HomeMy WebLinkAbout913717 ··.."'\n (, n (\ ' ) '" J ".. ") \' . ~ Affidavit of Survivorship I, George W. Mansfield, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: That under the date of August 25, 1983, for valuable consideration, William Lee Knopp, by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on September 28, 1983, in Book 205 of Photostatic Records on Page 467, conveyed to George W. Mansfield and/or Catherine Mansfield, who were husband and wife, the following described property to-wit: Lot twenty-seven (27) in Star Valley Ranch Plat fourteen (14) as platted and recorded in the official records of Lincoln County, Wyoming That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, the said George W. Mansfield and Catherine Mansfield became the owners of said real property, and title thereto vested in them continuously from the date of said conveyance to the date of death of Catherine Mansfield, also known as Catherine Estella Mansfield, on the 27th day of November, 2001. That by reason of and upon the death of Catherine Mansfield, title to the above described real property vested absolutely in George W. Mansfield. Affiant avers and certifies that Catherine Mansfield, is the identical party named with George W. Mansfield in the aforementioned deed, whose death terminated her interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. Dated this 2- day of r101) ,2005. [3 State of C~(/oJ L(). ) ~D /7 /7. )ss. County off.:j\rl(}f/{ Jti,XC ) Subscribed and sworn to before m~L-ª notary pub,liS in and for said County and State, by George W. Mansfield, this ~ day of f !{)U. , 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. BOBBIE FERGUSON Notary Public state af Iddha '/"~'/'.~'''--~ , ·j;;l¡Jr. ~. -"-A(,",".J"'~,,,:~,,~,,~.""J4T' "."'. '~.i~1';"_~:";"¡I; þt;lli.'9¡õN~ut''''''''' My Commission EXPireqalì1 &, {)(YJ7 RECEIVED 11/15/2005 at 2:56 PM RECEIVING # 913717 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 789 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY f r' ¡ ,.'i':'STATE OF IDAHO .",.iDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE CENTER FOR VITAL STATISTICS AND HEALTH POLICY i, '. , State of Idaho CERTIFICATE OF DEATH ,'~ I~¡ r, [') r~ ') >;i Q \) I.J Slale File No. __ ~ local Reg No 7iCJ---¿ ,'. ,_ ,I [IF TI1'S DOCUMf/11 CEHTI',EO EtT r..e: S:A.1f "'):¡,~1;U~ WI'''' TIi! O(I"'T, ,)F HUlTli. WIlI''''''' ......."(0 U:4l, ~""ll 6f 'JSEO "'-S P<1"H <ACE E'.IDHK:E CF !>·,s CE.H.. 'J"OE<1 IDAHO COOl J'j'~"I'I'.1~:7' TYPE OR ÞRI,n IN PEAMAtŒtH BLACK INK DO Nor USE FELT TIP PEN '<' t't< 4>'1. -.'"'i ;';uf -~: R~- II "J[ _!":''\,':: i~ I¡!~ ~.:,;:I r:~ '$! !{', Catherine ~Al E Of DEATH 1',10111" Day, '~ilfJ Female ,November 27, 2001 SOCIAL SECURITY NU'.\SER BIRTtJP~ ",CE (C,ry is,,], :;';1111 Of "",e.g,' COunlryJ 518-22-]5]9 , Idaho Falls, Idaho --, WAS DECEDENT EVER rrl U S ARt.~ED FORCES1 PLACE OF DEATH ¡Cht!cll unly 0t1..} * " (1) [)() Inpatienl (2) 0 ERIOutpatient (3) 0 DOA (4) 0 Long-Term Care Facility (5) 0 Own Residence ¡ I, (6) 0 Other Private Residence (7) 0 Other ¡Specify) o Ves !XJ ,.0 F:CIUTY r4AME AND ADDl(f5,S ,I¡~ ~UI;J i'QSp'lIJ/. "nler,..'1.~rnl ,ff pldCl, SIte,1 and 'wmöerJ .. Eastern Idahú, Regi()nål Medical Center CQUN TY Of' OF ATH . Idaho Falls Bonneville " '. DECEDENT'S LJSU<\l OCCUPATION ¡GM:I *mc uI wOfM 0011' KltlO OF BUSINESS, INDuSTRY dUfmg most at ",orAl"'} Me, Ou nOI u.. retlr.d.} , Sales Clerk RESIDENCE STArE STREET AND ~IUMBER ..., õ m 3 Mk 0" ~; ~ : z& ZIP CODE Idaho INSIDE cln LIMITS?' 168 1/2 9th Street ,~ 83404 !5 DECEDErH 5 EDlJC,l.T!ON (Spec'fy (JI'Ily hl(j""; ')fadø Ct;mplerftd) mVes CNo iXlNO Utah White College (1·4 Of 5+) ElemenlaryfSecondary (0-/2) 12 I I~ (Specify': fATHER NAME MOTHER FULL M"IDErl ~ AME BIRTHPLACE Noral 0 ¡ dell Brown Utah Edna May Christensen INF<?nMAr~T'3 'lAME ¡TrPðlPnnr) M....,Llrm ADDRESS i$11"f!11 3f'd II,JlntIfJr 01 Rur¡¡1 A(wtfl /JumDer. Co/I' or row", Slille, Z..p Cod!!) ~:;orge,¡1.Hans field .168 1/2 9th Street, Idaho Falls, Idaho 8]404 METHOD OF P¡SPOSI~IO~ . LOCATlOt CI!~ Of To...n, :jl.ale Idaho Falls, Idaho Falls, ID, 8]402 ... 27 PART I" Enter the diseases, injuries,' or complications that caused the death. Do nol enter the mode 01 dYing, such as can.1lac or fesplralor¡ a"esl, sh,OCk, O( heae1 lailure, Lis! only one cause on each line '~" , ." IMMEDIATE CAUSE IMMEDIATE :CA'uSE (Final disease or condlrion ,"" ~ (ì¿;~~'¿A...'}J !?L.~"")/Y,-""1/~ Cl.-'".¥'~'-¡- resulting in death) 'a. '" ~UE _ TO (0', a.s " COr1~eqtJer1ce 0/). ---->'. ",:", b, ~}S/~ Z0 l1ná<Jhyy¿.";(¿.¿ 1J,.·{¿~£lt-é¿r9-tÜ'L/ ~TO(O'as..con5tXllJ~r1çltof¡ ,f}1¿.Þ.okctiè.- Ó7'zl--7A..~-r> CcU>i:!~--7'1.(/YVVC-<.....--' DUE, TO" (0/ .It d COr1S~quøf1ce of) Sequenfially lisl conditions, j any. leading to immediate cause Enter UNDERlnNG CAUSE (disease or injury that Initiated evenrs resulting in death) LAST 1~~~~:I~ðl~sle~lerva :and Oealh I I I I I I I I t I : .« I I WERE AUTOPSY n"lDINGS A'/AIlABlE PRIOR TO CaMPlE TION OF CAUSe OF OEATH1 27, PART II, Other Signilicanl Conditions con!nbu.~Lng 10 death but nOl resu!tlng in the undðrlYlOg causa given 10 Part I. . , , " I, 'I;',,';¡:,I WAS A~j ,.s.UTOP$Y PERrORI,4ED? DYes KJNo oNo oVes ::?}r7fR~ 7 ŒT~LQ-L Falls, rD, 83404, 208-529-260]