HomeMy WebLinkAbout913121 .T~{~i~: ~ ~.·,:;:":_':}~~}jr~ l003'S9 Quitclaim Deed KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Janice E. Watchorn, Trustee of The Ralph Watchorn Family Living Trust, dated the 25th day of August, 1986, of the County of $P.L'Í LCl~{:; , State of Utah, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has remised, released, conveyed and quitclaimed and by these presents does remis, release and forever quitclaim unto Gerald W. OU and Deni Ott, husband and wife, whose address is 4453 West park Hollow Lane, Riverton, UT 84065, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as the trust may have or ought to have, in and to the following described premises to-wit: Lot 26 in Star Valley Ranch Plat 21, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my signature this~ l ~ day of C)~~~~~005. The Ralph Watchorn Family Living Trust Dated the 25th day of August, 1986 III State of Utah ) \,. )ss. County of ~'^-\-'\\-~\--..~) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Janice E. Watchorn, Trustee of The R~h Watchor(l Family Living Trust, dated the 25th day of August, 1986, this ~ \ <;; day of é)~ \-()'-o'\' ~ 2005. Witness my hand and official seal. .' . l)::) I[;:~VE:~Y~~~~E . .,. ''. ,: .',' ;", "c;"/ State of Utah '~;......' :.,:y Commission Expires Feb. 06, 2006 n ..,~. é~'C') \"., West '!ailey City, UT 84120 ,\~~~~ t ry Public -.... ~------ :Þ- _~r- ~a'J l. ...-~ ",_-,.\.OF'PIt. /.'71· -. ........ . ;. Æ (~\ 81: ~A /..·ï "::z.~!.::>' State of Utah My Commission Expires Feb. 06, 2006 3420 S, 5600 w., West Valley City, UT 84120 IDA ROYLANCE Notary Public My Commission Expires: RECEIVED 10/25/2005 at 12:27 PM RECEIVING # 913121 BOOK: 602 PAGE: 389 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY This document Is being recorded' by Rocky Mountain Title InsUrance Agency of Lincoln County as a Courtesy Only ml"':O~:~~~~IIIIIIIII'II'.II'IIIIIII'"III"I'I'III"11I'1""'""'""""1"""':'1'"""""""" ~1"~W""~O~Oo:r4>Ifo7"~O~Ji":OJJ ~:~2 } Ü....,1LI<.M1.Z1. SALT LAKE CITY - COUNIY HEAL1lI DEPARTMENf 4 t DI\1~l~~ uQf. ~ß~T ~]:~1l5TICS coo 39 O~· i [~'5:'~~;E~~:': CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 1 ~-.ð .""...... LOCAL FILE NUMBER 18-2958 STATE FILE NUMBER j !> I NAME OF DECEDENT FIRST MIDDLE LAST 3a.DATEOFDEATH(MoDay. y,¡ b TIME OF DEATH ",.. """'I ~ 1_ Ralph WATCHORN August 5, 1994 1510 . ~_ 1. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ~ 528 36 6219 ~ Bb. NAME OF HOSPITAL. NURSING HOME OR OTHER FAC'LITY {lIoU/sidBa/aciliry. ] t ~:~,~~~, o EfVOuwali.n, DooA DNur~ngHom. [8JRe'idence D~h.' ;;;~./~::s~~~:ed Road ~ r~Q DECEDENT B~~~Yi:~W;~;~:~TlON OF DEATH Bd;~~; ~~~TH B~~~~~: S~~~j/ wife. QW. maiden name} ]1 10. WAS DECEDENT 11. MARITAL STATUS 12a. DECEDENrs USUAL OCCUPATiON (Œv. kind 0' wor\< don. 12b. KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY ¡VRE~E ~ ~ÒSRCES? 0 Never Married &I Married during most 01 working hIe. Do NOT use rallted) ~- !Xy., DNo o Divorced o Widowed Parts Manager Parts Store 1 ~ 13a. RESIDENCE· STRE.ET AND NUMBER 13b. cln. TOWN, OR COMMUN'TY 13c. COUNTY 13d. STATE ~ ï 9770 South Tweed Road South Jordan Salt Lake Utah o~ J ~ 1 ~ j ] ~ , i J ~-~ ~ .. ;""",:~~~",.o·, 16_ EDUCATION (Spedly only hl9hesI 9,ari complel8d) Elamenlary or Secondary (O-12)·College (13-16 ar 17...) 13 14. WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC OR'GIN? 0 Ve, (II yes. specity) o Mexican 0 Cuban 0 Puet10 Ran 0 Other (SpøciiYI Wh i te lB. MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHE Edna Peterson 13e. INSIDE CITY 131. ZIP CODe LIMITS? 84095 Dve, 1\11 No 17. fATHER' NAME ( irsl. Middle. last) George Watchorn I ¡rst. Middle. last) PARENTS lB. NAME. RELATIONSHIP AND MAILING ADDRESS OF INFORMANT INFORMANT Janice Watchorn (wife) 9770 South TWeed Road, South Jordan; Utah 84095 21a. DATE OF DISPOSITION 21b. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (Name of cemelery 21c. LOCATION· City or Town. 51al& crematory.orOlherplace¡ 6500 South: Redwood Road Redwood Memorial Est Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 23. LICENSEE NUMBER 24. FUNERAL HOME (Name. addr." and lice"", number) Memorial Estates Mortuary #181 5850 So. 900 E. SLC, UT 84121 } t f DISPOSITION o Oth., (p J/B CERTIFIER t 0(..'2.)1 REGISTRAR MOD .. Appro.l:imale Inlerval Belw&en OO$el And I Dealh. IMMEDIATE CAUSE {Final 4 _ , ~~~~7,f:g°fn~:ft~tn 'n_1 D~~~ ~-~~-~rV!.~9-1·-·I-~if~_-- Sequenlially list conditions. .._------1L-1c~{:p-_~ ~ P ~_ ---L~.::..r_ ~a:,~~.I~~~~~t~~~~~:~~ DuE TO lOR AS A CONSEOUENCE OF! I CAUSE. (disease or injury . I Ihallnltlated events resultmg --CÜE "'fÕtOR AS A CONseÕÜENCE OF):----------- . -1 in death) lAST I CAUSE OF DEATH PART 11. Olher Significant Condllions conlribuling 10 death but not resulling in the underlying cause given in Pan 1 32. IN YOUR OPINION. TOBACCO USE BY THE DECEDENT o Probabl)' contributed 10 the cause 01 death o Was the underlying causs of dealh ROid nol contribule 10 the. cause 01 dealh 0 ß o Is unknown in relation 10 the cause 01 dealh 0 NON.USER Yes No 3Sb_ TIME OF INJURY 35c. INJURY AT WORK? 35d. P~CE OF INJURY·A.t home. larm, sir est, lactory. (24 Hour Clock) office. building. siC. (Spscily) 33a. WAS AN AUTOPSV PERFORMED? 33b. WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS AVAILABLE PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF CAUSE OF DEATH? o Y.. fJ No t f t t ~ ~ f r ~ t~ 12430J~AUG 0 91994 '~".<¡ (I<'!~.~lfø:;~~9ø~17).:¡:¡:::_~t;:::::~~::;::~~ .-.. -_..------------- 34. MANNER OF DEATH :ø--NalUral 0 Accidenl 35a. DATE OF INJURY (Month. Day. Year) 35g. II mOlor vehicle accident specdy iI decedenl was dfIVer. paS5enger or pedeslrian. o Suicide 35s_lOCATION (S,Tesl or n;ral roule number. city or lown. county and statB) o Homicide Date Issued o Undetermined 0 Pending If Injured Investigalion Purposely or ACcidenlally ~ This is to certify that this is a true copy of the information on file in this office. This certified copy is issued under authority of Section 26·15·26 of the Utah Code Annotated, 1953 as amended. Thomas L. Schl~nker, MD Dlreotoc07Ÿ)'lIh ~ 1r¡~ 7= ,'",-¿ ) ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~