HomeMy WebLinkAbout875842 D I S T~R [B U TIO N That WE, the und~sign~;.~AM~ ~T~<~ BANg~- (~t~antoff.)~ .f~ ag~.a~v~ua~ ............ consideration, tho r~ceipt of whch is hereby acBtoWledged, do hereby gr~t, convey and wa~ant unto Lower Valley Ener~, a Cooperative Corporation, of~°n and Jackson, Wyoming and to its successors and assigns, ("Gr~tee~"), a perpetual easement and right of way for the construction and continued mintem~ re,ir, alt:~ation aM rep~em~ of~ e[ec~ ~ffibution circuits,. ~es ~d equipment of the ~antee to be constm~ and maintain~ under, upon ~d across the premses of Grantor in L~.COLN County, 'State of WYOM~G along.afi~~d.a~f~la~s,.to-wit: BErG a pa~ o~ the ~en~s Mountaln Estates, Parc,I No. 1, S,ction 12, T35N, RI 19W, 6"~ P.M., in Lincoln Count, Wyoming, more particularly d,scribed as follows: BEGINN~G West 15 feet from the Southeast Comer of the SWl/4 8E1/4 of said Section 12. Thence Nomh 550 fe~t to a point. Thence N 440 W, 111 feet to a ~ran~former location. Toge'thor with all neoess~ ~d: reasonable rights of ingress ~d ,gross ~d to excavate and refill ditches and trench for th~ locafibn and r,pair of said hdlitie~ and to out, trim, or remove trees, shmbbe~, under~o~h or other obstructions interfering with-.~he-repair-~d-mainten~ee-cf.}ho.-. hcilities. The Grantor ac~owledges that Electric and magnetic Fields (E~) ~e na~r~y occu~g in the distribution of electricity, ~nd the &antee has h~re notified ~ntor that E~ testing and i~omation is a,~'~labla upon roqu,st bom th~ Or~. TI~ u~ig~d-ag~es'~at all-wires'and' prope~y of the (kantee, removable at the option of the ~anteo. W, hereby release ~d waive all rights under ~d by ~Rue ofthe:'Hom~stead Exemption Laws 0f the s~d State. ~SS the hand of the ~an~or, t~s 29th day of June 2001. ~ ~-~atnck O'Bam~on" s:r.^TF. OF ) , COUNTY OF ) The foregoing in~trumeii~ was a':knowledged-boibre' me.by-James-Patrick'O'-Bannon .................... Witness my hand and offidal .. ' ;,,. ..... Oqota~y Public)