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HomeMy WebLinkAbout913168 ,Ji',- LOG584 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) NOTICE OF SATISFACTION OF LIEN RECEIVED 10/27/2005 at 9:26 AM RECEIVING # 913168 BOOK: 602 PAGE: 584 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY /, .,~. COMES NOW LISA R. HOKANSON, the duly-appointed and serving Town Clerk of the Town of Afton, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, pursuant to W.S. §29-1-j02, being duly sworn, does state the following under oath: 1. That I am an adult person over the age of nineteen and am the duly- appointed and serving Town Clerk of the Town of Afton, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. The matters set forth in this NOTICE OF SA TISFACfION OF LIEN are based on the books and records of the Town of Afton, which books and records are maintained in the ordinary course of business under my supervision and control. 2. That the liens recorded on August 31,1995, in BOOK 372 PR PAGE 766, instrument number 807579, in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming have been paid in full and are hereby satisfied. 3. Attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit A is a true and ( correct copy of the Assessment Roll for the Town of Afton, Wyoming East Alley Parking Special Improvement District. 4. The names and addresses of the owner(s) of record of the property at the j time of the filing of the Lien Statement and legal descriptions of the property to which the satisfied liens are set forth on Exhibit A. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. DATED this ;;U day of October, 2005. L~~~~~0 TOWN CLERK TOWN OF AITON STATE OF WYOMING State of Wyoming ss County of Lincoln s my hand and seal. Th~~oregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ~1\.I1.J ~ this .::::t \ day of cD<!.i ~ ,20 0.5 .~. ' P:¡:I:I¡,:iW;·;i;.:.: . , 1'\, '1 Jr\ T\ ~';1~R~0"ŒD My commis~1i¡¡:~¡ilii:¡¡¡:¡:~x~:~res: .c;;.I-U ;r:>WU6!)';';::¡!;1:{:;!¡ild ¡m~l~~~~ Ü91.3:[tiÕ"'"' fi~!~~~~I;~m,~ AITON EAST ALLEY SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT ROLL May 1995 NAME, ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 First Security Bank (Star Valley State Bank) 485 Washington, Afton, Wyoming 83110 Commencing at a point 103 feet 2 inches North lTom the SouÙ1west Comer of Lot 3, in Block 20 of the Town of Aft on, Wyoming runrúng Ù1ence North Twenty-four (24) feet Six (6) inches; thence East Ten (10) rods; thence South Twenty-four (24) feet Six (6) inches; thence West Ten (10) rods to the place of beginning together with improvements and appurtenances. (The foregoing description is based on original surveys, Based on a new survey and plat made by Ivan L. Call, P.E. and L.S. No. 274, dated June 1, 1973, the property being conveyed herein is described as follows, with reference to a Brass Marker Division Line between Lots 2 and 3 of said Block 20. of the Afton Townsite: Beginning 205.78 feet South and 5.0 feet East oflhe Brass Marker between lots 2 and 3. thence East 165 feet. Ihence South 24.5 feet, thence West 165 feet, thence North 24.5 feet tot he place of beginning together wilh improvemenls and appurtenances. ) Commencing at a point of seven (7) rods, eleven and one-fourth (11 Y4) feet south of the NW Comer of Lot Three (3) in Block Twenty (20) in the Town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming. as surveyed, platted and recorded, and running, thence East ten (10) rods, thence South three (3) rods eleven and one fourth (11 Y.) feet, thence West ten (10) rods, thence North three (3) rods eleven and one-fourth (11 Y.) feet to the place of beginning, together with inlprovements and appurtenances. (The foregoing description is based on original surveys. Based on a new survey and plat made by Ivan L. Call, P.E. and L.S. No. 274, date June I, 1973, the property being conveyed herein is described as foHows, with reference to a Brass Marker Division Line between Lots 2 and 3 of said Block 20, of Ihe Afton Townsite: -~~ -----, " LOC585 ... ?¿'!J ASSESSMENT $ 21,148.58 jV / -, -~ Ü"'i' '->1:" 8 UJ¿U''{) rfÎt~86 \~ U ,.I ;:) ~ ?~;,-O AFfON EAST ALLEY SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT ROLL May 1995 NAME, ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT Begiruúng 5 feet East and 129.7 feet South of the Brass Marker Division Line between Lots 2 and 3, and running thence East 165 feet, thence South 60.75 feet, thence West 165 feet, thence North 60.75 feet to the place of beginning, logether with improvements and appurtenances.) Commencing at a point 127 feet 8 inches North from the Southw,est Comer of Lot 3, in Block 20 of the Town of Man, Wyoming running thenÇeNorth Fifteen (IS) feet Four (4) inches; thence East Ten (10) rods; thence South (15) feet Four (4) inches; thence West Ten (10) rods to the place of beginning together with improvements and appurtenances. (The foregoing description is based on originaJ surveys. Based on a new survey and plat made by Ivan L. Call, P .E. and L.S. No. 274, dated June I, 1973, the property being conveyed herein is described as follows, with reference to a Brass Marker Division Line between Lots 2 and 3 of said Block 20, of the Mon Townsite: Begiruúng 190.45 feet South of 5.0 feet East of the Brass Marker Division Line between Lots 2 and 3, and running thence East 165 feet, thence South 15.33 feet, thence West 165 feet, thence North 15.33 feet to the place of beginning together with improvements and appurtenances.) The South Forty-three (43) feet of the West N'me (9) rods of Lot Numbered Three (3) in Block Number Twenty (20) in the To\vn of Afton, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming as said lot and block are laid down and described on the officiaJ plat and survey of said Town on file and ofrecord in the Office of the County Clerk of said County. Page 2 " n¡¡f¡":-::I;¡;-l~('!';<-'" 1·'_S'_~¡h~l''¡I1.;' ;~~I .- ~J:j i~1":<>:¡:'j'~ ¡t':¡:::*:1:::::;:;:;1 '(~::!,;!ili:::::::;;,.l;'¡, : - ~m;m~~1~m~~~~~ ; '¡;~:.~ ")"1,1:'8 ""0JL~~ I\.) AITON EAST ALLEY SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRJCf ASSESSMENT ROLL May 1995 NAME, ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2 William E. Vogt, David Sears & Connie Cahill 967 Washington, Afton, Wyoming 83110 Beginning at a point which is Six (6) rods South trom the Northwest comer oflot Three (3) in Block Twenty (20), in the Afton, Wyoming Townsite, survey as same is platted and of record inthe Records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence East Ten (10) rods; thence South One (I) Rod Eleven and One-quarter (11 1/4) feet; thence West Ten (10) rods; Ihence North One (I) rod, Eleven and One-quarter (11 1/4) feet to the point of beginning; together with all improvements thereon, and easements, appurtenances and incidents belonging or appertaining thereto, or used in connection therewith;; subject however, to all mining, mineral and other exceptions, reservations, conditions and ri hts ofwa of record. 3 The Grant M. Barrus & Joyce B. Barrus Revocable Living Trust 453 Washington Street, Mon; Wyoming 83110 BEGINNING at a point which is the Northwest comer of Lot Three (3) in Block Twenty (20) in the Mon, Wyoming Townsite Survey as the same is platted and of record in the records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, and thence West Ten (10) rods, thence South Six (6) rods, thence East Ten (10) rods, thence North Six (6) rods to the point of beginning, and ALSO BEGINNING at a point at the Northwest comer of Lot Three (3) in Block Twenty (20) in the Afton, Wyoming, Townsite, and running Ihence South Two (2) rods; thence East Ten (10) rods; thence North Two (2) rods; thence West Ten (10) rods to the point of beginning, together wilh any and all water and mineral ri hts and an a urtenances located thereon. - - -. " '~~'. r!Îr~87 1·,U\..i"; . . "'y' rJ..·..' <1. ASSESSMENT s 2,732.82 s 3,249.84 I ---.-.-. ·-....(,./t'\.' ")Aj h8 ,_, J ¿, ....;' A., 'UI ()1'~88 ~. u tJ v . >~~ AFTON EAST ALLEY SPECIAL IMPROVL'fENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENT ROLL May 1995 NAME, ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT 4 Mark B. Barrus & Linda R. Barrus $ 5,367.16 465 Waslúngton. Mon. Wyonúng 83110 Commencing at a point two rods South of the Northwest comer of Lot Three (3) in Block Twenty (20) of the Afton Townsite Survey and running thence East ten (10) rods; thence South four (4) rods; thence West ten (10) rods; thence North four (4) rods to the place ofbegiruúng. 5 Kenneth Gardner $ 2,954.40 449 Washington. Afton. Wyoming 83110 Beginning at the Southwest Comer of Lot 2 in Block 20 of Mon. Townsite, and running thence East 165 feet; thence North 33 feet; thence West 165 feet; thence South 33 feet to the place of beginning, together with improvements and water rights. (Tills Correction Quitclaim Deed is given to correct the description in that certain Quitclaim Deed given by Leslie F. Henderson and Mary Lou Henderson. husband and wife, for Norville Broadbent and Leoyce Henderson Broadbent (fonnerly Leoyce Henderson), husband and wife, to Kenneth G. Gardner and Marie C. Gardner, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, on December 26, 1967, and recorded April10, 1968, in Book 82 of P.R., Page 306, Recording No. 407720.) 6 Greg & Melanie Wilkes $ 5,170.20 445 Waslúngton. Mon, Wyoming 83110 Begiruúng at a point wlùch is two (2) rods North of the Southwest Comer of Lot two (2) of Block twenty (20) in the Town of Allon, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and rurming THENCE North three (3) rods; THENCE East ten (10) rods; THENCE South three (3) rods; THENCE West ten (10) rods to the point of beginning. .. Page 4 \ii~¡j~If:f:rj¡'~i'i W"~'I"~ 1"'I"''f~I' .,,~., ,¡:!~:m;¡m ~.~~~l~¡ .: ~.' nc:i'''~ "/.·1;('8 .. . "-J'..~~;, 't) .¡;. AITON EAST ALLEY SPECIAL fMPROVEMENT DISTillCf ASSESSMENT ROLL May 1995 NAME, ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION 7 T. Paul & Sharon Stauffer and Alan C. Stauffer & Jill Stauffer 439 Washington, Afton, Wyoming 83110 Beginning at a point which is 214 1/2 feet South ITom the Northwest Corner of said Lot 2 in said Block 20 of Afton Townsite, and running thence East 36 feet, thence South 16 1/2 feet, thence West 36 feet, thence North 16 1/2 feet, to Ihe place of beginning, together with the improvements thereon, consisting of the North half, or portion of the Jensen Building, and the appurtenances, and ALSO Beginning at a point which is 5 rods North ITom the Southwest Corner of Lot 2 in Block 20 of Mon Townsite, and running Ihence North 1 rod, thence East 36 feet. thence North 1 rod, thence East 129 feet, thence South 2 rods, thence West 10 rods to the place of beginning, together with improvements and water rights. Including all improvements and subject to all easements, exceptions, restrictions and rights of way of sight or record. that part of Lot 2. Block 20 of the OriginaJ Townsite of Mon, within the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (NWY4 SWI/.) Section 30. Township 32 North, Ranch 118 West, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 271 of Photostatic Records on page 604. described as follows: COMMENCING at the northeast corner of said Lot 2,- marked by a bathey; thence North 88° 14' 04" West 165.0 feet, along Ihe north line of said Lal 2, to the northwest comer of that tract of record in Book 155 of Photostatic Records on page 342. marked by a point; tJ¡ence South 01° 45' 56" West, 188.20 feet, along the west line of those tracts of record in the said Office in said Book 155 and in Book 261 of Photostatic Records on pages 339,342 and in said Book 271. to the northwest comer of that tract of record in Book 178 of Photostatic Records on page 462 marked by as 3/8" x 12" steel spike; thence South 88° 14' 04" East. 50.0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, identical to the " '1'< rr~r.~\89 ..... U "I '" >~d ASSESSMENT $ 3,249.84 ;/ I ~~<::., '1" "/ A'i ,1' Q 'If'-.!'A._,,-,,·LûU CQC590 AFTON EAST ALLEY SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT -Y'" r ;;'1: ASSESSMENT ROLL May 1995 NAME, ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT northeast comer of said tract in Book 178 marked by a P-K nail; thence continuing. South 88° 14' 04" East, 10.0 feet to a poinl; Ihence South 01° 45' 56" West, 141.8 feet to a point on the soulh line of said Lot 2; thence North 88° 14' 04" West 10.0 feet, along the said south line to a point; thence North 0 I 045' 56" East, 141.8 feet, along the east line of said Iract in Book 178 to the POINT OF BEGINNING; minus the North 47,26 feel and the South 47.26 feet, encompassing an area of 1418.0 square feet, more or less; together with all water, water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situated or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-ways of record or iIl use. 8 Ken-Mar, Inc. 431 Washington, Afton, Wyoming 83110 $ 3,496.04 That part oflot 2, Block 20 of the Original Townsite of Afton, within the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (NW~SW~)Section 30, Township 32 North. Range 118 West, being part of that tract of record in the Offlice of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 271 of Photostatic Records on page 604, described as follows: The North 47.26 feet and the South 47.26 feet oflhe following described property: commencing at the northwest corner of said Lot 2, marked by a bathey; then<:e North 88° 14' 04" West, 165.0 feet, along the north line of said Lot 2, to the northwest comer of that tract of record in Book 155 of Photostatic Records on page 342, marked by a point; thence South 01045' 56" West, 188.20 feet, along the west line of those tracts of record in the said office in said Book 155 and in Book 261 of Photo- static Records on pages 339,342 and in said Book 271, to the northwest comer of that tract of record in Book 178 of Photostatic Records on page 462, marked by as 3/8"xI2" steel spike; thence South 88° 14' 04" East, 50.0 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, identical to the northeast corner of said tract in Book 178 marked by a P-K nail; thence continuing, South 88° 14' 04" East. 10.0 feet to a point; thence South 01° 45' 56" West, 141.8 feet to a oint on the south line of said Lot 2; thence North Page 6 J1¡!" ~"""'1ffi1 ,!\_;,!.T\<i\.':X?" Hl~~8:1HilliU-11m ¡:1t:j.:I::::::::¡t¡~:J \~:;ili;~,!:~:~~::;:¡ -- I~J~;~f¡~~li) --, , r"~··"-' "~. C"r-...ç; '" 'I, .. '~.. ,,' ". i~'.]!;;) ""-.::....,- ~-;.:j' <!i6 U <....:] !Îr~91 '-.) "... \J . '::."; " J.Oy r~s- AITON EAST ALLEY SPECIAL IMPROVEI'tIENT DlSTIUCT ASSESSMENT ROLL May 1995 NAME, ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION ASSESSMENT 88014-04" West 10.0 feet, along the said south line to a point; thence North 01045' 56" East, 141.8 feet, along the east line of said tract in Book 178 to the POINT OF BEGINNING; encompassing an area of 1418.0 square feet, more or less; together with all water, water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situated or in anywise appertaining thereto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceDtions, easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. 9 Vernon Robert Lancaster & Anne Bell K Lancaster, Byron Schwab $ 4,628.56 427 Washington. Afton, Wyoming 83110 BegiIUÛng at a point which is 8 rods South of the Northwest Corner of Block 20 of the Afton Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence South 47 feet; thence East 165 feet; thence North 47 feet; thence West 165 feet to the place of beginning, together with improvements and water rights thereunto belonging, and any fixtures associated therewith, 10 Gerald W. Hoopes & Mae Jean Hoopes $ 5,268,68 419 Washington. Afton. Wyoming 83110 Beginning at a point 132 feet South from the Northwest (NW) Comer ofLat Two (2) in Block Twenty (20), Afton Townsite, Afton. Lincoln County Wyoming, and ruIUÛng thence North 53.5 feet; thence East 148.5 feet; thence South 53.5 feet; thence West 148.5 feet to the point ofbegiruúng, together with improvements and water rights appertaining there~!nto. 11 Joel Neuenschwander $ 7,730.68 409 Waslùngton. Afton, Wyoming 83110 Beginning at a point 10 rods West of the Northeast Comer of Lot Two (2), Block Twenty (20), Afton. Wyoming. Townsite and running thence South 128.2 feet, thence East 82.5 feet. thence North 66.3 feet, thence West 40 feet, thence North 61.9 feet, thence West 42.5 feet to the point of beginning. Subject to e)Ósting easements and right-of-ways heretofore given to the Town of Mon. -~ _ ,'. ....,.z :' I!..J 0>. ."" <' W '~o t.J ::J ..:JL¡'~'..&u ., !1 f' - 9 '., U ti 0 ~ 2 AITON EAST ALLEY SPECIAL IJ\-IPROYEMENT DISTIUCT ASSESSMENT ROLL May 1995 NAME, ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCIUPTlON Commencing at a point wruch is the Northwest Comer of Lot Two (2) of Block Twenty (20) in the Man Townsite, Lincoln County, Wyoming; running thence South 78.5 feet more or less to the North wall of the Star Valley Motor Company Building, thence East nine (9) rods, thence North 78.5 feet more or less 10 the North line oflhe said Lot Two (2), thence West nine (9) rods to the point of be innin ,with im rovements and water ri hts. 12 Lee Marvin Schwab & Terri Schwab 44 E 4th Avenue, Mon, Wyoming, 83110 BEGINNING at a point NOlo 45' 55" E 202 feet trom the center of Block 20, Afton Townsite, and running thence NOlo 45' 56" E 128.2 feet, thence N 88° 14' 04" W 82,5 feet, thence SOlo 45' 56" W 1.28.2 feet, thence S 88° 14' 04" E 82.5 feet to the Point of Beginning. TOTAL I $ Page 8 ~;~~:i::~~;;:!:_..J i:~~~·!l¡m¡~~mw~:¡ II '?~6' ASSESSMENT $ 8,124.60 73,121.40 I