HomeMy WebLinkAbout913101 ?!o ~ a Jo ¡ü ; ~ ;;,. ~ :8 'rl, .... r-< í5 ~ ~ ¡ ~..c:J ""' g ~.~ ~1.. 'O~8 ..~ ~ ftj ~11 u 7, 7 '.....,¡ j ¡ ¡"',"~ ,''\ . ¡. "'/ J (-, q .... ~, lJ U 3 5 7 THE STATE OF WYOMING ) )SS THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) AFFIDA VIT TERMINA TlNC ESTATE BY JOINT TENANCY Gaye Lynn Hepworth, being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: 1. That Waldo E. Hepworth died on July 4, 2005 in Afton, Wyoming. 2. That on January 10, 1994 for valuable consideration Florize Hepworth by her Warranty Deed of that date, which deed was duly filed for record in the Office of the Lincoln Cuunty Clerk on ¡anury 25, 1994 in Book 344PR on page 385, conveyed unto Waldo E. Hepworth and Gaye Lynn Hepwol1h, as joint tenants with full nghts of survivorship, the following described real property, to wit: BEGINNING at a point 55 feet West of the East Quarter Corner of Section 31, T33N R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming at a survey marker inscribed: PLS 5368, T.33N., R.118W., S.31 16.7 R.M. 1990 and, running thence West, 198 feet; thence South, 220 feet; thence East, 198 feet; thence North, 220 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. 3. That by reason of the said conveyance, Waldo E. Hepworth and Gaye Lynn Hepworth became the owners of the real property as joint tenants and title thereto vested in them continuously from said date of conveyance as described in said Warranty Deed, until the date of death of Waldo E. Hepwol1h on )uly 4, 2005 at which time title to the above described real property vested absolutely in Gaye Lynn Hepworth in accordance with the provisions of §2-9-102, W.s. (1980). 4. Affiant avers and certifies that deceased is the identical party named with Affiant in the aforementioned deed whose death terminated his interest, title and estate In the said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this Affidavit a copy of the official certificate of death of decedent, duly certified by the public aothority in which said death certincate is a matter of record. Dated this r:10""0of October, 2005. State of Wyoming County of Lincoln 7J, The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by Gaye Lynn Hepworth this .;JO.- day of October, 2005. Witness my hand and official seal. ߣ~aJN ~ Not ry Public My Commission Expires: 9-/5-D7 GLORIA K. BYERS - NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln Wyoming My CommissIon Expires Sept. 15, 2007 RECEIVED 10/24/2005 at 4:26 PM RECEIVING # 913101 BOOK: 602 PAGE: 357 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ,1", .~ ~~ ;..t¡ ~¡.;,.:. ~ ','¡fP ì11 ,~~ .,~/1 ! ~-,,¡. ~~, ~, ~:¡~,: &é', i}j~ ~'~1 '4\\' ~' ª,., ~~, .~ '''If i.'I¡¡' f/hll; i~~ l~~i I, â~~,: w:: ~. '~~1~: iålf': {~~.f \~i'" ~. S;t~. ' ~",,"'." >--.=;.¡,' ;: ij,ßr: :~:i: ~x~ ~~: ~~~; ~' ~}'¡" =" p.c<,:: ;@J, q!~,. '1' , i~f '\\"1 ¡!í~ ,~ ~: ~ i~~~: 'lil!: :!i£0f ~V ¡i~\~: ~, ~~; ~: ~I§'I' i!IIt\J: ~...- ---~--"_...... ST A TE·OFWYOMING .. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH / *? 2005-nnlgQ? STAtE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STArE FILE NUMBER LOCAL FILE NUMBER 3. DATE OF OE;ATH (MoIDayNr)· (Spell Montt1 1, OECEOENT'S lEGAL NAME (ír,eludll AKA''!i iI,any) {Firs!, Mldd!e. Laslj Waldo 1';- HEPWORTH ~ ulÿ 4,2005 ·1 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 6. DATE OF BIRTH {MOfIJBYrY.} 520-42-4776 anuary,'23, 1938 : : - _:_ >. 7a_ PLAÇ,E or: DEATH (Cþðck only onel IF DEATH .oCCURRED 1~ A HOSPITAL. ,-: TT IF OEATH:OCC~~RED 5þMEW~tERE å~:t'tI;:R THAN Aliós~rrAl':::' ,:::' >:: <: _~~-=-º-~ j O(llll¡¡tlenl~-.-J_O HosplL'1! FacIlity ,,0 Nursing Home ¡long Term Calli Faclllly ':, . . d Dece®nfs liome 7b, fAC!lITY NAME (It OOlloSllluOO". g;...e shuul and nU!I1bllr) 7c. CfTY, TOWN, OR lOCATION OF DEAHl .---- ;,:, m 'tJa: .!! 0 iEt; .,w ~!E !O ,,-' ïiot E~ oW üZ .,:> mIL o I- Star Valley Medical Center -_._-~-~ 9 MARfT.A,l'·STATW~ AT TI~E'oF Oëi'TH ø M.¡¡~i~.~'., " 0 í.!1I;;Ied. ;~~I 5ep.~¡:.led :' LJ DIVorced", 0 NII...el M.ilflled ~[, ',',' ,12Þ CO, UN1.Ý , -=--', Liocoln 8 BIRTHPlACE ¡èily an~ slale C>i 'or"9n count~1 Grover, Wyoming ,iEvER 'N U S T" RESIDENCE ",STÀT,E AHMED FORCES' -º-!~~NO 1iYomiflß ,'." !;¡'01 S-:-~~!':r:1 /,r:;] t;l; .1~:::P, 7l,3 Grover Narrow's Rd. I, It 1 :~~::;!<I!:": cr[';"1.~~~IT~7 ,{, tJ "';E5 XXI tm ----.- 13 fATHER'S NAME (Fusl, Midól". Lul) Fay Edmund "epwoFth 1 Sa INFORMANT'S NAME FlorizeEdwards 15b, REI,ATIONs!·np TO þEC¡;:OSNT 1sÇ, MAilING "O.QRESS·(S"IÚI.I.nó NUn-;be;. è"y. S'løle, Zip Çpde Gaye Lynn Hèpworth ,- :-:. ,', ",', '; .',..," 743 Gr¿)ver N~rt'~w§ Rd. ;Grover~rlWy 83122 Spouse 17a. PLACE OF OISPOSlnON ¡Name 01 , cem.tery01 cleffillloryl \ c;roverCeT11etEHY 17u.lOCAT10N - CITY OR TOWN AND STATE 19~::N"ME OF fACILrrV rover, Wyoming 19b: AOO~,ESS OF FACI~, rv ': ,4. ¡;;,.4th Ave.; ffton, WY 23. W"S CORONER CQtHACTE07 Srihwab Mört uäry' XO'll~ES DNa ^ppro"maleifllefYjll OnS8110 ooalh c-' mi!!.!!.1;~_~_,___ years This is a true and exact reproduction of the document on file 'jn the office of Vilal Records S~rvices, C ~eyenn~, Wyoming, ,0..,-.",. ú~.,.¿&..-;. ~/... ýi~7....., :, Lucinda McCaffrey /:/ Def?uty Slale RegIstrar DATE ISSUED: \ JUL 21 2005 This c~py i.~ not vi,ltid unless µrepareJ on paper with an e.ngraved bOTder displaying the: date¡.seal and s;gnatu!e or.lhe Deputy Slate Re.gislrar ,~ij~fii~iw~W¡wllli~MJifl~4i0;i.ijIlüw~¡ij¡w}iw1¡[··~.tID[wiiill.¡¡tiff~JiT ._.._,~"---,.-,--~,~.. ..!.~mr.!1,~h.::!!.\'¡":·.:z-,¡~~~,,?.m",~r¡::':¡'::,,'T',1l".,1.":1:f·\lhl, .: ; : : ~ .,:- . ~ ,--'-_.._._-~,---_._,-_..~..~'--._-_.~-~_.._..