HomeMy WebLinkAbout913185 -··",·,..........h!......,"·_.;.".I".·'" ".-"::'.o.::1.".:J...C:'_-W=I."'~".'_.' ..,.,',.......d.o'"'_..~...._. , _'._'..;:.c.;:...:01~",~=,,^ .:,",'__~",_·,·"''''.L''-.,"'''' . ...,....,..'..,-''".._,',....'.,. SEP-19-05 07:55 FRû"Hand Ti tIs Company 307-733-61 BS T -5&3 P.002/003 HS7 MORTGAGE C00620 Wayne T. petersen dba petersen Investments 1528 North 750 East, Kaysville, utah 84037 MOrtgagors of . 9,,µnty uf MrebymOrtga¡eto Joe & Shl.rìLee Deromeul.S Box 3426, Alpine, wyo 83128 ~o~~~:Of of $100,000.00 tbc foUowing described tract orland in Lincoln County State of Wyoming hereby rdcS$ing and wniving all rights under and by virrue of Ihe homeS{.:ad CXCmpûon laws of Úle State, to-wit: . S¡'Ue .;¡c.~tah SEE Attachment A RECEIVED 10/27/2005 at 11:18 AM RECEIVING # 913185 BOOK: 602 PAGE: 620 JEANNE WAGNER _LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY This mongage is holven to secure the following indcbtcdncSl: with per year until paid. First year at 2006. Borrower may prepay the principal part without penalty. Interest rate 5% per year. interest on the unpaid balance $15,0001.00 NO interest. First payment due Sept 15, amount outstanding in whole or --/ Ci 'f This mortgagc is inu:ndcd [Q CQ\ll:r d\t~ ftßU and proliu of wdpreperl)', ;Jnd CODicllt is he:reby ~';:VI:n n.{r/:T dcfi\uh, Jor t,.Jo¡e ~ppuinrm!;n[ (If a. rc-ccivt:f by any competent courc and ¡he reCeiver i., hereby authorized tD l'l:nL the: '"lid Jlroperty aad Apply the pt¡)"cd< on rhls oblipdon. The Mort¡8.;on agn:c: co ko:p Lb. buildinp.now on said pl~mba ðr hcru,rl,:r erccud thereon fuUr insurrd ilgiÜnst JoSli by fLrc in )òQmc"l'irc insurance- ClmpiJ.ny ilpprovcd by the mongagec., with ICJ$", ¡(uI1Y. pay¡.bJe to rnons.a;~ .Jllring .he life of this monpsc:. The Mortli1!On ulso IJfrCC to þay :ül UX~:IIi and itSseliSmenu on uid þt'emí$Cs~ im.:1udin, any løl:SSmcnu ÙUl m:ay be levjed on water riShl:l or .'Ch~re.$ o(¡IQck used in connection therewith, Of hdd ~ c:Ollatcnl wich the. 3.bov " notc; 31>00 h.n) Inx (hat maybe: u'C!5cd by n=.õL",cn of thIs mortgage 01' the: debl Jiccurcd. thcreby. and rauoruhlc a1torn~y·... tMF in ç;ur or foredo_outc. ot Un: tOlSd'r1ttntc:nICnt or any leg-aJ prot:ccdin¥J rur for«Josurc of the !l2Jnc, :otnd laid anomey·, (C'CI sha.U be. added to tJ1C ~mounl due: on this mortgage, J.nd mÖldc...lum on dlc prc:'mlsCJ dacribcd herl!În. In e¡lSe of defa.ult In the: p:tym~nt (Æ ;my sum eov<Ilamal '0 be paiel, .Îlbor Ih. prindpal or intC1'CSt when rhO! <n'I'. .hall brc"me due and p~y:.blç, ur in ease or default In the performance of any C:OVCJ131U htrcln cOEu..it\ct.I. (he: whole iUUount or this indcbtcdru:aos ,u"CUlrd hC'rein Jnay be immcdi:udy th;¡d¡:¡,rcd due and pa)'ab]c, and 11) bcur in- t(reS!...1 the nile of 10 percent pcr annum from the dou&! of lÔuch ð'lf;1ll1r, pnJ fhi. n11)I'I·.,:.a.gc. Iorcc1cJöc.d ô\r rh ' he h:g~ hold-=r" Tn rhe cv('nt of da:ruuh. Morr!i:'i'IOn s:rant 1;0 Mort¡;:agcC:l :. Pawc:r or S:Jc Cn rnrC',.Jn~ on a.,d .dllwd ¡U'CpCI"I)' ~t c ~uc:rlon pursua. t to tU-4-10J ~1 .r-q. Wyo. S1;;Ü.. 1917. or ÎCJauccnJor. !': i\ .,'(!J Signed In Ùl" presence: of h.D,,19 WITNESS ¡be h""d ofo..id monpgor. .bi. .. STATE OF' \,~,.eMIwl Go (A ..J- '" County of ðIJVI On rh" 21 day or ~,~. /.q>,/ A.D. '200':) p"..onally appe~cd befo~ IV '~ RECORDING DATA Entry No. FttS Wttvtt 1 Ye-\cr~Y1 RECORDED PLAITED COMPARED o o o INDEXED 0 0 ABS'rRACT£D 0 DELIVERED 0 the simer ofthe ,~jthln !nsltument, who duly acknowledged to me tbat b" cxceull,d .he oarne. .R~ II Jf1[~I".",,,_ .....- tM.t'IMIICØY.ur ..... COMII...~ '., J ~';:r~:;~:;:~:~ tB¡!~;2~~i:lJ ~~]m¡m~¡Iffimt ·"~~:~"':~:m~l!I~::!:)":¡:-",-,:;;~:¡., .," . ......"".....'. _~.1-...<..u! ':;,_::,~..:.. " '''.' .~. :.~ :LI:J~I; 1,1 . , ....: ". .J '·-a:t.·"~·J' -,':'I.,'" ,,,'t.U'\.:Y~"'_·~·n:,,,,·,.-~·,:·,."r<',,-;."·~" ",..' "fI_- .to¡;", '·":':.d',L_Ii.!'J:~W.:~·_: :':"'>:... c..~.lo.Ld~. _,,-¿,,_.,.."",,::.~ D913185 C00621 EXHIBIT A A portion of Tract 90, Township 24 North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly right- of-way line of U.S. Highway 30 N, which point lies N 58°23'; W, 2144.7 feet from Corner No. 2 of said Tract 90; thence N 11°29' Wt 208.7 feet along the Westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 30 N.; thence N 89°11' W, 231.7 feet; thence S 11°29' E, 365.5 feet; thence N 72°02' E, 43.76 feet; thence N 56°30' E, 198.72 feet to a point on the Westerly right- of-way line of U:S. Highway 30 N; thence N 11°29' W along said right-of-way line to the point of beginning. Containing 1.575 acres. TOGETHER with all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments, and all other things thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.