HomeMy WebLinkAbout913560 .r' ~_. ' ," .;.1 CONSENT AND ASSIGN1VrENT OF INSTALLMENT LAND CONTRACT PURSUANT TO paragraph 14 of that certain InstaUment Land Contract dated September 24, 2004, entered into by and between Rudie L. Frankovic, a/k/a R. L. Frankovic, and R. L. Frankovic, Trustee of the R. L. Frankovic Trust dated September 30, 1996 "Seller" and Michele Gagen, a/Ida Michelle Gagen "Buyer" concerning real property and premises lL1:ated [:1 Lincol:^. C::)l.mty, '.?JyO!nilg, <¡,1c1 :T:on:, partiçl:lad)' described as follows: Lot 31 of River Ranches Fishing and Equestrian Estates at Freedom, Wyoming, according to that plat f~led November 16, 1994 in the Off~ce of County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as Instrument No. 793710, Plat No. 351. Together with and including all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, rights and rights-of-way of sight and/or record. Rudie 1.. Frankovic, aka R. L. Frankovic, hereby gives his written consent to the assignment of the above-referenced Installment Land Contract from Michele Gagen, aka U Michelle Gagen, to Runamuck Investments, LLC, a Wyoming limitnlliability company. i tvliche]e Gagen, the Buyer therein, hereby assigns all oCher interest, rights" and obligations undcr the Installment Land Contract to Runamuck Investments, LLC, a \Vyoming limited 1iabi]ity company, \vhose principal oftìce in the State oC Wyoming is located at 813 Quincy Drive, Rock Springs, WY 82901. Runamuck Investments, LLC is a business organization of which Buyer is a member. Runaml1ck Investments, LLC, a Wyoming ]imiteel ]iability company, by and through its agents, l\1iche]e Gagen and Kaye L. Ty1er, accepts the assignment of that certain InstaUment Land Contract dated September 24, 2004, entered into by and betwcen Rudie 1-.1. Fr3nkûvic, a/k/a R. I~. Frankovic, and It, L, rrailkü'\/ic, '-rïi1Steè' of the R,. L, Frankovic Trust dated September 30, 1996 "Scller" and Michele Gagen, a/Ida Miche11c G~Lgcn '"I3uyc," l:ullclnJ.'ig lli~ above-ïcÙ:r':;IìCCd n::al p'()j)Clt) dnL~ rn::n¡;::;c.:; L;c",tcd i,', Linco]n County, Wyoming. A copy òf this Assignment of Installment Land Contract has been transmitted this datc to the Jackson State Bank & Trust of Jackson, Wyoming. RECEIVED 11/9/2005 at 10:33 AM RECEIVING # 913560 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 244 JEANNE WAGNER ~ , LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ".. .,... U ~., '" -'.;, " ""', r "; ,,~~~'~ J..j.- (. n,.., ,.'\ ¡;. r- \.. ',,) t,; /~ 'i .] 2¿.a DATED this'- day of tt::67-0tÔ C"Z.. , 2005. SELLER: a '¡>ð~ ¿J ( [_A_-2~.C/"-_ /~~C.é Rudie L. Frankovic, aka R. L. Frankovic R. L. Frankovic Trust elated September 30, 1996: By: ªda·L.....~_....-- ~~_~__ R. L. Frankovic, Trustee BUYER: .-'1/ 1¿ ~// ;;)/(/(1' L¿, .u'$./:/tLé'f¿/?J tdICllELE GAGEN/{nclividually a/k/a Michelle Gagen BUYER: RUNAIVH1CK INVESTMENTS, LI,C A Wyoming Limited Liability Company By: Anel STATE OF \æ~~~.If COUNTY OF 4" ¿/ JVl rJ- , : ss, The foregoing Consent and Assignment of Installment Land Contract was subscribed and sworn to before me by Rudie L. Frankovic, aka R. L. Frankovic, and R. L. Frankovic, Trustee of the R. L. Frankovic Trust dated September 30,1996 this 7-.:. ~?<:Iay of_Oc ·ro/~oI.i'Z~ ,2005. WITNESS my hand and omcia] seaL ~,. /~0Lor!' ~---0!:1{ , N ,tary Public (Sbi\Lj My 3¥-::t~7~Cg LOLA BRIGGS Notary Public· Anzona YUMA COUNTY My Comm. Exp. 2-25-08 t \ j 'f 4',:' !C';'~,":-.ì d' i, ~~. 1.:...,\' ~_ ~JJ STATE OF IJLJr"\~ ) ~ ~ :ss. COUNTY OF ,5w('~-h.oe:.:k~) /\ r' ,', " 0 : : ¡: L' U· '. ~,. .' ,..... ~ The foregoing Consent and Assignment of Installment Land Contract was subscribed and sworn to before me by Michele Gagen, aka Michelle Gagen, individually and as a member of Runamuck Investments, LLC, this 14 tho clay of_i1&öb..a...,,- ,2005. WITNESS my hand and ofncial seaL ..-..,.-,/ .f' ,,~.,,~''''''~''\ r~";..·,rl··¡:'.~ ;-1'0';·'. .;'.··.·;:;·;.'.·..·\íJ·í. :.......:'.....:. :........ .' Xl ¡(¡:¡.¡~".; i." U. 0. U.(; \. I,..i'i ,t~:,,,,_,, ., u . " .' ':;~.' , \ (:;&tIT'AD¡:¡ .<.\..~ ~;T/;rE Ol~ i SWET! ·.'/,n=ll{r,¡-?'5; 'ti'(UMI¡K;¡ ~ M'! CÙi,il'·\\;:;IDN EÚ~¡·~ES IEfj7,~ljQL_.,--, My Cti111rììfsslöÚ'·E;'q'iifes:·- ...... -' cJ- 7~Oì STATE OF WYOMING : ss. COUNTY OF SWEETWATER) fY~Jt ~!~C The foregoing Consent and Assignment of Installment Land Contract was subscribed and sworn to before me by Kaye L. Tyler, as a member of Runamuck Investments, LLC, this / '-I +h day of---.ßc:~ ,2005. ~W~i~"-N,~;~~, ~1S);c.~~.~.12~!_~I~~~.~~i~ I seal. I' f\,J'¡¡';n;j. .~;. 'i\iI.iIH.1...,_. '-1"1'" '¡I! ··")Òrl'l:;"'~'\ COUt·, . rJr:'.:'!1\ '.'J ,':~\".: '~ ,,' f ('-'SlEA L).·. I' .;,.".,.1/1/1: UI- L M~,:;::;,;,~:,I,~,;~»'r:<. : V';:UIVI I i'J(3 , My Coml;~i~~i~I~~~~i¡:~~t-·: ::!~ùJ...~O_º-LJ C:), Î- Ò7 \.