HomeMy WebLinkAbout913553 ifl (' n (~ (', '-I r~ \r' \) t.!" /~ .~ J File No.: 5119R (0 I) Name: Address: Richard E. Pack, Trustee PO Box 2118 Jackson, \VY 83001 RECEIVED 11/9/2005 at 10:22 AM RECEIVING # 913553 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 225 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY \VHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: \V ARRANTY DEED (1ndividualForm) ) Preston R. Savarese. a single man and PaigeR. Savarese, a single woman GRANTOR(S) of Teton County, State of Wyoming, CONVEY(S) ANDW ARRANT(S) to Richard E. Pack and Barbara J. Pack Trustees or their successors in trust under the Pack Living Trust dated June 1, 1999, and any amendments thereto GRANTEE(S), whose address is PO Box 2118, Jackson, WY 8300 I for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, to-wit: Lot 10 of Blaze Estates, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that plat fìled June 8, 2004 in the Office of the County Clerk as Plat No. 253-A. Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-\vay ofrecord or in lIse. Together with al1 improvements and appurtenances thereon. \VITNESS, the hand of said grantor(s) this _':L~l--- clay of November, 2005. Ä 7...) Preston R. Savarese ~~) ;1 .~(,YL/~-----_J---- Pajg\~ t Savarese My commission expires ..... . . ~..--"-----'--------''''-'''-_._-'----''_.- ST ATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Teton The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _~[!:!'---day ofNovcmbcr, 2005, by PaigeR. Savarese the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same. \\TITNESSMY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. ~. ' /Ò) Ct j Á U ~_--LèX- Notary Pl h ic: '~---;¡"-c..--',,"~ LAURIE COE - NOTARY PUBLIC County of 6~) State .af Teton ~~ Wyoming My Commission Expires 9/12/2007 ~. LOO~fG.!l6 SÐJ[dx.=! U01SS!W~-Áv\r--- 6u!waXM',--~~\;~à¡ UOlal !O areìS .¡ ..'~' 10 "ìunoJ O1l8!}p AlIV lON - 331\:JQVJ --- File Number: :i II 'Ig I <llid î itk Cornpany W:n rant)' D"ed- (1Ildividual) P<l~C I of2 "" ~.,.< "J iC· i.'" .' u ,'Jl,u ,,7ì .j;'d FileNo.: 51198(01) r n n .,:." ,', c: i, <'d' ,. ,,~ ,c lJ WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Name: Address: Rjchard E. Pack, Trustee PO Box 21J8 Jackson, WY 83001 ,V ARRANTY DEED (Individual Form) Preston R. Savarese, a single man and Paige R. Sav!trl~sc, a single woman GRANTOR(S) ofTeton County, State onVyoming.. CONVEY(S) AND WARRANT(S) to Richard E. Pack and Barbara J. Pack Tmstet;s or their SllCGCSSOrs in trust under the Pack Living Trust dated June 1, 1999, and any amendments tlwreto GRANTEE(S), whose address is PO Box 2l18, Jackson, \Vy 83001 for the sum of Ten Donars and other good and valuable consideration, the tì)l!owmg described real estate, situate in Lincoln COLmty, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and wai I·jng all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, to-wit: Lot 10 of Blaze Estates, Lincoln County, Wyoming, aecording to that plat filed June 8, 2004 in the Office of the COlU1ty Clerk as Plat No. 253-;\' Subject to reservations and restrictions cont,dned jn the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and nppw1enancé'S thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantor(s) tl1is _ it { l__ day of November, 2005. - e~F(- l?Ç;>~ j)~~- Preston R Savarese j),;¡getR. Savái-ese My commission expires STATE OF Wyoming COtJNTY OF Teton Th.e foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of November, 2005, by PaIge R. Savarese the slgner of the within instnm1Crl(, who duly acknowledged to me that she executed the Same. WITNESS MY HA.ND AND OFFICL\L SEAL. tJ'Iljlj~~__ Notary pJ ic: LAURIE COE - NOTMY PUBLIC County 01 &~ State 01 Teton ~ Wyoming My Commission ExpIres 9/12/2007 File Number: '5 ¡ 19~ Lrll1d Tillc Company Wmr.nty Deed - (1I1uivlduc1) Pilg:: 1 of2 \ '--'--- 98H LIOI/IOd 90H 9819-EEHOE ÁuedwoJ G I ¡!l pueH10dJ 02: II SHHJlI i ì {,'~, <oj) t:. . ,.J..t.\,,~,.JI r~ /\ (...... ,"-', ,~~ i f'-') .,~, ..) \,.' ,:'~,~ . STATE OF Ncw 'YCI\\\ COUNTY OF tJ"'J Y~I;K The foregoing instnnnenl yvas aclmowledged before me this Lr /"- day of November, 2005, by Preston R. Savarese the signer of the within instnHnðnt, who du]y acknowledged to 11Ie that he executed the same. WITNESS MY HAND M'D OFFICIAL SEAL. e· . ,..¡..'.... Q~ULJ< CJ~~~~VJ~-- Notary Public: L) --""""-~-~ ARIEL AMINETZAH Notary Public, State of New York No 02AM606734B Qualified in New York cou~~ 2005 Commission Expires December , file Numb"r: j 119R Land Titk Cnmp:my Warranty Decd - (fl1divÎd'JD.I) r"~C 20[2 aSH lIO/BIOd SOH 9S 19-¡¡¿-lQ€ ~IIEdWOJ 91111 pIlEHIO~, I z: II SO-ÞD-AOIJ