HomeMy WebLinkAbout913145 1\M_..:J,¡;'!';E2L~_~ i~¡_;;¡*f~iliif¡l; aA.TI'I"ACTION 01" MO"TOAO& HolM' , . '-(,WI) OI~f':;'\N :I?UNDING, INC. '-"''''CO 1"0"1<1 :¡:¡.I/Z AddI_: PO BOX 35 FLOR~L CITY, FL. 34436 I j J I . 1 J \ .' C00481' Thla ,^",ument P,.p_lJ~ !Y1 FRED H. ~'ARNSWORTH 1oM_ PO BOX 35 FLORAL CITY, FL. 34436 RECEIVED 10/26/2005 at 3:35 PM RECEIVING # 913145 BOOK: 602 PAGE: 481 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Property App,tI..,. P,rell Id,ntlf'\çatlon IFoIiol Number!.I: IP4CE ~ M' l..J<ji FOR ~ DATA "AGI! ~ THIS UNE fOA ÆCORCiNO DATA .&utisfudton of Ænrtgagt ~øur .J.H .flt IJIl m~tJt 1frt.øtnf.: '1'h4t a Floeida Corporation tÀt owntr and holder 010. certain mortgage d8ed e~'IlUd bv LEROY J. PUCKETT and MARY L. PUCKETT, husband and wife ~ TWO OCEAN FUNDING, INC. a Florida Corporation bearing date tM 12th daVoJ SEPTEMBER ,A.D. 2005, recorded in OffIcIal R&cords Book 597 ,P~e 237 ,intMo1fic,ofÙIIJClørkoftMCircuÚCourtof LINCOLN County, StlJ.u o/WYOMING ,lec'Uring that certain note in tM principal lum <if SIXTY -FIVE THOUSAND F¡VE HQNDRED (62r?00.00) qnd ~o/100---------______~__ Dollar" a.nd cert4M\ promuel aM ObligatiQM ut!õrlA in ea.id 'I'/1,()T'rgage deeil., upon the prapertv situa.u 171 laid St4te a.nd County cUacribed cu !Ol/.Qwl, to-wit: .. (I, ..) TWO OCEAN FUNDING-,' INC., Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 4, Block 29 of the Afton Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence South 5 rods, thence West 10 rods, thence North 5 rods, thence East 10 rods the the place of beginning. l': Iwrebr k ledge filll payment and satiifactWn of said note and mortga.ge deed, and surrender the .a:nu :ca~llød, and h.ere~ direct tM C/,çrJt of the said Circuit Court to ca.ncel tM 6a.?M oj rðcord. .,mulI hand and .etù , thi. day oj ' A.D. S/g'Md ../daod ,din I>""-of TWO~~~NG.~ ~17r~~~ æ Unöa am e ~~ II. FARNCWOR'rII, rnEE:. ~~.£þ.~ ,!~~ 35.FLORAT. CITY, FL 34436 ~nda Huston lID Wlc.-I,-,<," (w '" CRO"""", If u» c..otut.rilph.rt. If &I>,)' NaW "'.- JIit;;¡;¡¡R.- 1flt.aMI .'pa1I&N cY \0 c;.o..on.a&or. U &OJ) P..I om.. Á~ FIla,*, Pi... CITRUS -) ) I henbyCertl1'y thaLon Lhlt day. before mO,an officer-duly authorized tþ admlnltw oath. and take adcnowled¡menlA. peraonally appeared STATE OF COUNTY OF FLORIDA FRED H: l' AJ:<N ~ W crl in and who execut.ed tha foreao1n¡ Inttr-ument. who aclmowledpd borOl'eLm,e thaI known to me to be the peraon - " orldenuncaUonorthe above-named peraon_:Pr ,'¡J..L,Y" _. ('. <eS"'-'" executed the .ame, that I ",lied U )Ol1 tho Mlowil\l rorm_ , . ,_,_ and th.t .n oath (wa,XwII not) talcen. MOTAIIY I'IIJDOe" .-r,."''' HAl. ' Wit.n.aa my ~nd and o£C\clal.ul' th. County and Stat.. l..l.tO........~r 1'1 r dayol _" . _ A.D. :_. \0 CIa tI Cj) =.::"" -,