HomeMy WebLinkAbout913557 RECEIVED 11/9/2005 at 10:29 AM RECEIVING # 913557 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 239 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ,r· t'. t\ : "\ ~', 9.. , . ... I '>.' '.,.' \ " ~._ 1\,. " Loan # 336i09 \VeDA Loan # )\7i60i6136 RELEASI~ OF MORTGAGE KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That it is hereby certified by WYOMING C01\fJVIUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY A corporation of the County ofNatrona, and the State of Wyoming, that certain mortgage given by a Shellie Ann Smith and David Wayne Smith, wife and hushand, Mortgagor(s), MaioI' J\lortgage, a \Vyoming Corporation as Mortgagee, to seeure payment of the principal sum of $85,000.00, dated on the 13tl! day of Septem bCI', 20 Qb and recorded in the office of the County Ckrk and Ex-Officio Register of Deed of Lincoln County, Stnte of Wyoming, on the 16th day of September, 20 02 in Book 499 of Mortgages, at Page 170 Instrument Number , l110ligaging the follO\ving described real property: LOT 23 OF \VESTVÅ’W VILLAGE SUBDIYISION, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYONlING AS DESCHIBED ON TIlE OFl"lCIAL PLAT THEH.EOF. that the mortgage described herein has been fully satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby cancelled, released and discllarged. (j ST ATE OF Wyoming COlJNTY OF Natrona The fOl'egoing instrnment was acknowledged before me by GeOl'ge D. Axlund, Executive DirectOl', this _3/ ..\..è. day of October ,20~. ;ìitl1. ess my hand a~l,d Of~C. i:~I sea.!. [\ . [ (J{I . ( .e.Ary-.1 L' .' _...._ './, <. \ Ai -P írì l' _./) ( - .// .' 9~,~~;r2:.~~!~~.""~.«<0<=~ .... "-_._//~J: f NO IAfìY ¡'UfJUCil My Commission ('XPir~~t ',I C^~;IC.E..OW!.?TAO ... I'.' COUl'I~Ji.IIIJG :, My Commisslo" ".. 0/· NA lfìOI~A '"~''' ~~·-J"~~~~~J1~Q.~:1t~fl. 3J),,?pQ6 ~,.