HomeMy WebLinkAbout913184 · _.,.......,..._..=""'"'...............~_.................. ...".-.........,p,_.'-'"o,'-'-="'-'-'·_,,-..,·_,'-·_"· ,,,-" ".-"""__ .~. .·..~··.c,··,':_···; . '··r.....·............_·.·.·,·. ... '-r-..... .~'"'...,........ ",."'~__'. .~. <'..~.~. ."._.. ',".' _' .~.. ....... .,.....:..-.'.,."f.....,,,...,....,,.,.."",,...,,.. . ,. '.' ~.,.,..._" .'. A'.'~" )t~-IØ-UII unllli /'IIUM""Lana II tie I;OIIpany DUr-¡n·UUID 1-::10:1 r.uu..'uu~ r-..,v. Mail Tax Notice to: ~~~1f1{nÍ)~~rth 750East, Kaysville, utah 84037 Joe & Shirlee Deromedts Family Trust r ~r6J 8 :'Sted Aug 24, 1995 \.- V \j I grantor of Alpine , COllOty or Lincoln . s~~ of W;vomlnr. hereby CONV£!/' and WARRANT to Wayne T. petersen db a Petersen Investmen~s rrantea or 1528North 750East, Kaysville, utah 84037 for the sum or Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration the toUOwlnlr deacrtbed t:n.ct of !aDd 111 COUll!;¡>, state·o! WyOraiDC. hereby relQaJ;!iIJ; JU1d waJ'rins aD ri¡:tm5 'UIIdér aJId by virtUø "'the bomeBtead _plicm 1:1._ 01 tba State, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT A -z~ ,q 40 {' RECEIVED 10/27/2005 at 11:17 AM RECEIVING # 913184 BOOK: 602 PAGE: 618 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTYCLERK,_ KEMMERER, WY WITNESS. the band or said ~n~or . th!s 20thy of September A.D.U 2005 Signed in tbe presence of Joe & Shirlee Deromedis Family Trust ;-;r ~~.~ . ~du- J.. STATE OF ''\hrDtVll ~1 I : '1 (l ø Count)' DC H~. .. J' o. J,. '" j~er On tbc d&y of ~ lJU'VIIV A.D. T9Zæ emnally appured before me ,,1-11 I ~ DEæDnllt=VL S /T/V·Q 511\ (21.-ff:- j)F__£j)(V7çfl¡ S Enu¡ No. IƒCORIIING DA T h I'ac$ RECORDED 0 PLATTED B COMPARED INDExeD. 0 0 AlISTaACTaI 0 PEUVWD 0 \b~ signer of the Within insuu manto wb4 claly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ~i¡i~:¡m~~~;i;¡ !I~~:~: ··,·i"'~'·;~~''''~''<:''':·'-·''· D3:13184 'mm1¡~iW ..-- ,_ :;.'.::L.' "'.: ",' " -.-, ....... ..-' ",_. '".·.,..··,..,·.,,~~V·_".;. ..,..-.-.,.-..,............-.., ·,··,...."..'-"''''·.'''''''..·;.·;"·,·..,,·,,,....·''"'..':-1'·',..'.,· "".~ ,o;"',,:,oto,'" , .,-".-,. : " :' .<.0'_ "........'. .,...... C00619 EXHIBIT A A portion of Tract 90, Township 24 North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly right- of-way line of U.S. Highway 30 N, which point lies N 58°23'; W, 2144.7 feet from Corner No. 2 of said Tract 90; thence N 11°29' W, 208.7 feet along the Westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 30 N.; thence N 89°11' W, 231.7 feet; thence S 11°29' E, 365.5 feet; thence N 72°02' E, 43.76 feet; thence N 56°30' E, 198.72 feet to a point on the Westerly right- of-way line of U.S. Highway 30 N; thence N 11°29' W along said right-of-way line to the point of begiúning. Conta~ning 1.575 acres. TOGETHER with all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments, aúd all other things ,thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.