HomeMy WebLinkAbout913787 1,,\;1 'Ü /1' / .....J (' " Cì I r· .... -,. ~ 9 ! : l~' i} . '" ',/ .. ! .J.... :t WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: RECEIVED 11/17/2005 at 2:04 PM RECEIVING # 913787 BOOK: 605 PAGE: 149 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY THOMAS MORTON WORTHEN and RHEA IRENE WORTHEN 1170 BRYAN AVENUE SLC UT 84105 (Special) WARRANTY DEED THOMAS MORTON WORTHEN and RHEA IRENE WORTHEN, husband and wife, also known as Thomas M. Worthen and Rhea I. Worthen I husband and wife, as GRANTORS, of Salt Lake City I County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, hereby CONVEY and WARRANT against all claiming by, through or under them to RHEA I. WORTHENI Trustee of the RHEA I_ WORTHEN Family Trust dated June 14, 2005, with full power to transfer, convey, mortgage, encumber or otherwise dispose of the property herein described I GRANTEES, of 1170 Bryan Avenue, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, 84105, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the following described tract of land in, Lincoln County, state of Wyoming , to- wit: Parcell. Commencing N79 0 30' \\T. 560 feet from the SE corner, Section 29, T37N, Rl18 W, 6th P.M. The point of beginning thence; S 000 00' E, lOa ft; thence N90 0 00' W, 100 ft.; thence N 04015' W, 185 ft,; thence S 630 1 A' E, ] 25 ft. to the point of beginning; otherwise known as lot 4A in Lake View Estates Incorporated, Tract "A", a subdivision of the S J¡'2 of the Se 1/4, Sec, 29, T37N, R118W. . . '" 4" ,~ ~.u....~ ,) i'''-'j &' . fl Parcel 2. r.....- ,". 1"-. O. 1\ ,:1- h " ; ¡ ~I.; " f ~'J:' ' ~,' '.1 c'. ... 2 Starting at a point N 58045' W, 519' tì-om the SE Corner of Section 29, T37N, R 118W of the 6th P.M.; thence S 5r20'W, 125'; thence N 58°30'W, 150'; thence N67 0 15'E, 106'; thence N 49005' E, 50'; thence S 500 45' E, 130' to the point of beginning in Lake View Estates Incorporated Tract (A), a subdivision of the S1I2SE1I4 of Section 29, T37N, Rl18W of the 6th P.M., Linco]n County, Wyoming. (Less all mineral, oil, gas, and water rights as previously reserved.) Starting at a point N 790 30'W, 560' from the SE corner of Section 29, T37N, R118W of the 6th P.M.; thence N 63 0 10' W, ] 25'; thence N ] 7056' E, 34'; thence N ] 7 0 30' W, 1] 6'; thence S 58030' E. ] 50'; thence S 00 O'E, 100' to point of beginning in Lake View Estates Incorporated Tract (A) a subdivision of the S Y:z SE 1/4 of Section 29, T37N, R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. (Less all mineral, oil, gas, and water rights as previously reserved.) Together with an access road to be taken fi-om Lot #210 Lake View Estates Incorporated along the North side of said lot, approximately 15 feet wide, described as follows: Beginning at a point which is N 520 50'W, 782 feet from the SE Corner Sec 29, T37N, Rl ¡gyV and running thence S 15°30' E, 155 feet; thence S 6r IS' W, 15.2 feet; thence N 150 30' W, 157.2 feet; thence N 74030' E, ] 5 feet to point of beginning. That part of the SE ~ SE ~ of section 29 T37N, Rl] 8W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of Lakeview Estates Incorporated, Tract A-F, a Subdivision, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 4A of said subdivision, Thence N04 0 -15'W, ] 85 feet along the West line of said Lot 4A, to the north-west corner of said Lot 4A; !.J/l1'F.. Thence N 17 0 56'E. 34 feet along a wester]/ofLot 3A of said subdivision, to a westerly angle point of said Lot 3A; Thence N ] 7 0 -30'W. ]] 6 feet along a westerly line of said Lot 3A, to the corner common to Lots 2A. 3A. 209 210 of said subdi vision; Thence Southerly, 80 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of lot 215 of said subdivision; Thence S 17 0 -56'W 140 feet, along the easterly line of said Lot 215 to the Southeast corner of said Lot 215. on the northeasterly right-of-way line of Terrace Drive; Thence Southeasterly, 20 feet, more or less to the easterly corner 239 of said Subdivision; J \, '(,:, <J,j "'/' Î^'"'":>&~'! Y",_' '<.,:~' II !"J d ,:' () r'., ~\ f'~~ ø;j '-,.,; (,.~ ~1_}..) ,J.L 3 Thence S 35 0 -15'W, 60 feet, along the easterly line of said Lot 239. on the Southerly corner of said Lot 239, on the South line of said SE ~ SE V,¡; Thence N 90 0 -E, 115 feet.. more or less to the corner of beginning. Parcel 3. Lot #4A in Lake View Estates Incorporated Tract (A), a subdivision of the S 12 S E 1/4 of section 29, T37N, Rll8W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. Metes and bounds description is: Beginning at a point N 79 030' W 560' from the SE Cor. Of Sec, 29; thence S 0°0' E. ] 00'; thence N9000'W. ]00', thence N4°]5'W, ]85'; thence S 63°]O'E, 125' to the point of beginning, all in Sec.29, 1'37N, R118W, of the 6th P.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming. TOGETHER WITH any and all improvements thereon. SUBJECT TO easementSI restrictions, reservations, and rights of way of record or enforceable in law and equity. * Reserving unto one of the Grantor's, Thomas Morton Worthen, the personal and restricted right to the use and possession of said property for and during his natural lifetime. WITNESS the hands of said Grantors this 26th day of October, 2005. J"//I .'. ." 1-J') .' ·.í/ ,I '¡.:>" ~/.,..?(.,/ rf/fCy··/ I (/¿ I. "ctJ! (lH:' ,~, ICL1.( THOMAS MORTON WORTHEN ,/1':"'Z~> j. (:)~;.;¡ ,'. /)?¡ /{¡ ..:'? < ,';. . <,,< ~'.'.., " i ;;' ;...,' /1:-( , ~..:..., /':, /j, ( ,' ~~ ~. ,,'/ ,.,., ,~ 'I.-;"~' Ii" ":/:' RHEA IRENE WORTHEN . -:~?;'/'~~f</r(/"',f J J /, LL¿'L·'Tt/? ~ .1.\ ) THOMAS M. WORTHEN ..~,) /' , , (' J.;~', ' ..__J./ '. I . J ~ '( /1/ /;:( ~/,/;?li;~//,/"Ú/ ' l I ~ L,. L' V ~ RHEA I. WORTHEN STATE OF UTAH ;'";'j 1;)"""' I.t <.-J .1 COUNTY OF SALT LAKE :88. r' i"1 ,'" .-1.. (c:. tJ :."j:, ,',~~':J ~':r 4 On the 26th day of October, 2005, personally appeared before me THOMAS MORTON WORTHEN and RHEA IRENE WORTHEN I husband and wife, also known as Thomas M. Worthen and Rhea I. Worthen, husband and wife, the signers of the within instrument who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the sar~.. \0 ,) /} ex· J //. /.' ." /.'/ /, -~./ / / .f,/' / r"'/<'~"%(/; //,~;, ,/ . Notai-Ý'::::;~bi:fc r_- , -./' [.,;.~ ~,.:'; .....:L~ l~_."": ,~:;' ,~,..'_I, ,..~.:_¡.; !..:¡,:: ,-, . . ¡"j{;L:.;H·Y ...~ Jut:~ïl,?, ~\ìUJ L ,/I. t! )i, \ ¡ Hi \'J n:JI