HomeMy WebLinkAbout913673 -, (' ,''0 '" I' ! \ ~ ' ¡-". '1 ¡;'ì .} ',' V ,.L \\ ,V ARRANTY DEED KNO\V ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that RUSSELL H. JUILLERA T, TRUSTEE of The Russell H. Juillerat Family Living Trust dated the ] 3th day of June, 2000, P.O. Box 340, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, GR..:\NTOR, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to RUSSELL H. JUILLERA T, a married man, as his sole and separate property, P.O. Box 340, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, GRANTEE, and his heirs and assigns, the following described real property situated in Bedford, Wyoming, more particularly described as follows: , , . See the "DESCRIPTION FOR / RUSSELL II JUILLERA T FAMILY LIVING TRUST, DATED 13 JUNE 2000 / JUILLERAT FAMILY EXEMPT TRACT", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ....'., < ~.....'" Together with all improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto. Subject to all covenants, conditions, reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements, and rights-of-way of sight and/or ofrecord. \VITNESS my hand this 11th day of November, 2005. RECEIVED 11/14/2005 at 11 :23 AM RECEIVING # 913673 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 614 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ¿tJ.l U. ~\-.~Q.Q~Æj: RUSSELL H. J UILLP AT, TRUSTEE of The Russell H. Juillerat Family Living Trust dated the 13th day of June, 2000 ST A TE OF 'WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNO\VLEDGED before me by Russell H. Juillerat, who acknowledged further that he signed the foregoing instrument as Trustee of The Russell I-I. Juillerat Family Living Trust dated the 13th day of June, 2000, pursuant to authority provided to him as Trustee of said Trust, on this, the 11 th day of November, 2005. \VITNESS my hand and official seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES.. NOTARY PUBLIC County of ,. State of Lincoln Wyoming ~y Commission Expires July 16, 2007 My Commission expires: ...iO.4~ ~~ Ploli:ssio/I¡j l<wLJ SUfV8)'OrS Palll N. Sc ¡ed)el VJyü Rt:::uì;:' laliùn No, 164 Ul3h Rl;:iJi~.,(rali(JI¡ Nu. 1670 Idaho R8uis¡Ialiull no 3990 f'I"'I,IJJa R~0b jlì.:) ¡ tlo b8U5 S(;(,II ,4. SChèíLél Wyo Regi::J¡'õii¡on Ua 3889 IdJllu RcyislUdio/ì No. 8026 lJl,¡ ¡ Ht::gis¡¡dlj¡jn NJ 37211\ MlIRI OWE A SCIIERBEL VV 'u f "'!jì$lrulion Nû 53ô8 SUj'VûYCH SChcllbùl. LTD. A.fl() ), \VJ'oll jny fJi~ p¡¡¡-,:y, W,'ollling .JdcbcJ¡}. Wyul11lnLl I ;'.\'J I ,0iI Spl¡ L~J:', I.. J \U ¡Jdlillll.li~j. Ilbhù \jJ~~/~ DESCRIPTION FOR !1r:"'\·; 1'';' ,"·.IUI,J IUJSSELL H. JVILLEI1AT FAl\IlLY LIVING TRUST, DATED 13 JUNE, 2000 JUILLERAT FA1VlILY EXEMuPT TRACT To-wit: - - All of the EY2SW~I;SW~/'¡ of Section 2, T33N RlI8W, Lincoln County, Wyoming; ENCOMPASSING an area of 20.0 1 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the sOllth line of the SW~ of Section 2, T33N In 18W, being N89° -39' ..S6"E; TOGETFfER with a right of ingress, egress and utilities over, under and across those easements of record in said OffìCê in Book 437 of Photostatic Records on page 300 and in Book 446 of Photostatic Records on page ]77 on Plat No. 28-A and on Plat No. 28-I3; AND TOGETHER with a right of ingress ane! egress and utilities over, llI1der ane! across a j~)rty (40) tè)ot strip of land being twenty (20) feet either side of the f01lowing described center line: BEGINNING at the northwGst corner of the S~iSW~/¡SW~; thence N89°-39' -36"12 660.43 feet along the north line of said Sl1SW~/,SW~, to a spike on the west line of said E~/SW~~SW~; the northerly and southerly right-of-\vay lines of the ahove described easement to be shortened or lengthened as necessary to create a continuous easement with a minimum width of forty (40) feet to meet the west line of the SW~I;SW~~ of said Section 2 and [he west boundary line of said E~/lSW~,.~SW~I; a1l in accordance with the plat prepared to be flied in the Ofíìce of the C]erk of Lincoln COllnty titled, "RUSSELL IT. JlJILLERAT FAIvf1LY LIVING TRUST, DATED 13 JUNE 200,0 PLAT OF FAMI,T,~, \',r E,X'î'~'] 1,,~,Y,[', l:RAC,T ~!1THlN THE SW~SW~¡ ~E,.crION 2 T?á131;1~}1 W LTNCOI",~N/9,?f, J.l~) I~¡ ~\ Of\., ~q.NG ,dated 24 May 2005, as revIsed, ø ~ /?-<\O\\ / -~ J ! :f' , 1JA.\O~ _ " (I . "j.1o / . /"""--.. ~ ; U .IAp¥i,{.'i{ ,_~~"':¿ , ~4~~1r~ 5~WB .f~ 1'1, ugust 2005 £.~ ¥I ,',. f ,C,,'" , d ~ 1'-""[ -) ~ 0 -'" \ ~1 I . (, '\ \,\ . ¡- '~)~ \ .,..)¡¡r,·,_ l,'''''' , ., '" ...¿ ~')'J. - iJ· I"~ .:....;~:.~ , . {!J,ìÙJ\µ\I!'l;., ' ' ~~t\J~.,,¡.o.-~ t "Modification in allY Wdj/ of tile foruiJoiniJ clescriplioll terrnil1é1tes liability of the surveyor"