HomeMy WebLinkAbout913830 Name: Address: Sean P. Thompson and Diana Preston 6954 Bittercreek Road Afton, WY 83110 .:--, lìO·....'6~ '.' '-.) _:.. 0 RECEIVE o 11/18/? RECEIVING # ...005 at 11:45 AM BOOK: 605 913830 LINCOLN Co~EANNE ~;~~E~65 NTY CLERK , KEMMERER , \iVy File No.: 50922 (04) 'VHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: WARRANTY DEED (Individual Fonn) Sean P. Thompson, an unmarried man and Diana Preston, aka Diana Thompson, an unmarried woman, GRANTOR(S) of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming CONVEY(S) AND W ARRANT(S) to Sean P. Thompson, an unmanied man, GRANTEE(S), whose address is 6954 Bittercreek Rd., Afton, WY 83110, for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State, to-wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. . Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. A }, J / ------/ -~i~;¿~:;;q_~ " ( ..I' STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this / [) day of November, 2005, by Diana Preston aka Diana Thompson the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. j;;cvtft If ttl ~ Notary Pub , . ' My commiss on expires q --- (~ ~ ò b ">; ~-::::;. ~-::'~'''''-'::' . ~-'" ~., '><' '-'~",~"'" ".- ~~ ">".. ~ ": "'~""'~':'-"~ . ,<.,.' ~ SA L L y.L" ¡;¡;;:¡{í :¡ì'J . -"::-," t'ì;;¡~;'ÿ' 'p'l;¡;í¡ :~-] "?~lli':,, County uf ':(-i'"Li'l St~te of I' ~""""!C"WJ"< ..Inculn ..,V-,;(7,:"" (it WYOf{lincl ';h'~'i?'!: ~ !:1L~~~?~_~l~~_~.,~~C:~:'~~i~~'~ê___~~.? :E~~;~~ì~.:~~,. _:!,~~r~~~. ...-......--.......~'""- ........-._~ -~--........,..,.....--"."------~~~,~~.~,--~-- STATE OF'VYOMING COUNTY OF TETON The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ( 0 't~,day of November, 2005, by Sean P. Thompson the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WITNESS MY I-lAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. t:;;:--~.u~ ótary Public: My commission expires (D (~ r þO D Î I ,..~--..,~~_.-/~~~~~.~~~~.~;.~~.~;:~.,e::~~^-"J">~·~I' ~ ,¡'At...,~, 1. ~ÌI tu~. - ¡'"v .¡U, i ¡ ,\..:::,,-;v, " (' 6=~ C"i" '~J ...J ;) Co', ",.,,! of '.;",,0,. 0.-"..<> v '¡ ,--'~... ,I.. (>..), "". ,1 , ." ~._. ';--, ~ L'~'.L,~ln ~0J' V. J,-,'¡"...J " ~ My Co:(·n;ìi:s\ürt b~)'¡6S ..1l2{S('2tXXìJ ~-v~~~--..;.,~~...;/~--.;..r--".........-~ File Number: 50922 Land Till.:: Company Warranty Deed - (Individual) Page I SEP-I FROIH,nd Titl~ r.ompaJl~ 307-733-6186 T-504' 00 -352 œ"Ji.;:¡ lj"1~~~ t ~~ r~Y~~i~~~ .:~ / ;;;::Tt~~ ~:: ~~~~n t~ ' m~;~N ~0~;~~~ í yL~~~I. :~~~J 02 6 G a part of that tract of record ~n the Ortlce of the C1erk ~1 Lincoln County in Bóok 391 of :?hotostatic Records on I'age c: ~ , as follows: COIVIMENCING at the the DorthHest corner of t.he ¡-JEl/4 of Section 3; thence SOO"40'OO"W, 836.44 feet to a bathey at the north,,!e corner of that tract of record in said Office in Book 277 photostatic Records on page 241; thence SOO"39'OO"W, the base bearing for this survey ê;nd description, 302.14 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence N88°00'17"E, 196.99 feet, along an existing fence l'[[e, to a bat.hey at a fence corner on the east line of said tra t; thence SOl" 04' 3 8"W, 256.52 feet I along said east line to 118 southeast bathey of said tract; thence S89°25'39I1W, 201.73 feet' along the south line of tract to the southwest bathey thereof; sênd line of sail line, tJ thæ thence N03C>Ol'59"E, l63.94 feet alr:mg the west tract, to a bathey; thence NOoo39'OOIlB, 87.92 feet along said west POINT OF BEGINNING.