HomeMy WebLinkAbout913773 50989 (01) & G, ú\ , r· 1t r~ ,t ..~ 0 ~., t..,} l~· 1.. ,i. J ~:f.) WHEN RECORDED, MAn~ TO: Bank of Jaekson Hole P.O. Box 7000 Jackson, WYOMING 83001 RECEIVED 11/17/2005 at 11 :00 AM RECEIVING # 913773 BOOK: 605 PAGE: 113 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY This instrument was prepared by: Bank of Jackson Hole }).O. Box 7000 Jackson, WYOMING 83001 307-732-3054 Loan Number: 003] 826027 (Space Above This Line for Recording Data) ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL THESE MEN BY THESE PRESENTS That Bank of Jackson Hole, whose address is P.O. Box 7000, Jackson, WYOI\IING 8300] for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has sold, and by these presents does sell, assign, and transfer to Lehman Brothers Bank, F.S.B., its Successors and/or Assigns, whose address is: 60] 5th Avenue, Scottsbluff, NEBRASKA 69361 that certain t-..fortgage dated November 11,2005, by and between Alan W. MaId and Ann \V. MaId, husband and wife as mortgagors, and Bank of Jackson Hole, as mortgagee, which mortgage covers the following described property located in Lincoln County, State of WYOMING to-wit: See Exhibit" A" Parcel Identification Number: 36190910000300 which currently has the address of: 588 McNeel Road, Alpine, WYOMING 83128 And which Mortgage was recorded in the office of the,C,?un~y Clerk of r/~~ U\"'(~Òr) County, State of WYOMING on the r1 day of \,\c,\\U\ \\:\J-'~_C , ('.ktT.J' as Instrument No. q \.. -) - };,i in Book UCf) , Page 102::> . TOGETHE R with note or llotes therein described or referred to, the money due ancl to become due thereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under said Real Estate Mortgage. Bank of Jackson Bole tQ /Yì ûQ¿(À \ A t~ Ll\ !(~ fYY\~ By: Kenna Williams Its: Real Estate Loan Oflicer Rll) I t1~; \ IL;j Witness U '.rYRed Name: ~ -\~J\l\ \J e (\ Df\l WItness 1 Typed Name: Wyoming Assignment of Mortgage IDS, Inc. - (800) 554-1872 Page 1 of 2 . . (, (", "')'~J:.¡ {j ~) ~~'_nM U (f '-' (" /\ J~ ,.~ ..( l~ .". .~" ~ ,~ ..~,l. 'J. State of Wyol11jn~. COllntyof 'TetOìì On this the .\ I day of ;.b0e \[V\\:~<::'_I(- ,'Z~OO ~:;- , before me, a Notary, personally appeared Kenna Williams, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn (or affirmed), did say that he/she is the Real Estate Loan Officer of Bank of Jackson Hole and that the seal affixed to the instrument is the corporate seal of the corporation (or association) by authority of its board of directors (or trustees), and Kenna Williams acknowledged the instrument to be the free act and deed of the corporation. ~~.........~,.~~........~ l<.tv!. LeVasseur NOTAHY PUBLIC TETON COUNlY, WYOMING MY COMMISSION ~HES June 27,20(;; ö 'ì ~( \ I .~". __, \\1,," ,,(_.,~ --)-,.__J,_J J '-.1(\ <:. \~~-,.J.. j-........__ Wyoming Assignment of Mortgage IDS, Inc. . (800) 554-1872 Page 2 of2 . . EXHIBIT "A" {-. ': ·:r ,." ~'} '","-)'¡ «.iJ w ~_=-I - _~' (\,; t"', \ i ·r Jr:: ".. .. ," ..!.t.. _~. P'r. 0 ( :';"'Uor. 9, T3ó N R !l9\V of II" 610 p" line J ir. C cunry, IV ¡DOl iog b<::i[j~ mor~ p¡¡rtic:J~ar!y d~\cribed a. follo'.v~: .. E '3 ',",ing " , pe'n< W hie h lie, S 3,' J9 'i B" IV, 1249,3:2 to" frer,¡ ihe 1'<0[(.1 I <if!; iron pip'-crass c,p eOf:J<r b"w.,n S'clioQS 9 and 10 of soid T'J6N RI19W 'nd "'n"'ng !11c:1c:: N ~1}·j9·18' E. l070 fc:~( co (j¡t: Wc:¡¡ baok of (he Salt Rive: th~nc::: SOU1hward a!oO& 3aid river barli:: ch~ follolJ,lin:;¡ çour~s: thenc;: ~.49q30' W, 215 f~~t; !h(jnc.¡~ S 63-30' W, 150 feet; then~: S 46· W 280 feet; ¡ 1e:rrC~: S D "30' W. 430 (C~(; !her.c~: S 10·l1'jQ" W, '263.14 feel; thence S 06 °30'00 W, 210 fe~t: .r rhen~ S 07"OO'OO~ P, 14(j.71 feè!; thence N j2·33'OO" W, 19j f~(; ¡hence S 31·1,· W. 186 fcct; chenc¡: S .54<144'41' E, 210.62 feet [0 [he West right-ar-way line 0{ a sixty foot rotdway; thc::nc~ :SOllthw<:jeerly on a 210 fooe r;¡diu.q CLlrv~ :llon~ sa:d righc-of-w:¡y Ij;¡~, 97.67 f~et. (long chord b~.1n S 21 °55'53" W, 96.79 (~~(); chenc!! S 87 Q30' W, 203.27 f~ct; rhenc~ N 23 °24 I WI 250 fecr; tl1enc¡: N 12 4 W, 140 t'cc:t; thence nor.hw~sccrly along a 885 foor radius Curve to the: left a distance: of 489.3 f~e(: thenc~ N 46·19110~ E, 24.0l feet; thcncl': N 42417'10" E, 112.8 (ee~; ¡hence: I\lJr1hcrly 1t1unlllt jJ}.O (OO¡ r:1L11us curve (0 ¡he: krc 401,28 (e.:c; thence a/ana a 300 [ooc radius ¡:Ul'Vc (Jong chord N 12"34'04' E, 41j.36 f~~c) a dLnaoce o( 471.79 feet [0 Ih~ painta( bcginnin&. . .