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OUALITY BUILDEPS 2< R. F.:\ : ~;C:7-:::?7--33CI)
Oc t __ ' ::1':, 13 : (¡¿j
Quütcla'lm Deed
KNOW-Î2L MEN BY THESE PFESENTS, That Joseph S. I I/¡ acre , of the
County of,} é(G{/..,{j'-; __, S':ate of Kentucky, has remised, released,
conI/eyed and q~itclaimed and by thesl~ pmsents does for his heirs, executors
and ad mi1 istrators , remis, release! and fomver quitclaim unto Tri:z.tan Fluharty
and Lisa Helser, whose address is 1131-A 9th West Avenue, Kemmerer, WY
83101, all such right, title, interest, pro~erty, possession, claim and demand, as
he may hÆlve or ought to have, in and to the following described prernises to-wit:
A parcel of land situated within Lot 13, Block 10 of the Lincoln Heights 4th
Subdhlisic'n to the Town of Kemmerer. Lincoln County, Wyorning and being more
particulðrli described as fallows:
Commencing at the Northeast cOlller of Sélid Lot 8 and running '¡hence South
70,EI6 feet along the east line of Sí:tid Lot 8 to the point of beginning;
thence W~8t 130.00 feet to a point on the West line of said Lot 8;
thence Scuth 79,39 feet along the West line of said Lot 8 to the Southwest corner
of 8¡iid Lot 8;
thence East 130.00 feet along the South line of said Lot 8 to tile Southeast
corner of !)aid Lot 8;
thence North 79.36 feet along the E!ast line of said Lot 8 to the point of beginning
He"eby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the
homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming.
. In 'Nitness whereof. he has hereunto set his signature this S 1J day of
RECEIVED 11/18/2005 at 8:41 AM
RECEIVING # 913817
BOOK: 605 PAGE: 218
Sta:te of, ~(.ý. .\r
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County 01 ð'l,Ù t~ )
The f?ragoing instrument VIIie!S acknowledged before me',3 nO~~Q: pUblic in
and l~r said County and State. by Joseph S. Moore. this 6 7!.v day of
Jl.JZ:!J.~, 2005. \
Witnèss my hand and officiéll seal.
''/: ;!, /Î . j. .;! . ..Lß---'
My Commission Exp~es: ¿;¡(~ ¡ .7,~:), OJ)!J-