HomeMy WebLinkAbout913699 Rt.LE¡'\5E Of [):,\ E MORTGAGE (By Corpora lion) [{NOW ALL l\IEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Eirst National Bank West a corporation, of the County of T,jncoln ,and State of \'I1yoming certify that ä certain mortgage, bearing date the q day of _March rnttde and executed bY---Br:.-iaro 1-1 T i.ttl pton and .Rosemarie Littleton as fflortgagor-g. to Fir"t NRtional Bank West as 1l1ortgagee. conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of $ ] óR, OOQ..OO therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex·Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Slute of Wyoming, on the 15 day of Harch 2005 in Book-58û_of Mortgages, at page~_, and mortgaging the following described real estate in said County, to-wit: , dues hereby . A. D. 2005, , as All Lands Described in Said Mortgage. /)~ J ~\ \ . I'~ ,ýV \\i\ \'J VED 11/15/2005 at 11:19 AM RECE' 9 RECEIVING # 91369 PAGE: 731 BOOK: 604 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER. wY COURTESY RECORDING This document is being recorded solely as a courtesy and accommodation 10 the parties therein. Land Title Co. Hereb~ expressly disclaims any responsibiljty or liability for the accuracy content thereot. is. wlth u nuti; secUl'o"d th",n:by, and th" hforernentioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged and in consideration thereof.t!~e sfÚd mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said rnort¡;agor the premises thereby conveyed and mort. ~a"ed:';\\'¡ ',:', .," 'AI' .' ..... Cl,' ..\ . \.J ,'II" I N.Wr'Í'·Ñ·E·Šé.~\VHEREOF, the Fir¡;¿t National Bank West '.}, "~... "".'.1 ·~d~:-I~'~U~·ud.1\.h:.'[)2 rJ¡:'~sents to Dt' signed by its------.liranch Pres; dent . '(~"'I. ' \..........(- "~ "C'" ._ . ¡¡:;;tJ:ìts d-'ì~~~~rdte se'-\t tÒ be affixed, this_ 10 :_: ""~'l' . y:...' . ,.:-, ,i ·Sii·,r\ed ShÚJl"ti unçLI5elivered in the presence of '-;', v.;~")' ¡. ( \Y' ' ,,' ~\--; .... ~~. / ~'. \... . ,,'" .i:::~.':(;j;<~~:t,;2'~~.::.,:, /._ i\ttèst, ~e\al: <.. ( ~1 /¥~ ~.. '...-- ,./ «{~~J ;;í;(~(-,-/ r 0 X~ru,(¡ì1'-¥. day of November ,A. D. .2005. -Eirst National Ba~k West ß,([0jL~ c¡;;u~ j Its Branc~res(~~- cashier Note: If it is not desired to describe lnnds in space therefor, insert the following: "All lands described in said mortgage." TIlE STATE OF WYOMING, CUU[lty of ~--.--Lin.c.o.ln l Ss . On this ] o day of_----.NillLe.lllh~x ,19 2005, before me personally appenred P enn:i-lo-n e s to me personally knuwn, who, being by me duly sworn, did say chat he is the Branch President or First National Bank West slid lhut the sealliffixed t.o said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed 011 behalf of sliid corporation by aut.hority of its Board of Directors and said--L.aRhi er ,Jcktlllwled¡se at! t~l(I;s fffl~-'itirr¿:~1iè' !-reel¡:Jct lind deed of said eurporat¡Q.~ ìf¿~ i~(j'(c.i \< t-'ub I( ~ . ' ,r) ~.'l'¿::' ¡ i,"en,jJ era[¡)Jnly~f¡d' ,i1!!ÛI¿;!J¡¡lt)IS 1(/ day of 0.:- /)7 c¿.l./ ,A.D. "¿()OS~ Lmcoln III/YO(/,1I19 Ii ~({!-;;J¡1Y/x' ~ íl ( --- '/ / cé'¿ ./ My Commission Expires Oclnl'" )8 a¥t (lìf;/c L ~ ¿',;J Notary Public. !\ly corJlmis;,ion ~ï="ès on t:ìf;; ",·-c~··· day uf ~/ 12.· ¿t./ ,A. D. c-J(J()ý:? THE STATE OF WYOMING. County of__ This ln~lrUme[\l was filed for record at i\ D. 19.__. and duly recorded in Book t 55. o'docl(_M., on the____day of on Page__. --- No. Fees, $ By Cuunty CierI, und ExOffidu Il~l$istcr of Dc¡;ds - . . Dqluty Cler\¡