HomeMy WebLinkAbout913776 /~~ ( ~ C!~) (.., I~ r" ,-, 0 \. '.,~ ; : .( t.: \ 50870 (01) Name: Address: James Alders 20 M800gany Circle, SVR Etna, WY 83118 RECEIVED 11/17/2005 at 11:45 AM RECEIVING # 913776 BOOK: 605 PAGE: 120 JEANNE WAGNER Llf\JCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WREN RECORDED RETURN 'TO: ...~~·,u ,. , I I i ~ r QUIT CLAIlVl DEED James Alders and BorlllÍe B. Alder~, hU;"L,;;UH:l ãüd -,,,He GRA~1\fTOR(S) of Lincoln County, State ofVlyoming, hereby QUIT CLAIlVI(S) t James Alders and Bonnie B. Alders, husband and wife and Linda A. Alders~ a married woman GR..\.NTJ£E(S) of 20 Maoogany Circle, SVR, Etna, HY 83118 , for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, the fbUovnng described real estate, 5itua±e in L1nCQln COlJDty, State of \Vyoming, hereby releasing and \v~Úying all rights under and by virtue of the bomest~ad exemption lav,,rs of the State, to wit: Prater Canyon Estates Unit Four (4) Lot Two (2) ;:is platted and recorded in the OtIîcial Records in Lincoln County ~ \Vy0J11illg. Subject to reservations and restrictions containc:d in th~ United States Pat~Iìt and tö easemènts and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together \:<,'ÏtÌ1 aU improver:nents and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantor this 4th day of NO'vember, 2005. 'í. J " "'.fl., .. ., r/,,;,<¿~¡[tj(A)"""- -7 >-7/;,~"tl~/"( Id{J!.{¿, ~ , _, I (~'<.. ¡;tIZC1' '¿~f~·(V~l q Jarnes Alders by Hendrik Alders as attorney in Jact 'f' 1// J J .,./ 1 ''(lA'//// . /I "iJïr~--'. .. / )1- jy;o.-.<-d: is i.U;~·Ltu- 7/Vj,jc,....!(¿/&{.J...........-tLA.... dl":'<"'Y ·.!(.'/f-t.:· HorulÌe B. Alders by Hendrik Alders as :lttomey in fact L c:,J: í'"',';¡ ,','¡'/ r',:,,~~._i~~, COUNTY OF LÜlColn ) ) SSo ) County of li;ìGoln Si;,~te of Wyurninp :,; :J \' , {(7-¡. {)(¡i ~ '·-.',,;':::,",0.·."- ,,_..", 9 '_/'-..' ..._-'-'~...........r.-'"'..,~·...:..' STATE OF V./yom1t1g !i,j\j c(,.'.'fr:rlì¡~';::)c:n ~.~,>¡ 11¡'; ,I I ~ 1 On this 4th day of November, 2005, before me, the undersit,711ed, a Notary Publie, in aDd for said State, personally appeared HendIik ~Alders as attorney in façt for James Alders aud Bonnie B. þJders known to me, and or identified to me on the basis of satistàctory evidence, to be the person whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as attorney in fact. \VITNESS ivlY HAND AND OFFICLA.L SEAL. ._ .... \ "".0 ~ \ "';1'; \....\'\....(,.0 -:~\ (ì ,,-, (, Notary public:{J },'1)' commissioD expires \0' i -Olr ----".-. \ \1 \1 I' I - ._~~..:.-_~.~_I I, II II I, anù Title Company File \lumber: ~(¡8700S:25lJ5 Quit Claim D,:,¡;:d (lndividual) p¡\gc I of 1 ____ IIIIAU. .GIOiI"'"'~---.' 606-~ 120/020 d PI8-I 8alD-EEL-LOE ,<!J8dwo:) e 1111 PIl81-'tIOìJ:J 90:61 90-vO-I\¡',id