HomeMy WebLinkAbout913658 I<NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Ii t r~ n -(' ',) \,: ,J ,) 1 a corporation, of the County of T.inroln FIRST NATIONAL BANK - WEST =- certify that a certain mortgage, bearing date the 9 th day of made and executed by Donn D. Greenwald & Laura A. Greemvald asmortgagor_, to =FirstNéltionaJ Rank West , and State of Jï)'oming February , does hereby A, D. ,'20 .....1liL, as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of $ 23,513.66 therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-OffiCio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on the 18th 426 , 115 in Book 548 of Mortgages, at page , and mortgaging the following described real estate in said Count)', to.",it: day of Februat.)L 20 Q4-" All lands described in above said mortgage. ,} REC EIVED 11/14/2005 at 10: 57 AM RECEIVING # 913658 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 591 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY --L ". ,,', 10 , "" "'" cod '10mb,. "d 'b, '¡''''''''''''d d,b,. h,II, p. 'd. ,,';'fi,d. ",,,,,d. "d ",,,h,,,,,, "d " "","," 'i" 'h,,,,,, ,h. ,.id m '''g"", does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby COnveyed and mortgaged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ~;r~r N~tinn~l Rélnk gp~r Branch President --- II has cansed these Presents to be signed by it. _ and its corporate seal to be affixed, this 9th Signed, Sealed and Delivered in ¡he presence of day of November , A, D, 20....Q..2, ~AHB¡¡1 Seal: '.. <f-)~n f\(\(L~~-()le_b.{i)r\CtQ d Cashier ~~~~~ By First National Bank~~est /"/ / ;1-1? (r>/->,-~;/r¿_V'c;:_ It. Rranch President THE STATE OF WYOMING, Lincoln Note; II it is not desired to describe lands in space therefor, insert the following; "All land. described in said mortgage." On this 9th Ron Thomas day of } .5. County of Novemhe'L.. , 2º-il.:i...., he fore me personally appenred to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the First National Bank-West Branch President ,,," ,h.. ,h, ,,,I ,ffi"d '" ,.Id i"",,,,,,, " 'h, '"'p'",,,,,, ,,' ..id '"'p..., "". "d 'h....1d ''''''om,,, '''' '" ,w" "", '" ,,,' "" ',,10,," o¡ ,.Id ""p" "' "m Cashier of by anthority of its Board of Directors and said acknowled¡:ed said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Given under my hand and notarial.j~Jl!.this ...,,9t.h.~_,-.., _ ---;h-;;ía-r(~'I;~rt~~n'< ,I>KHAIW PUBLIC County 01 -------- day of November. , A,D20,~, =- __o",,~}_:1,l,,-~~~~~~~xp~~ust 12, 20:y7 0 My commission expires on the _ _.. "'-: A~~ v '1..-- Notary Public. County of This instrument was filed for record at } 55. , ,0\, D, _20.QJ, THE STATE OF WYOMING, A, D. 19_, and duly recorded in Book 0'clock-.J\1., on the day of on Page County Clerk and Ex·Officio Register of Deeds By No. Fee., :£ Deputy Clerk , I - ---~'__n__ i -~-"----_._-