HomeMy WebLinkAbout875829 Husband and WiCe~ ................ ~rantors o¢ Linool~ County, Stare'of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and Other 8cod and valuable coflsiderafion in hand, receipt, whereof is hereby ac~owledsed C(?NVEY AND WA~NT TO JE~FER C~L, A tin~le Person, ~P.o ~ox 293 A~ton, ~ 83Z10 8rantees, whose address is ' the foil°win8 described real esta'~e, situate in Lincol~ County and State of Wyoming, hereby [eleasin~ and waiv~n8 all riShts under aM by virtue of the homestead exemption ~aws of the state to wit: That part of the NW~NW~ of Section 3~, T32N R118W, within the ~astin~s A~exation to the Town o~ A~on, Li~ool~ County, Wyoming, described as follows: Co~encing at a p-k nail.on the center-line of the ~airgrounds Road, S 02o06; W, the base bearing for this survey, 177.59 feet from an Ivan L. Call RLS 274 Mueller water cap with hexbolt at ~e intersection of the center-lines of said Fairgrounds Road with Sixth Avenue; thence S 86°54.7 E, 30 feet to the point of begi~ing on the east right-of-way line of said Road, S 55o49, E, 775.60 feet fl'om the northwest corner of said Section 3!, .:found as described in file Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate of record in the Offize of the Clerk of Lincoln County; 86 54.7 E, 144.98 feet along the westerly protraction of an thence continuing S existing chain li~. fence, and along said fence to a 2" x 4 foot lOng galvanized steel fence post; thence S 02048.2, W, 97.84 feet along said existing fence to a 2" x 4 foot long galvaniZed steel fence post; thence N 87027.2, W, 143.76 feet along said existing fence, in part, and a protraction thereof.westerly to a point on said east right-of-way line; thence N 02°06 E, 99.21 feet along said right-of-way line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. WITNESS our hands this ./: day of Karen D. Mills State of Wyoming County of Lincoln The .foregoing instrument was ac~owledged before me by E. K. Mills and Karen D. Mills this ~ day of ~im~e~ , 2001. ~ J Notary Public My Commission Expires: l-