HomeMy WebLinkAbout913763 1[,( . . RECEIVED 11/16/2005 at 4:25 PM RECEIVIHG # 913763 BOOK: 605 PAGE: 64 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY W AIU~ANTY DEED BRENT KING, NICOLE KING, VEHLYN PARKER AND CASSANDRA PARKER, as Joint Tcnants, grantors of Lincoln County, Statc of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 001100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO .10 J1ILLSTEAD, as Sole Owner, grantee, whose address is P,O, Box 4365, Bedford, WY 83112 the following described real estate, sitnate in Lincoln County and Slate of Wyoming, hercby releasing and waiving aII rights undcr and by virtue of the homestead exernption1aws of the state to wit: Lot 174 of Star VaUey Ranch Plat 18, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. SUBJECT, however, to aII reservations, restrictions, protective covenants, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record, in sight, or in lIse. WITNESS our hands this ----..9'_~~ day of Ál),¡el~~ .h('/. ,2005, . . ' r..'" \....J¡. v 0 'i d___--t'(2 ')/ ' ._ ~ng llæJvJ!á ~/ . I Jle Kl11g ..Ltl-r£J<-- -£L__ / . Ver!yn Parker ~~~ ð) ¡Pa-J.-ØL/ ~ Cassandra Parker LYí f) l'. State of-Idalfi! ) )ss. ) COllnty of C./\c..H£ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Brent King, Nicole King, Verlyn Parker and Cassandra Parker this qi:!!. day of ¡JO\¡c11'lber .2005. Witness my hand and official seal. cøfw~fft~ --- Notary Public 1- - - - - - Ñ;¡;rÿP~li-;;- --, 1 LISA G. SHEPPARD I I 1164 Easl100 SQuth I Logan, Utah 84321 1 My CommissIon Expires , July 11, 2009 L_~__...... STATE OF UTAH I -.....~----- Ivfy Commission Expires: .( - 11- OC)