HomeMy WebLinkAbout913100 III~ .c'rnsr.::5 '.. dJ ~ WARRANTY DEED MARIANNE SCHMITT HELLAUER, TRUSTEE OF THE MORTKNSEN FAMILY TRUST DATED SEPTEMIIER 19,2000 ~t.- .<~j ~, ~;""I> ~~ 71 (" ::1 ,~;;~ 0 .::; í ) l..... ,",0' f.Ç" grantors of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, lor consideration ofTen and 00/100'S ($10.00) and other good and val u ab Ie consi dera ti 0 n in haod, receipt whereo f is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO DOUIILE L RANCH #2 LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Com,'IIny ·!.-;:--t ¡; c, ~Ji:u. it! grllntee, whose address is c/o Marianne Schmitt Henauer, Trustee, Mortensen Family 1;i Trnst dated September, 2000 ¡¡ 6225 Smith Avenne, Baltimore, MD 21209-3600 ':\ the fo now i ng descrihed real es ta te, situate in Li ncO In Co u 0 ty and State n f W yo m ing, hereby releasing and waiving an rights nnder and hy virtue of the homestead excmplÍon laws of the state to wit: UI An of the NW'I,SE'I. and a portion of Lot 3 of Section 28, T36N RI19W of the 6'" p.M., Lincoln County, wyoming and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Southwest Closing Comer of said Lot 3 and running 1'10'15' 18"W, 1117.65 feet more or less, to rhe southwest comer of a parcel of property sUTveyed for Alvin L Robinson and Boyd Wilkes by Ross M. Turner and filed Sept. 23, 1982 as Instrument No. 585212 in Lincoln County Records; thence runnin g 1'189' 50' 3 1 "E, along the South line of last said property, 578.49 feet to the Southeast corner of said Robinsoo and Wilkes property, said comer lonnd marked by a Rebar wilh an Aluminum Cap; thence 1'10'41 '02"W, 178.82 feel, more or less, along the East line of1ast said property to the North line of said Lot 3; Ihence N89'14'01"E, along last said North hne, 128.83 feet, more or less, to a ßLM type monument fonnd marking the Northwest Corner of said NW1/4SE1/4; thence S89'22'39"E, along the North line of said NWV,S})';" 1339.50 feet to a BLM type monument found marking tire NOltheast Comer thereof; thence SO'03' 13"E, along the East line of said NWV.S1W" 1281.73 feet to a BLM type ¡nonumenr foood macking the Southeast CorTIer thereof; rlrence S89'47'29"W, along Ihe Sonth line of said NWV.SE';" \344.79 feet to a BLM rype monument found marking the southwest Corner thereof; RECE\VED 10/24/2005 at 4:25 PM RECEIVING # 913100 BOOK: 602 PAGE: 355 JEANNE WAGNER . ., "",I ,"'TV CLERK, KEMMERER, WY )~ , li \ r BAIT24\37840v\ ~I ..... 100 t n 0 ') 5 6·' ~~I \.) \. ,,) thence N89°52'59"W, along the South line of said Lot 3,696.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH mineral rights, leases, permits and water rights, if any, pertaining thereto. Being the same property conveyed to Grantors in a deed recorded November 3, 2003 in Book 540, on page 750 of the Official Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. SUBJECT, however, to all reservations, restrictions, protective covenants, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record, in sight, or in use. WITNESS my hand this dot ,vi, day of April, 2005. State of Maryland ss. County of Baltimore The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Marianne Schmitt Hellauer, Trustee, this ~ day of April, 2005. Witness my hand and official seal. XW;~ - 2 - ..-BA LT2A 137840,v I 29718..1 ,~~-'~._-_.._.