HomeMy WebLinkAbout875839 Section 25, T32N, Rll9W ~OW ~L ~N BY T~SE PImSENT: ?zr)OK.4}T~_ .pR PAGE 5. 2: a That ~, th~ undersigned, E~NK E. HOOPES and ~DALYN M. HOOPES, husband & wife, ("Grantor"), for a good "and valuabl~ consideration, the receipt of which is h~reby ac~owl~dged, do hereby grant, 'convey and warrant unto Lower Valley Energy, a Cooperativ~ Corporaion, of ~on and Jackson, Wyoming and to its successors and assigns, ("Grantees"), a perpetual easement and right of way for the construction and continued maintenance, repair, alteration and replacement ofthedectric distribution circuits, lines and equipment of the Grantee to be constructed and maintained under, upon and across the premises of Grantor in L~COLN County, State of WYOM~G along a line described as follows, to wit: BErG a tract of land containir~g 30 acres located in the NWl/4 ~1/4 of Section 25, T32N, RllgW, 6"' P.M., in Lincoln C~l!h~, Wyoming, more particulsrly described as follows: BEG~N~G at the NW property corner located Sonth 462 feet from the NW corner of said Section 25. Thence Easement begins and bcars East along North property line 100 feet to an electric padmonnt Transformer. Thence S 17° E 92 feet to an electric metering point. EASEMENT to inclnde 10 feet on each side of described line. Together with all necessaw and reasonable rights of ingress and egress and to excavate and refill ditches and trench for the location and repair of said facilities and to cut, trim, or remdve trees, s~bbeW, undergro~h or other Obstructions inte~ering with the repair and maintenanc; of the facilities. Th~ Gramor acknowledges that Electric and magnetic Fidds (E~) ar~ naturally occu~ng in the distribution of d~ctricity, and the Grante~ has here notified Grantor that E~ testing and i~ormation is available upon reqUest from the Grante~. Th~ undersigned agrees that all wires and other facilities, installed on th~ a'bOw d~scribed lands at th~ Grantee's expense shall remain the propeay of the ~antee, removable at th~ option of the Grantee. We hereby release and waive all rights under and by vMue ofth~ Itomestead Exemption Laws of the said Stat~.' WI~SS th~ hand ofth~ Grantor, t~s 16th day of July, 2001. STATE OF dO ~'o ,~,/,,o ~ ) COUNTY OF /-. /,I; C~>4AJ . ) The foregoing instrument was ac~owledged before me Frank E. Hoopes and Madalyn M. Hoopes, husband & wife, : this /~ ~ day of ~. ., 2001. ' Witness my hand and official seal Catherine Ann Voljol ~7~ Nafery Public ~ Lincoln ~ ~ o~ ~ (Nota~ Public) ~ My Commission Expires: