HomeMy WebLinkAbout913623 ,!'~s; '-:h ~.:" 1'Io~ (.1, b ~) ~ ~p.. b{) £:1 .:¡ 0 T í.) .15 0 ." (;'j ':¡'j .:;~ oÞf"": ....<t ç,j ....' f',,¡ ~t &';1 ..... ",¡I (I) u:) ¡:;." <':j ( ,) ï'~ ~" ". 'J','" . to'"" i'L~ ".> ,.......¿, ..)..1::1 Þ1 t:~ .;...~~ r';l ~,:.\' ::3 r' ~- l'~ t'$ J§~~~ ¡:.-i ,4;, d. ~L L 10/25/2005 17:58 3072753095 DOUBLE JACK TESTING PAGE 02 r' /-. (' ,.... J ...... '. .~' \ . .ì. ..... ~ '1 \..,) JV_ ¡ QUIT CIAIA! DEED KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That TRACY BO Dll\UCK, as Sole Owuer, of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming in consideration of Ten and 00/100'8 DoHars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid the reÅ“ipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have (èffiÍsed, (¢leased, conveyed and forevór quitcla.imcd and by thc3e present.¡¡ do for their heirs, executors and adm.inistrators, renùse, release and forever quitclaim unto TRACY BO DIMICK AND NANNE'ITE COWLEY. Joint Tenants with Rights of SUrviVOI"SWp, whose address is 510 Cedar Avenue, Kenunerer, Wyoming 83101 their h~irs, successors and assigns, forever, all :mch right. title:, interest. property, possession, claim and demand as we have, ought to have Or ht::reafter acquire in or to all the following described premisè$, to-wit: Lot 3 of Block 5 of the Town of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat W.ßreof. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by vinue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyom.ing_ ') f"- Dated this C7\ 7 day ófOc<obet. 2005. r ' 1'" r C~ C~ \ / f j Iliì ) 0 k / Tracy Bo Dimick State of Wyomi:ug ) )ss. County of!:e..}ur0 ) ''''''''"'' '7j-Á.., , \ If J:fþe)o:regoing in.<;trument was acknowledged before me by Tracy no Dùnîck this ~ 7 -_ 'd.àÿ 'of Octdbér ;2005. .~...~ ·';~"~Y';:J~ì "~'. -: ,:' \: \ í ':-'I~ìïÞiÎe~s~'mY'hand and official seal. '. ~'J t. t> l :': ~.:' , í ~ }. r ~LQ_j\J)Lc,,- L~)"'--Ll-C. L'Lt:-yvJlìJ ., ¡ i-; 1"" I A ~,~ t) ~~ . . ..,', ,: Notary Public .'. I~¡-,t:r', :7 ,",~~ ~ ~ ~.,~'\:'~5~". '. ....,...~4. My¡Co1X1Iriis~i6n Expires: ! Q ~ / L/ -;¡Lt) () 8" "j "'. .,.., RECEIVED 11/10/2005 at 4:12 PM RECEIVING # 913623 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 517 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, Kf-MMERER, WY