HomeMy WebLinkAbout913697 - ~--- --- -----------..-,. No. Fees, $ Dep S21 eby 5 -, as 5 wit: I tb"2.gcc , - I ppeared I I 01 I PI)::+;lticn ,~. 'ublie. ---, of Deeds -------~- \It)' Clerk ~ -, does her rNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That a corporation, of the Countj' of _ T,inroln certify that a certain mortgage, bearing date the Brett Jensen & Susan =- FIRST NATIONAL Bfu~ - WEST r, - r I"~. ¡ r- 0 J ~ ( ~ . \- I ..' '.. ,) \.i , tV made and executed by -, and State of 17th Jensen day of í\fyomi n~ August as mortgagor_, to A"D. 20 o .. '"." g, g" > co. ~'Y i, g ,,",', ,..I ,,,.., 'h,,,,, ,,,' ", "d .. ""'" 'Y' (" 'I.. p" ,m ,0< "' " 1 1 . 5 0 n no 'h..d" "",d, wl,i,h m'''g'g' '.., ''"''d,d " 'h, 'I/h.( 'h, Coom, CI.., '"d E,-Ol/"i. R"i"" ,( D"d, 'c Lincoln , . 16th Count)', State of Wyommg, on the day of in Book_ ')9R of Mortgages, at page_ 139 September _20~ All lands described in above said mortgage. -, and mortgaging the following described reHI estate in said COllnty, to, ( x\ --'" RECEIVED 11/14/2005 at 4:16 PM RECEIVING # 913697 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 730 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY l ( II ", wi> h.,,,, ,,,...d 'h"'hy, ..d "" '('''m,,, "'"d d,h" 1.11, p.id, .. ",fI'd, .."..,,/, ..d dj"h.."d ."d i. "".id"'''m, 'h"", ,h, .. id me, does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premise. thereby can',cy"d a¡¡d mortgaged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Vi rs1: N" ri onE! 1 R~nk~t.. has callsed these Presents to be signed by its Branch President - October ann its corporate seal to be aflixen, this -26 th day 01 Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of 20 05 ,A, D., Au", S,"t t ~I'yyj...;'~ '11/(1 c,-.:¡ d. ---=-- CAshier By First National Bank-West ,) ¿- " ,,' //.- 9-i(.,,~/;,..;ü~ County of THE ST.-HE OF WYOMING, Lincoln No"" II i> I. "". d..i"d '" d.."iL. I"d. iu 'p,", Ih...,,,, i".." II.. (ollm,¡"" "AIII,,,d. d.."ib." i" .." '"'''g",,'' y. I~ Branch President = On this 26th Ron Thomas day of } ss. -=-::- Ortober to me personally known, who, being by me duly Sworn, did say that he is the First National Bank-West , 2QQL, before me personally a Branch Pres i-dent b)' authorit)' 0/ its Board 0/ Directors and ..jd "cknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. .ml ",," ,h"..1 .1Ii,," ....id '0"'",".", i, ,h. "'po'"'"..1 ,f ..id ''''po,"''", ..d '1.0'" id i...n"",,,, '''' .i,,,,d ",,,j '""',d "" ''''..,1[ 0[ ,. id 'm Cashier Given under my h rtd;:~¡¡d::nolar,ratse¡¡1:thj8"~":::C:_ Sheil" Rob."(SM I-JOT~HY PUBLIC day of October " ,-..,::::~J?ogg~I:(~:S~i~~~~~(p:!r.;qft~:~~07 1\ly commiSSion expires on the~ day of _, AD20 THE STATE OF WYOMING, County of This instrument was filed for record at } ss. o'clock_M., on the on Page ,~D ,200'l. A, D, 19_, and duly recorded in Book day of County Clerk and Ex,Oflicio Ilegister By "-- f i:' :. " . ;::;: ;{iJ~; ~';;::" : I --- --'-- --:'::"="==-.J