HomeMy WebLinkAbout913595 ,.... " n n n r¡ g. ¡.- U tJ .:.:.: ~1 '. RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (BY CORPORA TlON) Loan #494006158 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That First Bank qj"Idaho, a corporation, qf the County qj" Blaine, and S{{¡te of Idaho, does hereby certij» that a certain IIwrt¿;l/c¡;e, bearing dated the 28" day of Jalluary, 2003 AD, made and executed Patrick lIarris ,as mortgagor( .I), to First Bank of Idaho, as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein memioned as security for the payment 0 f$35, 000. 00 as therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the oj/ice of the County Clerk and Ex-o.fJïcio Register of Deeds of Lincoln COUllty, State ()j" H¡.\'oming, on the 51h day of F ebmary,2003 in BK51l, Pg740, and mortgaging the following described real estate in said County, to wit: ALL LANDS IN SAID MORTGAGE. RECEIVED 11/10/2005 at 10:58AM RECEIVING # 913595 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 399 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY /l ;J j" is, with a note secured thereby, and the L!forementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released and discharged and in consideration thereof the .\"{/id mortgagee does herehy release and quitclaim unto the said II/ortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mortgaged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Bank of Idaho has caused t!¡ese Presents to be signed by its Loan Operations Supervisor and its corporate seal to be affixed, this 41" day of Nm1elllber A.D. 2005. Signed, fiß.([led and D~!ivered in the presence of ...:.:..;>,,_-'''. ;:;..;-:::~:7 .' :.:<::.:./7 '_. ~ /., -'~ .-::;-------;,.. ., ~ _ /_-7 ("'../,/ /"'<>'~J ":-:::-~/-;',,/"t..;.:"L,/·~'· '---.--- //L~âÎ~Operatiolls S{¡p,ç/Cisbl I N~íe: /fil is 1101 desir&I/j)';lescribe lallds ill SI}({Cf IherejÓr. illserl/lJej(JIIIJI..illg: "'All II/lids deserilied ill .wid IlJOr/gl/ge."' / X 71I.Y _ d) \ '. {(.11 _,:,," J . r r: r I' V THE STATE OF iDAHO,) County ()f Blaine ).1.1. On this 4th day of Novelllbe/~ 2005, Before me personally appeared Jennifer Byington to me personally known, who, being by me duly .I \\'0 rn, did say that she is the Loan 0IJerations ,...iiliU....¡ Supervisor of First Bank of idaho and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corpor(~l.t'!'·?>í...Ì 31Y,[;", seal of said cOlporation, and that said instrument 11'0.1 signed {[nd sealed un belw(f (~j"';:tìi(þ\....··~·..'¡¡\i>" corporation by authority of its Board of Directors {[nd said ChicfExecutive OJ/icer ([cknowl{dg,è:/ ,"".;\(\J ".. said imtrull/ent to befree act and deed of said corporation. :: 0 i I')' ,,'.. ': (;; pea aad a my haad "ad aot a r;a I .<en Itl,; s 2 J" day (!;:;Zr~.:. -~¿~0__ '",-, \..A: ~ 'Þ::~~/ "'- ....... ')' / \1 (~T~;~r\' ;~ì;lic ""~,~:Þ'77vj" '-l~~~.., I - llt~lil¡Uij... My commission expires on the 411 day (~fFebruarv, A.D. 2010. THAT STATE OF WYOMING, County of ).1'.1. ÍÏÚs instrument )Vas filed for record ut __0 'clock _M., on the _day of . A.D. 20~ and duly recorded ill Book on Page COllllty Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds By Deputy Clerk No. Fees. $ f