HomeMy WebLinkAbout913559 .... Î ~ .', 'j .\ :1 !; ~ ;. :,,.:. ¿; ,~ w' .',! \" I'... ~...J... WARRANTY DEED Karns Ranch Limited Partnership, a Wyoming limited partnership, GRANTOR, of Teton County, State of \Vyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND \V ARRANTS to Donna K. lvlartin and Clifford A. Martin, as Trustees of the Donna K. l\1élrtin Living Trust, Dated May 23, 1996, GRANTEES, ìvhose address is P.O. Box 1044, Jackson, \Vyoming 83001, the folJmvíng described real estate, situated in the County of Lincoln, State of vVyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of VVyoming, to-wit: Lot 107 of River View Meadows Fourth Addition to the Town of Alpine, Lincoln County, vVyoming, according to that plat filed November 17, 2001 as Plat No. 188-A State Parcel ill No.: I,). - 3 71 g - 3 ¡() - Lþ - /i) 0 .- / Oh. lOG Together with and including all oil, gas, ond other minerols and mineral rights appurtenant thereto and owned by Grantors, if any, and all improvements and all other appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to taxes and all covenants, condi tions, restrictions, easements, reserva tions, rights and rights-of-ìvay of sight and/ or record. 51 WITNESS our hands this JL day of October, 2005. KARNS RANCH LHvIITED PARTNERSHIP, a \Vyoming limited partnership RECEIVED 11/9/2005 at 10:30 AM RECEIVING # 913559 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 241 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY By: Karns Ranch LLC, a \Vyoming Limited Liability Company £~- I /, {.~.. By: ,1/ J,L.i.___ .. d.,,·,.- (\ tlA.···t·¡â Peter Van Karns, Ivfanager s;;-.~ éz /'. ,1._. <=~~-1. . ....'1 /~ --; 1- ···C \.:.,/Å..... '.. / "/ By: L ~-_/'. ".- ~·t:1>-f~/ /Z,~(,é:¡¿~ Betty K.ðflrrill, Ivranager By: fJ ..I ~-'- --- ¡::-. &.I1...h--1.... ~ Chand K. Brown, Þ¡Lmager By: (b'A'.v L. )¡'{¿2Æ.t~. Donna K. lartin, Ivlanager 'Varranty Deed Pagelof3 So.: I' cr:!, )KI.:I(c'"J I~~I~¡..:\I¡", C1jc"B:K~,,,;, 1',,1<-: I!I_~ ¡ ~us I\' J, '.Hlj [\""J~: ~!J .-1;n .-\¡pin.. I\'. r r Jill!' D.".,'I,"¡u( \ .]¡~ (' !ì 1"'\.-, ~ () , \ 1<, " I, ,,",, \~. \,,1 \.,' ~_ ~ ..., ST ATE OF \¡VYOlvIING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF TETON ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Peter Van Karns, as manager of the Karns Ranch LLC, a \Vyoming limi ted partnership, this -:1-,\51- day of October, 2005. \Vitness my hand and official seal. c~-_· r~ ~ Qq..) (Y'"J .--",,_.1\. r,_,-~ (~0·) 'S-., . '-("'... C" .,~.~(L\ ' Notary Public V ~~~~~."'-~........,.",.--""¡ [FRANCES L. MCNA..~".~.~'.. - NOTARY PUBLIC ¡ County of tr.\;H~~ State .of Teton \kJØÞ Wyoming . My Commission Expires Feb. 24, 2~07---J ~~~..-...~""""'..,..."V"\o;......... My Commission Expires: )_).1-).0 l ST A TE OF \VYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF TETON ) The foregoing instrument ìvas acknowledged before me by Betty K. Terrill, as manager of the Karns Ranch LLC, \'\fyoming limited parh1ership, this l ¡St day of October, 2005. \Vitness my hand and official seal. -~ -.ç,~(.:" .(.( (0. P /~ J~,l ('.~\ c,(Q~_ Notary Public ¿) [~"""'~---.........~.........- FRANCES L. McNALLY.. NOTARY PUBLIC County of ~.,7..';~""I~.)' State of li ¡">;; . ". eton J~,$1 Wyoming My Comm;ss;on E'pkes Feb. 24 2007 1 ~--~~~~ My Commission Expires: ;:L.) L-ç-o ì STATE OF \VYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF TETON ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Diana K. Brown, as manager of he Karns Ranch LLC, a \'\fyoming limited partnership, this ;'\'~t:day of October, 2005. ·Witness my hand and official seal. .--~-~~-~. L --).. ,1;) , .. \.. \... (,' .) '.. Notary Public -- .. t,t c ~,) CK.QÇ/¡ ¿(/ """"--......,-~'~"-q..~"-~......,·'~"~"'_..............,·"'I..·-...~"-·.......~ì [ FRAI'1CES L. MCNA...;..~.Y.,.._.. NOTAH~ P~BLlC j County of (.:';,~~f;-t Stdte uf Teton \Jh'f~ Wyoming My Commission Expires Feb. 24, 2007 ~............~..................~-"""~ ìvf y Commissi on Expires: J.,.) 1..\ - 6) \ '<4.J.: ,- ;' ' /1 /..~ ~,~~, I~ I) 1..- \.,' \.' l:'", ~1 -.J STATE OF VVYOMING ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF TETON The foregoing insh"ument was acknowledged before me by Donna K. Martin, as manager of the Karns Ranch LLC, a ìVyoming limited partnership, this 3fi",'t- day of October, 2005. ('FR;NŒsZM;NAL~m;y~tJIC County of t.'~TI'~Â State of Teton ~~1j Wyoming ¡ My Commission E;;Plres Feb. 24,2007 ~~.......~~~............... ·Witness my hand and official seal. ~S~~'~lbli't·~~ £.Þ 1\0-{~ v My Commission Expires: ';).- J q -ol \