HomeMy WebLinkAbout913713 r~ 1 i.. \,...'\, ST A TE OF WYOMING GRANT OF EASEMENT Easement No. 6323 WHEREAS the Board of Land Commissioners approved this grant of easement on October 19,2000; THEREFORE, the State of Wyoming, acting through its Board of Land Commissioners (Grantor), for and in consideration of the payment ofFourthousand four hundred thirty-nine and 85/1 00 dollars ($4,439.85) hereby grants and convcys to Michael William Welsh (Grantee), a permanent use, in the following described tract ofland, a non-exclusive roadway purpose only, more particularly described as follows: Parcel 1 All that portion of Lot 40 of Section 2, of the Resurvey of T.24N.,R.116W., of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, lying between parallel right of way lines 30 feet apart, being 15 feet on each side when measured at right angles as described on the attached exhibits. The described parcel of land contains 2.16 acres, more or less. Parcel 2 All that portion of Lot 39 of Section 1, of the Resurvey of T.24N.,R.116W., of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, lying between parallel right of way lines 30 feet apart, being 15 feet on each side when measured at right angles as described on the attached exhibits. The described parcel of land contains 1.2 acres, more or less. See attached Exhibits A-A4 and B-B2 These descriptions are based on a survey done by and under the authority of, Thomas D. Crank with Wyoming PELS No. 5465 in February of2005. The above-described tract being more specifically shown on a plat filed in the Office of State Lands & Investments. This roadway easement shall benefit the following described property to-wit: Township 24 North, Range I [6 West Section 2: Lot 3 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD this easement across the above-described tract ofland for the purpose of locating, constructing, using, maintaining, improving, and repairing the above-described non-exclusive roadway, subject to the following conditions: 'Ll1 1. The rights granted herein shall forever be subject to the rights of the State of Wyoming, its assigns or lessees to explore for, develop, and extract any and all minerals or other subsur1àce resources beneath this easement. I f required for mineral exploration, development or extraction, the Grantee shall, upon written notice li'om the Grantor, remove or relocate at its own expense the above-described non-exclusive roadway, !-~. 2. Upon abandonment or discontinuance of use of this easement for the purposes specified above, all of Grantee's rights under this grant of easement shall revert to the State of Wyoming or its assigns, the same as if this grant had never been made. Failure to report, to the Grantor, the status of the use of this easement every ten years from the date of this grant shall be evidence of intent by the Grantee to abandon this easement. Should this easement be abandoned by the Grantee, the above-described tract of land shall be returned to a condition satisfactory to the landowner. L:: 3. This easement may be transferred, however, no transfer may increase the burden on the servient estate in any manner. 4, Any transfer of ownership of this easement, or any change of name or mailing address of the owner of this easement, shall be reported to the Grantor within thirty days (30) of the transfer or change. The State of Wyoming and the Board of Land Commissioners do not waive their sovereign immunity by entering into this agreement and specifically retain immunity and all defenses available to them as sovereigns pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 1-39-104(a) and all other law, , \ \ \ \1 \t.~ I ,~ fj t Ii) ,,\··\'('~)t;-.litJ O;.~~·l.~/ '.'>. ,~}...,. ~ <.I'", TN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the Board of Land Commissioners ha~ caused thi~ jnstrument to be signed by its President and countersigned by its Secretary, and its seal to be affixed qn the 13'h~ day of May, 2005. ,/' // /// ;;::::://,/ /2-'-'>i:},/-----) f // // ~C,<::¿-/ /-,/ /t/~:.'2_~-P ;:: -<;¿::;,þ~:f;:¿;J:;¡;;;-"------'-'-/ Governor, President Board of Land Commissioners Counte"igned: c-;~"'"'/-/~~<-./ -- DlrŸ:>Jf, Secretary Ol~e of State Lands & Investments r ~ ~ "~ ',. - ",. G~· ~,r~eGeneral,s.Qffice Approval as to Form: \, (, ~{~ I()./\ --,---- -, - -'H.~U\n__L-~~ Step ar ie Anes', Assistant Attorney General RECEIVED 11/15/2005 at 12:43 PM RECEIVING # 913713 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 771 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WYL____ Examined .- I .', ". ¡ ì1..J ~,'¡ \ Ii t) <-~ ...~~~ -z~o I- Z W % W '" <{ w w I ~ I I I w I I ~ 1 I ~ I 1 "'I : ! I i ~-~~ I I I )1 I ¡~ ' 10:: ~I l::J ~ >-i!5 O! ...Jt- 6i~~Ë > t-w\:J >-"'w i5 w;E>- -...J > t-O!C ~~2~: i5~~~~ _ ~~i8i~ ~~~~I!i~ ~~~BS~ - :!::: ò o (Y) Ò o (Y) II ~ ..... ò _ 9 ~ < u o Coo? I- Z W :E W'" (1)-, <r~ we .... -16 <rz U I'--i Q.. >- I- .. - I -r I "I M I,,'! 1 I 1__ -----+---T- I l!'j I I I I ,..:" Cd' I~JI>., State of wyom~~;3 Easement No. Exhibit A I ¡.;: q "t' ,-; w ... ..... tt: .i .., t- o -I w ~~t:t:t:t: w '"I~~~ ~~, t:t:t: ~ð:;~ f~~ . . . ......1 .!Iii........ w ... ~; .. (\ l- e -I t: i ~ ! ~ "t' .... e z :" "'i;::! :::'~~¡J;i;!_j,;:,: ,ú.';:'t,;,. .. wli !I~t:tt:~ t~~~ ". "d .wii..1<.oI .. w '~t:t:t:t: t~52~~ ".'Id .wö......I w w ~ tr~ II II . ..~ ~~t·, t:t: . '14'" ·..m· . . · . . '_~J JiiS.-...... o -0 '- - Q¡S ^ ^z C3...J Zo ~o o~ ~...J LLl:i 0>- WI- 1-2 <{j t-D (1)0 : nC7 t .... ,~ \." '.- If) o o (\J ~ o >. Q¡ > - '-:2: a a.: CD .p (u :c .f C LI-E (u Q¡\O~ E .r: ...)¡: ~ .r: .p1.: ~ ~ ~ f»~.p >.. o '-~~O~t "ö 0..$ ON 0 ~ ~g4-Q¡J: ,,0 "'"01: ..Y.pC)rU ... - 0\0 VI ::£ :¡:;......s VI u~o Q¡ cuu"u u V) "c u z- <t 4-v..J ON t- o v .p o ..J " o ..... >- Ck:: <[ ::) æ ':t:I w u.. ~ w CI) ~ > w Ck:: Q.. <[ ::L ^ >- I- æ w 0.. o æ 0.. o v~ z .~ D:2: Zo 1->- o)¡: -I L&.. o W I- « I- CI) 'OJ C\J Z D ..... I- U W CI) .- . 111 .š ~'"' ~ >'IIÌ¡;}!~ cY'! ~ ~\D~'~ ~ r i ð \.....~ ~ d ~ "CO 0 e-uc;j l~ -, .t?1i Ë~ U f ~ u u ·Ù~~i:? ,..c-,..4\ i1-~, (,JA.,o....ii ( : (. n 1'1 p'J ') \., .) u , I v Crank Companies, Incorporated Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying Division 41 us 30/189, Oiamondville, Wyoming 83776 · Fax (307) 877-6351 P.O. Box 365/ Diamondvil/e/ Wyon7ing 83776 . Ph" '-...-- ....-- .....-.r."o Legal Description State of Wyoming Easement No. 6323 Exhibit A I Access Road for Mike Welsh through Lot No. 40, Section 2 (State of Wyoming Property) An access easement located in Lot No. 40, Section 2 of the resurvey ofT24N, R116W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said easement being 30 feet wide, 15 feet each side of the following described centerline. Beginning at a point on the north boundary line of Lot 40 in Section 2 of the resurvey ofT24N, R116W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said Point of Beginning being S89°38' l6"W, 1906.42 feet from corner # 1 of said Lot 40 where is found a stone corner monument. Thence S24°23'04"W, 7.48 feet; Thence S5°05'41 "E, 139.98 feet; Thence S27°55'24"E, 112.77 feet; Thence S 18°37'33"E, 93.33 feet to the PC of a curve to the left; Thence 49.69 feet along the arc of said curve to the left through a central angle of 81 °21 '00". Said curve to the left having a radius of 35.00 feet and a chord of 45.62 feet which hears S59° 18'03"E. Thence N8000 1 '27"E, 3 7 .67 feet to the PC of a curve to the left; Thence 57.12 feet along the arc of said curve to the left through a central angle of 109°05'22". Said curve to the left having a radius of 30.00 feet and a chord of 48.87 feet which bears N25°28'46"E; Thence N29°03' 55"W, 31.25 feet to the PC of a curve to the right; Thence 47.03 feet along the arc of said curve to the right through a central angle of 67°22'08". Said curve to the right having a radius of 40.00 feet and a chord of 44.37 feet which bears N4°37'09"E; Thence N38°18' 13"E, 181.02 feet to the PC of a curve to the right; Thence 21,35 feet along the arc of said curve to the right through a central angle of 40°46' IS". Said curve to the right having a radius of30.00 feet and a chord of20.90 feet which bears N58°41 '21 "E; ~~ LL( ( 7l.3 Thence N79°04'28"E, 47.94 feet; ( i\ f", r'~ rl /i ',) U , 4 '1 State of Wyoming Easement No. 6323 Exhibit A 2 Thence N66°20'39"E, 82.44 feet to the PC of a curve to the right; Thence 56.66 feet along the arc of said curve to the right through a central angle of 108°12'19". Said curve to the right having a radius of30.00 feet and a chord of48.60 feet which bears S59°33' II "E; Thence S5°27'01 "E, 58.29 feet; Thence S 18°23' 56"W, 48.05 feet to the PC of a curve to the left; Thence 21.14 feet along the arc of said curve to the left through a central angle of 48°26'49". Said curve to the left having a radius of25.00 feet and a chord of 20.51 feet which bears S5°49'28"E; Thence S30002'53"E, 56.31 feet to the PC of a curve to the left; Thence 41.41 feet along the arc of said curve to the left through a central angle of 94°54' 11". Said curve to the left having a radius of25.00 feet and a chord of 36.84 feet which bears S77°29'59"E; Thence N55°02'56"E, 97,68 feet to the PC ofa curve to the right; Thence 48.69 feet along the arc of said curve to the right through a central angle of 111 °35'30". Said curve to the right having a radius of25.00 feet and a chord of 41.35 feet which bears S69°09' 19"E; Thence S 13°21 '34"E, 86.25 feet to the PC of a curve to the left; Thence 43.36 feet along the arc of said curve to the left through a central angle of 99°22'46". Said curve to the left having a radius of25.00 feet and a chord of38.13 feet which bears S63°02'57"E; Thence N67°15'40"E, 24.28 feet; Thence N46° 17'07"E, 65.85 feet; Thence NI3°16' 14"E, 93.56 feet to the PC of a curve to the right; Thence 38.74 feet along the arc of said curve to the right through a central angle of 44°23'35". Said curve to the right having a radius of50.00 feet and a chord of37.78 feet which bears N35°28'02"E; Thence N57°39' 49"E, 24.46 feet; 2 t..t..( ( ( r' 'Î (": I'~; t",? r:- 'I, "'} ¡. ~. I d ," ~) 1"')1. ~'~ ,:,)~:,:~ ,,"; a, ~ State of Wyoming Easement No. 6323 Exhibit A 3 Thence N32°59' 17"E, 89.45 feet to the PC of a curve to the right, Thence 116.12 feet along the arc of said curve to the right through a central angle of 108°16'07". Said curve to the right having a radius of61.45 feet and a chord of99.60 feet which bears N87°07'2I "E; Thence S38°44'36"E, 83.27 feet to the PC of a curve to the right; Thence 48.03 feet along the arc of said curve to the right through a central angle of 39°11 '59". Said curve to the right having a radius of70,21 feet and a chord of 47,10 feet which bears S 19°08'36"E; Thence So027'23"W, 132.70 feet to the PC ofa curve to the right; Thence 48,81 feet along the arc of said curve to the right through a central angle of III °51 '46". Said curve to the right having a radius of25.00 feet and a chord of 41.42 feet which bears S55°28'30"E; Thence N68°35'37"E, 12,87 feet to the PC of a curve to the right; Thence 17,13 feet along the arc of said curve to the right through a central angle of 14°40'29". Said curve to the right having a radius of66,89 feet and a chord of 17,09 feet which bearsN61°15'23"E; Thence N53°55'09"E, 8.02 feet to the PC of a curve to the right; Thence 77.98 feet along the arc of said curve to the right through a central angle of 31°27'39". Said curve to the right having a radius of 142,02 feet and a chord of77,OO feet which bears N38°11 '19"E; Thence N22°27'30"E, 19.54 feet to the PC of a curve to the right; Thence 68.58 feet along the arc of said curve to the right through a central angle of 94°33'38". Said curve to the right having a radius of41.56 feet and a chord of61.06 feet which bears N69°44' 19"E; Thence S62°58'52"E, 42.92 feet to the PC of a curve to the left; Thence 78.43 feet along the arc of said curve to the left through a central angle of 27°46'13". Said curve to the left having a radius of 161.81 feet and a chord of77.66 feet which bears S76°51 ' 59"E; Thence N89°14'55"E, 49.74 feet; Thence S75°15'31"E, 138.43 feet; 3 . . "tr· ..~,.' , . '~". , ,., :;r)..j ,~ -~ ( ,... ,.. r ',' r' " r ... ~;L¡'{o ((( Thence S64°32' 49"E, 62.34 feet; 111ence S75°28'04"E, 158.60 feet; Thence N89°43 '02"E, 131.52 feet; ( State of Wyoming Easement No. 6323 Exhibit A 4 Thence N69°25'11"E, 40.65 feet to the point of terminus. Said point of terminus being a point on the east boundary line of said Section 2 and said Lot 40 and being Soo06' 44"E, 319.52 feet from said Comer #1 of Lot 40. Said easement within Lot 40 being 3138.9 feet in length and contains 2.16 acres more or less. 4 f'¡O··'>r',.., -J-""'~_', , ,i: .~'- ''''c__,_' ,;J ,...-,- ,V-!'ì', 1/ . !LVi ,~ l\ r~ r '''í ,.., :--"1 \, ',)~} t' , , A ~- ß& ,'L., - ~ ;ç - - - J CENTERLINE EASEMENT r-- ____t_______ TYPICAL EASEMENT NOT TO SCALE UJT 111. 39 . I I tl~ --1-- 7 I 8 __I_- I ~l R,O.'w'. ~ II o 100' 300' SCALE I 1'=300' State of Wyoming Easement No. 6323 Exhibit B VICINITY MAE NOT TO SCALE 4 3 ru v;¡STONE CORNER ~ ~ ~ : ~3>::~~., E t- t- T - 31.06 rT U U R . :!O.OO rT WW L-5S.S9rT '" a. - 52.77 n IŒTH IDY. LOT 39 - SEC.1, N 89' :!O' '" (JIf;CIJUI> I 4 P.D.T. P.D.B. ~"rFE $ 67"03'29' E 108M n II 81'03'45' E m.oo n II &6"39'06' E 177.79 n N 89'4e'3O' E 79.t9 n 7 N e6'152'U' [ 57.23 n 46~':W [ 67.81! n N 6~'U' E 22,70 n Jc . ~"23'2'" CH . S 5N7'e-4' '" T . so.oo fT R - 97,31 fT L . 92.38 fT a. - 88.9'5 n 114 CORNER 3 1/4' ALUMINUM CAP LOT NO. 39 (STATE OF ~YoMING PROP) SEC, 1 CERTIFICA TE OF SURVEYOR ST A TE Of 'JYOMING ) COUNTY Of LINCOLN) ,', U"<",,','l' J<') .:. It. ~ 'r"t ..0 _~. b . ( ~ ( !-~ r t ,.~. t' ,1 ("'1 ',) L ¡ , Ú Crank Companies/ Incorporated Consulting Engineering & Land Surveying ~ivision 41 us 30/189, Oiamondville, Wyoming 83116 · Fax (307) 877-6351 P.O. Box 365, Oiamondville, Wyoming 83116 . PhnnA rW7) f/77_QnQ~ State of Wyoming Legal Description Easement No. 6323 Exhibit B 1 Access Road Easement - Mike Welsh in Lot 39 of Section 1, T24N, R116W (State of Wyoming Property) An access easement located in Lot 39 in Section 1 of the resurvey ofT24N, RII6W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said easement being 30 feet in width, 15 feet each side of the following described centerline. Beginning at a point on the west boundary of Lot 39 and Section 1 of the resurvey ofT24N, RII6W ofthe 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said Point of Beginning being Soo06'44"E, 319.52 feet from Comer #4 of said Lot 39 where is found a stone comer monument. Thence N69°25' II "E, 22.70 feet; Thence N46°55'50"E, 67.82 feet; Thence N26° 52' II "E, 57.23 feet to the PC of a curve to the right; Thence 55.59 feet along the arc of said curve to the right through a central angle of 63°42' 13". Said curve to the right having a radius of 50.00 feet and a chord of 52.77 feet which bears N58°43' I8"E; Thence S89°25'35"E, 139.17 feet; Thence S73°45'25"E, 136.67 feet; Thence S80011 '20"E, I 05.20 feet; Thence S67°03 '29"E, I 08.40 feet; Thence N79°02'27"E, 45.84 feet; Thence N68°38'32"E, 104.92 feet; ll1ence N59° 18'32"E, 112.13 feet; ll1ence N55°34'30"E, 62.02 feet; Thence N69°57'30"E, 87.28 feet; Thence N87°03' 45"E, 225.00 feet; ll1ence N89°42' 30"E, 79.19 feet; Thence N86°39'06"E, 177.78 feet to the PC of a curve to the left; Thence 92.38 feet along the arc of said curve to the left through a central angle of 54°23'24". Said curve to the left having a radius of97.31 feet and a chord of88.95 feet which bears N59°27'24"E; .. LLf ( (' Sta f . n 'ì (' "';/'1 n te 0 Wyommg i. ',) t. , ¡';.y Easement No. 6323 Exhibit B 2 ~Lj Thence N32°15'42"E, 65 feet more or less to the point oftenninus. Said point of terminus being a point on the northerly boundary line of said Lot 39. Said easement being 1745 feet in length IilOre or less and contains 1.20 acres more or less. 2