,.::;') V"ntura Counly [ ] ",~~,·_~f:~:,~~::~~.~~~~:::,!~~~~:;:;,;~~!~~,K J~~~C"3'::~~'<...,r'-"\oJ' -~ -.~. "'-M