HomeMy WebLinkAbout913804 RECEIVED 11/17/2005 at 4:07 PM RECEIVING # 913804 BOOK: 605 PAGE: 182 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED DAR\'L L. SHEHAN AND JANE E_ SHEHAN, Hu~hand Ilud Wife, gr~ntOIs of Lincoln Coumy, 5rn!C of Wyoming, for r..onsíderation of Ten ~d OO/l00's ($10_00) aI\d Qther good and valuable consideration in hRDQ, receipt whcroof is hereby aclcnowledged CONVEY AND W ARHANT TO LINDA BUTTERFIELD, IJS BQle OW'ACf. gr:!J)tee, whose address is P.o. Box 3093, Alpine, wy 83128 we foHowing described real eStlilC, situate in Lincoln County aud State of Wyoming, hereby relci:\5iog and waiving :1.11 rigbLS núdef and by virme of the homestead exemption lí\wS of the st.ate to wit: Lot 16 of Shooting Star Subdivision. Uncoln Count)', Wyomir1B a..q (be;ribc,j M the official plat No. 364 filed July 18, 1995 as In.strument No. 805315 of the records of the Lincoln ConDty Clerk. SUBJECT, however, to aJI n:gerva\ioOB, restrictions, pwtectivc covel\!UJts, exceptions, e;;\serneTl~ and rights-of-way of record, Î1l sig,bt, or iu use. \VITNESS our ha.nds Ûlis ~() --If'¡ d''cfJ~::?'{(-:a¿~ if r.J D) -, . aryl L Shth;m ~ /{!ite> fÆ)~ ~~< /-~ Jane E. SheM(l Star!': of MonTan.a ) )5S. ) 3() County of HL-~' ~< 1'11" foregoing Î.ustrumcnt w.as ;¡çknowk<Jged bdore me by Da,ryl L. ShchslJ and Jane E, Sh~ball this /0 't'¿i day of >L r '"-"-L"'-L-L'.-'L-....I , 2005. ",\'1"Hu ",.,"', t' ,Y'l,llifl'.~S my hand and offîcia! seal. I,"" \j\;'\~ \" .F c", ,'~ "~ ' "..." .'...... L-, ,-." .... .. "'," " <:' . ,. ,. " /1" ~ }, '''\'~.. ~," " (),-\'/\I~,~ _; ".~o~.·() ~ () ,.' "',.- \., '..-ð, :: 410 . ~ ~ C' E·· ¿~l ~ .. ~ ...., '1 ~ . ~ (.p ". "l>J :..£ )L\11SJtJ1J.~xpm;5; '~... vr'\, "'''''0:- ",~..~.... ~#',t1/~..... "'e.ø'"i"I:'."''''~'.:''' 'C .¥",~~.: ()F ~f.r- ß¡}d!.j~'4~(~?J' ~t~~~/ c:JO[1/ ) / /J I' I. _. ¥~ ..:.=:<d:- 1.:- '.)' è'0' d è0'36 ¿¿S ¿iZlf: 0:) 311 I 1 lS31'IHlrJO:::, ('·n0182 \_' ,.) ¿è: 60 S00è-80-(¡lJH