HomeMy WebLinkAbout913103 ~.~ "~j g~ ) G3 tg. bl) .:J r-.:: 0 '() U ....0 tJJ ....' w~~J :E 71 .....' é--i ð g .~ ;~ V) ¡;'.!i <-1 ~,~ ~1 §,. Þ- Jj ì .;;:¡ ~ ".....'" ~ ~) P Q ..' ç' ¡;;. 1iJ¡ c;j , ~;a ;; k'" <'\' " ). RECEIVED 10/24/2005 at 4:27 PM RECEIVING # 913103 BOOK: 602 PAGE: 360 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED BOB L, FOLSOM AND CYNTHIA S. FOLSOM, Husband and Wife, grantors of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for consideraÜon of Ten and 00/1 OO's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hereby ac1mowJedged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO ROBERT L. FOLSOM AND CYNTHIA S. FOLSOM, TRUSTEES OF THE ROBERT L. FOLSOM AND CYNTHIA S. FOLSOM FAMILY TRUST dated September 28, 2005 grantees, whose address is P.O. Box 441, Manton, CA 96059 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homcstead cxemption laws of the slate to wit: ~.) That part of the NE\.4NW'A of Section 24, T32N Rl19W of the 6th P,M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of thaI tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 104PR on page 180, it being !he intent to redescribe ù1at tract of records as conveyed to Dee CaB and Diane Call of record in the said office in Book 212PR on page 559, to conform to the actual situation on the ground and to lilC plat of the Tee- Mont Subdivision of record in the said Office as Plat No. 202 and thertfore described as foBows: l1 Beginning at a 3/8" x 12" steel spike on the north line of the said NE 1.4 NW !4 , S 89°51' W, the base bearing for !his survey, 563.74 feet from the northeast comer of Ihe said NE \.4 NW \4, found as described in !he Certitïed Land Corner Recordation C¡;nificate filed in the said Office; thence S 00°03' W, 30 feet, to a point, the intersection of the south right of way line of the Kem1Îngton-Bul1on County Road No. 12-136 and the west right of way line of the Tee-Mont Drive; thence, continuing S 00°03' W, 300.18 feet along the said west right of way linc to a point, identical to !he northeast corner of Lot 13 of said Subdivision; thence S 89°51' W, 150.00 feet along the north line of said Lot 13 to a poim; thence N 00°03' E, 300,18 feet, parallel with !he said west right of way line, to a point on the said south right of way line; thence, continuing N 00°03' E, 30 fect to a PK nail on Ùle norÚ1line of the said NE'ANW\Ií; thence N 89°51' E, 150.00 feet along the said north line to the place of beginrúng, SUBJECT, however, to all reservations, restrictions, protective covenams, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record, in sight, or in use. If{ fA WITNESS our hands this day of October. 2005. ----jj'?/c j~.~~-- Bob L. Folsom ê"'~&b J< ~/~ IT Cyntl¡ja S. Folsom C00360 'ÌI'.(' ,'"~ ~11.ü3 ~J._~ J J..J~' r(\0'161 .' d ~ State of California ) . )ss. County of 7éJltlh1Cl ) - - - - - - - - ~ THOMAS ARTHUR KNIGHT þ _ @ Commlsalon 11530920 ... Notary Public· CoUlomla Tehama County , MyComm. Exptres Dee 2, 2008 .... The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Bob L. Folsom and Cynthia S. Folsom this I g fh J day of October. 2005. Witness my hand and official seal. --rj;7n~ IJdl!a~- ~ I No ry Public My Commission Expires: 12Ä7-/2-,·pg I /