HomeMy WebLinkAbout913628 .. THE STATE OF IDAHO ) ) SS. THE COUNTY OF BONNEVillE ) (" (ì r, RECEIVED 11/10/2005 at 4:16 PM RECEIVING # 913628 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 539 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING ESTATE BY THE ENTIRETIES I, Ruth Durgin Cannon of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and stete: 1. That I ¡¡m o.f adult age, a resident of Idaho Falls, Idaho, and the Affiant herein, 2. That by virtue of the conveyance which is recorded in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming in Book 595PR on page 261 is recorded a Warranty Deed. The Wemmty D!!!!d, dat!!~ t"~ 1Sth d;;y ~f August, 2005 ::;onv9Ys unto H. Howard Cannon and Ruth Durgin Cannon, Husband and Wifa as Tenants by the Entireties tha following described property, to-wit: lot 40 of Rockbridge Meadows First Addition to the Town of Afton, Uncoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat No. 360-D filed July 14, 2005 as Instrument No. 909983 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. 3. That said Henry Howard Cannon, aka H. Howard Cannon died on the 28th day of September, 2005, and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as true an correct by public authority in which the origInal of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit' A " . 4. That by reason of death of said Henry Howard Cannon and by reason of §2-9-102 W.S. 09S0), the decedents interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Ruth Durgin Cannon continuously since the death of the said do cedent. FURTHEr¡ AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Dated: /1-- 7- 0 r 3G ,I State of Idaho ) Iss County of Bonneville ) The forewng instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by Ruth Durgin Cannon this ~ day of November, 2005. Witness my hand and official seal. ~ '-v:-:- My Commission Expires: ({ 2-6/7-0 I ( ~~ Notary Public ¡: t' L;'" ¡'j r-p :~---':-'-}I j.~) '._'> ..~I '--',c. ó') 'L'1c ,((.,.: ~j STATE OIi' IDAlIO IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE BUREAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL STATISTICS n n r h /1 0 '.' ,} , . v -x Dale Filed OCTOBER 13, 2005 CER'rIPIC_A.TE OP DEATH State File No. 2005-07846 DECEDwr . LEGAL ''''ME HENRY HOWARD CANNON MALE 554-01-2327 88 YEARS 1917 SEX SOCIAL SECURITY NUMAER AGE BIRTHPLACE ARVADA, COLORADO IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO IvVl.RJTAL STATUS AT TIME OF DEATH MARRIED RUTH MARIE DURGIN WAS DECEDENT EVER IN us. ARMED FORCES? NO 1 " d ~ j < " 41~ '~ .'" lit ~ I'i " ; ~. J ~ (~ w..~AE OF SURVIVING SPOVSE (If wfe, rNiden name) F-A THER - t.J.-'\ME BIHTHPLACE OLIVER WRIGHT CANNON NEW YORK ~y~~Tr.~"1· f\,~,\![I~JJ ~~r',1E BIRTHPLACE GRACE E. DAY COLORADO METHOD OF DISPOSITION FUNERAL SERVICE LICENSEE CREMATION RYAN REEVES NAt.\E AND ADDRESS OF FUNEPAL FACILITY DATE OF I'.[JURY ; ¡! ~ ,I: II I' .~ I;, ~~: : ~ : ~ H 1 :r) 1tJ~ ~¡~ 1f~1' I"r! dÓ , ~ < il~ fit ,Ii I.; III! .... I" , ,. ; ~ ~' ~ ; ê ]I~ 11': 3iìl 'I: .j, 4 iI 1 ~ , [i ~ it¡ n\¡ . ;j, ~ ,~ :!i' Ìi .~ f/ WOOD FUNERAL HOME, IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO DATE OF DEATH SEPT. 28, 2005 TIME OF DEATH CITY,TOWn OR LOCATION OF DEATH COUNTY OF DEATH 2:30 P.M. IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO BONNEVIllE CAUSE OF DEATH (und'''0ng cause ''''1 a, Approximate Interval Bel'ween Onset <'Ind Death ATHEROSCLEROTIC CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE YEARS n'.IE 10 (or as a consequence of): b DUE TO (or as 1'1 conSr!quence 01); c, DUE TO (or <1.9 ð consequence of) d. NATURAL BRADLEY K. STODDARD, M.D. CORONER SUBSEQUENT CERTIFICATION IF NECESSARY PHYSICIAN OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO DEATH but not ,"su!!lng In the underlying cau," given above WAS AN AVfOPSY PERFORMED? NONE STATED MI\NNEn OF DEATH NAME OF CERTIFIER TITLE l.OCATION WHERE INJURY OCCURRED DESCRIPTION OF HOW INJURY OCCURRED ~ This is a true and correct reproduction of the document officially registered and placed on lile with tile IDAHO BUREAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL STATISTICS, ~""'\.\.\\\\\\\'\\\ / ~ ~ f) ik It~t " /1 ~i: ~ ~ DATE ISSUED: OCTOBER 20, 2005 ~~¿;;o JANE S. S~lITH STATE REGISTRAR This copy not va!ìd unless prepared on engraved border displaying stale seal and signature of the Registrar.