HomeMy WebLinkAbout913746 ~c nc, EASe ( ==1 :-----KNOW ALr~~; BY THESE pnESENTS, 1'h" Ii ---------_------.Ejrst National Bank ~vest [' I I ::ST A TE MQ RTGAGE (By Carporetlan) UJ & 50983 (OLI) (\ (\i) 'U:' 0 '\) \.} (). J 3 c:Jrpnration, of the County of-Lin.c.o..ln , and State of TJyomi ng day oLAl?ril A W~ng r.orporAtion , does hereby ,A, D. 2QOS, œ,tlfy that a Ct;rtain mortgage, bearing dftte the 14 rnIJdc' and ex.:cuted by----J'l11.t.e~trllC" ¡- ion, TnC" I as TTlortgngnr_. tu First National Bank Hest as rnn<tgagei:, conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of $ 1 nq 1 5.,~LR ') thE'rein stnted. which mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex·Officio Register of Deeds of ----LincD~n County, State of Wyoming, on the~_day of...Apri 1 ...2llQ5 In ¡]uok--.5.B..3_of [I,!ort.gages, at page ~6(j , and mortgaging the following described real estate in said County, to.wit: , as I I' I All Lands Described in Said Mortgage. \À \ "'J '1), \ ,~o; . J tI i\J "t· RECEIVED 11/16/2005 at 1:39 PM RECEIVING # 913746 BOOK: 604 PAGE: 869 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ! '" ,'t' ¡" rJ \} .., , ~{ . t1 u~ / is. wiLh ú note ",cured th"n,by, and the aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released. and discharged and in consideration th6["of the sf!Ìd mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and murt, gl1i-',~d. [i\} \V IT NE SS \V1-1 E HEO F', the-----EiLsJ:....Na.t.io.na.L.B.ankl<le.s.t..._,_,. IiUi ,j),~~~L fh,~,S.l' PreSl'ntš to be signed by its Rr;mclL.P.rpRÍ rìent ~!.I~)1'~·SCfrpl)¡aifs~al to be affixed, this, 9 day of .' ~~i;;ne\¿;~åled H¡{d Delivered in the presence of : -~.' "\" ".'. ,,',' ".., -~f~::5~t:~~~ ~",'l:,;j:? ~, -, '-'), L' ByFi~S ~.- >:~:;n~l, ~an -Z::~~__/I ,¡/4)C//""\>:i'//~/ // ) ( X"" /, - /Í -- _i_'_'-.,.7""ç2;¿~Q~~~_ ,¿Lc:.",..-----/'" " Its BrAnch/P.r.eBi@/nt /7) x->A1XC:!{St'xYcashier t","", Novemopr ,A. D. 2ilil5. - ~_._----_.------ THE STATE OF' WYOMING, C"\lllty of Lincoln N L1te, I r it is not desired to describe lands in space therefor, insert the fOllowing: "All lands described in said mortgage." ~~ ----- r ss. On this__,..9.th____day of_Ì'>!Û\l.ENBER Penny Jones to me [Jersonally known, who, being by ([u' duly sworn, did say that he is the Branch President First National BanlLIœ.st , I~, before me personally appeared of ,JIll! thut the sr:aluffixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation. and that said instrument was signed and -;.'¿JI"¡j on b,.,half of sfiid corporation by authority of its Ro,lfd of Directors and said cashier d' I, Iluwl ¥~ÎT3ti~m-ar'µ1;():,,~~hC:¡'f'ree act und deed of said corporation. __ t /) [¡ E,,! C P JGH -..., Uotdry Put.IIC \ ¿:>.) (/ - 14 _ t. '" or- , / CI'.'L' un'~Ji"VUfÌ1:J,r'ith~1í~lT'otari~'IS althis / day of ' /1~/é/?.l.;Z:-"f-< .A D. --'~'f'jL:T' ", 'I. n!¡ ~',¡1·,· >J ~"de ot ./ :/ /l - ¡ (// ,/, / /J ~ ' IrIcoln Î),[' ,~M'9 Wyorrllng "'; . ¡. j/ ,';; 'I ,/ I ~/7 ¿/' , ,~ ~'--- ,'- . My C"::~.'22';~~~:c,~e.:.~~::t:'~(_:'~':006 _ /Í)" II/J /} I ) ,'/ NOla~~ Publ1~,_ ,,==~,I y c(Jìn~~lÍs::;Uíìrexþ1'rYs-oÎÎEhe--_ ~ ð" duy of ((/(>:'ý (L ¡l (' I ;;;;....:...A. D. ~2L15 TilE STATE OF WYOl\I!NG, This in,lrurnent was filed for record at__o'clock_M" on the !\ [I, 19_~_, and duly recorded in Book on Page } 5S, C,unt)' of day of Ì'Ju,___, Fees, $ By County Clcrl, und Ex,Officiu Heg-Îster of Dc.:ds ~~ DqJllty Cieri,